Roulette World

1863rd Great Country Plan

The goal of the plan is nothing, it's a bit 'rough', it's nothing more than wanting to survive, wanting to do what the universe and all races have failed to do over the years.

Countless people may have thought about this for countless years.

But still no one has done it.

They are not surprised that Ye Zhongming thinks so. At the same time, deep down in their hearts, they also think so, but after being pointed out, it becomes clearer.

What you know is what you know, what you think is what you think, but how to do it, what to do? None of this is clear.

"First of all, and most importantly, it is natural to strengthen ourselves. Only when we are so strong that we cannot be ignored among all races in the universe, will people listen to our opinions, will people take our words as meaningful, and will We no longer have people say to us, 'Newbie, are you angry? There are worse.'”

The others wanted to laugh when they heard this, knowing that Ye Zhongming was talking about Zizikaba.

"Of course someone has done this before." Ye Zhongming looked at He, who was hesitant to speak, and knew that these commissioned warriors knew a lot about the affairs of the universe. If they were only strong, they might still not be able to control their destiny.

"What we want to do is to be truly strong, strong in every aspect."

Ye Zhongming picked up a branch and drew several areas on the ground.

"There are many people in the universe, and there are many strong people, but what is the proportion of strong people in each race?" He paused, and did not let others answer, and said to himself: "Maybe stronger The ethnicity is only about 30%, and half of them are the second-strongest level, and the rest are lower-level personnel. And in some weaker races, the strong are only 10-20%.

"How can such a structure deal with the massive parasites under each slave?" Ye Zhongming sneered.

The others are not fools, so they naturally know what this means.

To put it bluntly, right!

Individual rights! Family rights! Racial Rights! Union rights!

There are benefits!

Personal interest! For the benefit of the family! The benefit of the race! Alliance Benefits!

Even though these races were forced by the slaves to be homeless and could only live on the seven man-made fortresses, they still did not give up on these.

In their view, especially for those big clans, maintaining their own rule is the most important thing. After all, the universe is huge, and even if those slave clans eat one by one, they don't know how long it will take. Maintaining the status quo is also a good thing.

There is even a point of view among the myriad races in the universe, which is to send detectors to the depths of the universe that no one has ever set foot in, to find suitable habitats, and to rest on them for a period of time until the slaves come to the door and rise again. The recovered power fights against them, and if it succeeds, everything will be fine, and it doesn’t matter if it fails, it can continue to wander in the universe with more population and more survivor fortresses.

Maybe if you find a habitable planet, you will get rid of your dependence on Moon Year Gold, or worse, you can send people to continue hunting [] parasites to get what you need.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was a mysterious object like a roulette pressing on the heads of all races in the universe, or they would have already done so.

But Ye Zhongming can't accept this approach, because his home planet has been surrounded by slaves and is constantly being absorbed by energy. It won't be long before it will become a death star!

There is his home.

This plan was originally not a plan for me to win, but a plan for the big earth!

How could Ye Zhongming and Ji Ruiguang, who are calling the wind and rain in the country, tolerate other people riding on their necks? Whether it is the myriad races in the universe or the slave races, even the super technological forces behind the roulette, in the eyes of the two, they are objects to be conquered, not objects to enslave themselves!

The people of the country may be like this, they may have failed, they may have fallen behind, they may have been insulted or even killed, but they will never bow their knees. No matter how strong the oppression is, how fierce the resistance is. This is the civilization of the country that has never been interrupted for thousands of years most important reason.

Strength of character, many people in our country are lacking,

At the knees, many in my country were weak, and they groveled.

But there are more people, they will straighten their backs and stand!

Undoubtedly, both Ji Ruiguang and Ye Zhongming are such people.

To the outside world, they will declare that this is a plan of 'I want to win, I want to survive', but in each other's hearts, it is called the Great Country Plan!

Yep, not even Project Earth.

Before the apocalypse, the country was holding back its energy to catch up with the most powerful country. Seeing that victory was imminent, it came to an abrupt end because of a disaster. Now, Ye Zhongming and Ji Ruiguang are going to take a different path. The difference is that They not only want to stand on top of the earth, but also want to stand on top of the universe.

"My goal is to make everyone strong and strong, and use our quality and quantity to fight against the slaves."

According to the legend, as long as all the parasites are killed, the slave will die due to lack of nutrients.

No one knows if it's true or not, since it's never been done.

But this is also hope, isn't it?

"I think it's doable."

Jiekui, as Ye Zhongming's loyal younger brother, was the first to stand up and express his support.

As Weipei fighters, it seems to be a glorious scene, and resources are tilted towards them, but they are at a loss. Is what awaits them in the future similar to the novice battlefield, which constantly requires desperate actions and tasks?

To carry out the plan with Ye Zhongming, it is natural to have to work hard, but since it is all hard work, it is better to work hard for yourself than for others, right?

At least these two small cycles proved that following Ye Zhongming, there was no meat to eat but also soup to drink, it was still thick soup with bones! But what if we go back? It's just a knife that can be discarded at any time in the hands of those high above.

He was the second to agree. After she opened her heart, she would not refuse any proposal that could make her and her race live better than they are now.

After other people showed hesitation and doubts, they expressed their worries one after another. Ye Zhongming also answered one by one. Everyone gradually accepted that only the halo warrior of the Cijin clan thought about it, looked at Ye Zhongming very seriously and said: "Captain, I'm sorry, I may not be with you, because my race has its own way, and I can't betray. Instead of having disputes between us in the future, it's better to give up now. Of course, during the novice battlefield, As long as you still allow me to be in the team, then I will fight for you wholeheartedly."

Ye Zhongming nodded to express his understanding. It was beyond his expectation that there was only one person like this. This shows that the strategies and practices of the universe and the myriad races over the years have made many people dissatisfied, at least, they also disagree.

"Well, since we want to win and live, some people will definitely not be able to live."

Ye Zhongming clicked on the map he bought, and the location was the area next to them.

"There is a team here with at least 30 members and a total of more than 40,000 points. Our first goal is to... kill them!"

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