Roulette World

1856th the greatest progress

The breaking point is indeed placed on Husky and Yang Tuo.

But after the fight, the competitive spirit in the King of Genting's heart was completely activated.

There are too few people who can make him act without scruples, there is no way, the lives Ye Zhongming has encountered have been extreme, at least up to now.

He didn't need to use all his strength to kill most of the lives, and for the remaining small part, he was no match for him using his full strength.

The latter are mostly native fighters of the myriad races in the universe.

Today, Ye Zhongming finally met someone who was evenly matched.

No, to be precise, he wants to be at a disadvantage, which is not a big disadvantage, so Ye Zhongming thought he could give it a try.

With such an idea, Ye Zhongming didn't have any burden. Anyway, if he didn't win, it wouldn't affect his previous plan. If he could win, wouldn't it be better!

So he took advantage of the last bit of time when the bloodline lasted and became ruthless.

It is said that fighting, especially at the edge of life and death or at the edge of extremes, is the best way to unleash a person's potential and improve his strength. Ye Zhongming deeply believes it.

At this stage of coming to the sky, whether it is the garbage test after suddenly losing equipment, or the novice battlefield in less than two cycles, it is a challenge that is almost full for Ye Zhongming. It is the end of defeat, and the Hawkins couple brought the hatred on the earth here, and they chased him after a series of pursuits, which made the string of challenge to the tightest level. Ye Zhongming couldn't bear it a little bit. It's over.

Now that he persisted and made progress, Ye Zhongming wanted to see how much he had improved.

The black shadow appearing above his head now is his biggest improvement.

An improved... no, an evolved version of the Double Poison Shadow.

In fact, this ability has little to do with the Double Poison Shadow now, thanks to Ye Zhongming's abundant spiritual power, especially after absorbing the energy of the Nether Star Domain people, he has made great progress.

At that time, the huge black shadow that suddenly burst out became the vehicle for Ye Zhongming to escape and even counterattack.

And now this is the improved form that Ye Zhongming has been trying to figure out for a while.

After the black shadow appeared, it fell down immediately, covering Ye Zhongming in it.

Because they didn't know what it was, and because the big black shadow had left a deep impression on the Hawkins and his wife last time, they started to retreat cautiously.

In fact, the black shadow that appeared this time is not as huge and terrifying as last time. This is more like a shadow that has enlarged Ye Zhongming several times. Left and right, a giant with a width and thickness of more than ten meters.

It's true that it's tall and big, but it's definitely not as exaggerated as big.

Ye Zhongming was in it, completely invisible from the outside, which gave people a great pressure.

Then, I saw the black shadow giant suddenly open his mouth.

This movement is not so obvious, after all, the people below have to raise their heads to see, and although the black shadow is huge, the head is the smallest, and although the facial features are the same as Ye Zhongming's, how much can you open your mouth in the dark Eye-catching?

Everyone didn't realize it until their mouths were half open.

Before they could do anything, a roar roared out from the black shadow's mouth!

All of a sudden, not to mention Hawkins, even Jiekui and others had to change their expressions drastically, resisting dizziness and retreating away from the center of the sound source, otherwise they were really afraid that this roar would continue, and they would blow their brains. Burst.

This is a mental shock, the most direct and brutal indiscriminate mental shock.

As for Ye Zhongming, as long as they get along better, her mental strength is very good in both quantity and quality, and the distance is relatively far away, which makes her feel better. The others, Husky and Yang Tuo, are in good condition. He retreated far away, Jiekui staggered a bit, and then retreated. When walking, he hugged Shi Kangbu, who was in the worst condition and had low mental strength, and was directly stunned by Ye Zhongming.

As far as Hawkins is concerned, the tile belt is not bad, but the nose is bleeding, and the Acridine card is not good enough.

Standing there, dizzy and dizzy, he lost consciousness in an instant, and was dragged by the tile belt to run backwards.

The situation of Ames and Hawkins is not very good, because they are the target and the closest. Although they did not lose consciousness, they felt unable to move their bodies, and lost their sense of sight and smell at this moment.

After the black shadow roared, he raised his right hand high and slammed it down towards Hawkins.

With a bang, Hawkins was smashed into the sand.

Then the black shadow raised a kick and kicked Ames, who had just regained his eyesight, flying away.

Roaring, punching and kicking, the continuous running movement knocked the Hawkins couple unconscious and kicked them away.

In fact, Sombra's movements are a bit slow, just because under the mental shock, the Hawkins couple have no time to react at all.

Ames bumped into a distant rock and stopped, and the gravel flew around, breaking some trees more than ten meters away. After she fell, she struggled and got up on her knees, shaking Shaking his dizzy head, he spat out a mouthful of blood towards the ground.

She has never suffered such an injury since fusing her abilities with her battle armor.

That kick was really too powerful.

Yes, there are no other attached attributes, just pure strength.

When she vomited blood, she took the opportunity to glance at her battle armor. There was a big dent in the part where she was kicked, and there was even a small crack in the center.

In her opinion, this is almost unimaginable. Although this set of armor has self-healing functions, she has tested it before. Even if Hawkins activates the bloodline and uses his skills to strike with all his strength, it can only leave a little trace. Of course, she herself will be affected to a certain extent.

Could it be that this black shadow can beat his husband's pinnacle blow with a random kick?

She raised her head and looked in disbelief at the terrifying black shadow Ye Zhongming made.

But it’s okay not to look at it, this look happened to see it throwing a fist.

"Do not!"

Ames screamed, some deformed wings suddenly slapped the ground and then flapped up, the whole person rushed towards the shadow like crazy, the mechanical spear in his hand became thicker and thicker, some faint mist began to appear on it, As Ames became faster and faster, the fog became more and more, and finally almost enveloped Ames in it.

At the same time, the fist swung by the black shadow landed in the big pit he just smashed out, where Hawkins stood up unsteadily.

He is much worse than Ames.

Ames' kick was just incidental to Sombra, and the previous punch was a full blow.

It can be imagined that Ames' kick had already made her vomit blood, and how Hawkins was hit by a punch!

He was able to stand up, which proved his strength, but his beautiful golden armor was already full of cracks, and blood was all over his face.

Hawkins raised his head, looked at the fist that was slowly smashing in Jiuxing's eyes, and smiled wryly. Too many bones in his body were broken, and it was impossible to escape, so there was only...

He roared loudly, his right fist summoned up the strength from the deepest part of his body, and greeted him towards the sky!

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