Roulette World

One thousand eight hundred and seventy-six: Heaven (below)

The light curtains on the largest spacecraft outside the Novice Star all displayed the same picture. It was a small conference room with several avatars sitting in it.

"Is the news accurate?"

A man asked in a muffled voice.

As the leaders of the Sioux tribe, they are very backward in space monitoring, and their expertise lies in construction and defensive formations.

"Can we still lie to you?"

A woman is a little impatient and authentic.

Logically speaking, this should be a meeting of the highest level of all races in the universe, and such a tone should not be used when talking to each other.

But there is no way. The two alliances of Lena Star and Hall Star are too strong, and they are used to being strong at ordinary times. This is a reaction of each other's strength.

If it weren't for the fact that the slave race broke out twice in succession, a large-scale reproduction, and a nutritional tide, which made the universe very unstable, they would not have held this meeting.

"It's time to plan ahead."

The leader of the Sioux clan didn't seem to care about the attitude of this important person on Lena Star, and just nodded.

On one side, a burly red-bearded 'dwarf' looked at the leader of the [81中文网]Sio tribe with disdain. He looked down on this person from the bottom of his heart.

The representatives of the two major alliances participating in this meeting are not the supreme rulers of Lena and Hall. It is the supreme leader who will.

Even if there is a big gap in strength between each other, this situation is considered very disrespectful, and he will not be as good-tempered as the Sioux.

The one sitting in front of them is not Queen Lena Star, so what if I refute her?

"What about the distance?"

The Sioux asked again.

"If the direction does not change, then the closest point will be reached in six cosmic days." said the high-level Hall star who has not spoken.

"Six days..."

Everyone is thinking about this time.

"It's time to make a decision." The woman from Star Lena clapped her hands, she was still not quite used to the tone of this consultation.

When did the Lena star make a decision to discuss it with others? Even if it was Hall star people, they just ignored them.

But it’s different now. A few days ago, all the races in the universe forced their palace against them, which made their supreme ruler realize that it’s okay to treat these races like boiled frogs in warm water before, but if they change too fast, they will suffer the worst. Fierce resistance.

This time is obviously not the time to suppress or clean up.

"The situation has been explained to everyone before. A slave tribe is moving towards Novice Star. For the time being, we don't know whether it is just passing by, but we dare not bet on it."

When the woman said this, her attitude was completely peaceful.

Yes, no one dares to gamble.

Up to now, even with the help of the roulette, the myriad races in the universe have never personally killed any slave race. All they can do is wander around in the universe like bereaved dogs.

As for the slaves, you can neither win the battle nor leave, because a lot of equipment and even the energy of the survivors' fortress come from the slaves.

Now there is a slave race coming. Although Novice Star has been 'ravaged' by the slave race, due to the investment of all races in the universe, there are still many beings on it in the last period of the planet's final period, and there are even a huge number of them. of parasites.

If this slave came over to have a snack on a whim, it might be possible.

The life and death of a planet, the myriad races in the universe don't care, but now there are so many parasites on it, that's not a small amount of gold, it's a pity to throw it away like this.

Also, although the novices above cannot be said to be the hope of all races in the universe, at least more than half of the outstanding juniors are above. Once trapped, the loss will be even greater.

"In that case, let's evacuate."

Hall's high-level hands were spread, and he advocated a comprehensive evacuation plan.

Since everyone dare not gamble, then hurry up and stay away from that slave, so as to be absolutely safe.

"But if we just leave like this, this time the novice battlefield will be over, anticlimactic, how will the final score be calculated? Some people will definitely be dissatisfied. Also, if all the first gear is retreated, all the investment on the planet will be abolished. That's a huge loss for us, that's almost enough to build a quarter of a survivor's castle."

The woman shook her head, the loss of a full retreat is too great, they can't afford it.

"Then what should we do?" the Sioux asked. He was used to obeying orders and was not good at thinking proactively.

"Now there is still a little more than a day for the fourth small cycle for novices. Our opinion is to let the fighters who have arrived enter the battlefield in advance, complete this small cycle, and then directly settle the rankings, distribute rewards, and then start the planet. Clean up, as much as you can take before the slaves arrive."

This is indeed the best way to deal with it, and no one can say anything.

But in fact, everyone is very clear in their hearts, who can get the most benefit from such a surprise decision?

Naturally, these super rich clans with the strongest comprehensive strength on Novice Planet.

But everyone acquiesced, because apart from this, there was no better way.

"That's it!"

The woman's light and shadow stood up at this time, intending to end the meeting.

"Wait a moment."

The Talos red dwarf leader who hadn't spoken since the meeting suddenly stopped everyone.

"I have a agent was robbed halfway by other tribes, how should I deal with this?"


He Pain snorted, propped her intact arm on the ground, lowered her head deliberately, and a holy talisman on her back shone brightly, hitting the parasite that was entangled with her feet.

If the body cannot be restored to freedom, He knows that he will not be able to walk out today.

There is only one holy talisman behind her, and it cannot be used easily. Among the Changxu aquarium, this is called the "basic talisman", which means the root of all holy talismans, and is the source of physical strength. The energy inside is the original energy. Cannot be used lightly, otherwise it is very physical.

But at this time, the shares are no longer available.

The attack of the 'Basic Symbol' was really strong, and the parasite got a little closer, and it was killed in one fell swoop.

The body regained its freedom, but he was facing not only parasites, but also enemies. He saw the person who broke one of her arms just now, picked up the short stick again, and obviously wanted to do it again.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came out from each novice's recorder.

"Emergency, the mutual aid mode starts, and the race represented by each surviving novice will send three fighters into the battlefield to help gain points, and the final ranking is the neutralization of the points of the novice and mutual aid fighters. The mutual aid mode lasts for one day. At the end of the fourth small period, at the same time, the novice battlefield will also be closed after this period, please hurry up and get points for all novices."

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