Roulette World

1878 Want to evolve?

Paobai opened his eyes, and the worry in the expressions of the two star-eyed warriors next to him disappeared.

Anyone could see their relief.

They didn't say anything, but they all thought in their hearts that Master Ling's decision this time was too hasty and irresponsible.

Why do you want to lower your own Fu Leila? ! Although they don't know what step Lingchang's current strength has reached, in their opinion, it should exceed 10,000 Fu Leila. After all, when fighting with Cheng Liujin Lingchang, every time he was defeated, and the gold Master Ling's Fu Leila was determined to be more than 11,000 a few universes ago.

Did he do this just to see the number one genius in the clan?

Also, to suppress the strength of one's own body, one needs to take a special medicine. That thing is not a mature thing. Are there any side effects? If so, whether the side effects are large or small are all questions. If this leaves any irreversible damage to Pao Bai and causes his strength to decline, it is simply a crime! He is the star and top figure of the star-eyed clan.

does it worth?

These three words have never disappeared from the hearts of the two silver masked warriors since they knew that Pao Bai was going to come down in this way.

Even because the decision to go to the novice battlefield was temporarily changed, Paobai had to take the medicine on the spot, so it was only now that he woke up from the violent properties of the medicine.

It was obvious that they could not feel the fierce aura of Master Lingda in the past, and the two soldiers were very wronged and heartbroken.

"How long?"

"Almost an hour."

Paobai frowned when he heard the answer.

Immediately after taking the medicine, he suppressed his strength and allowed him to pass the test, but it made him extremely uncomfortable. Let alone fighting, it was difficult to move, and he had to cultivate and recover immediately after he got down. Now he is much better.

But every part of his body was still in pain, but his white face didn't show it. He knew that there would be no further delay, and he had to find Ye Zhongming as soon as possible.

Warriors of all races descended to Novice planet, the original rules have been changed, there are no restrictions between areas, and they can enter and exit freely, so they all start from the Novice camp.

"Where is Ye Zhongming?"

"Still in the 50th arrondissement."

Paobai could have read it by himself. He also had a recorder, but he felt that it was a waste of time. It would be better to ask his men to get it down quickly. They must be paying attention to this information all the time.


Paobai gave an order, and the three rushed out of the camp and entered the teleportation array.

Under the flickering light, Paobai was meditating in his heart.

Hold on, boy!


Ye Zhongming was really insisting.

After reuniting with him, he first killed a novice, and after a hard fight, he killed two Luanxin tribe members.

But just as he expected, someone found him.

He was seriously injured, one arm was broken and he couldn't move, and his body was also hit. Even though she was carrying a lot of wound medicine, she could only maintain it. At least her arm couldn't be healed immediately, because the bones there were already broken.

Ye Zhongming didn't feel too well either. He was also physically injured in order to get rid of the pursuit before, and he got better after taking the medicine, but how could the two Luanxin clansmen be so easy to kill? While gaining their points, they also paid the price of injury.

And the exposed position of the red name made Ye Zhongming's last trace of luck disappear.

Only ten minutes after the warriors from all races in the universe arrived, someone found him.

It was a guy who looked a bit like an orc, with a human body and an animal head, holding an iron rod.

Regardless of his size, he is quite flexible and fast. When he saw Ye Zhongming, he started to attack him frantically.

Ye Zhongming suffered a small loss just by bumping head-on.

The strength of this guy is even higher than him.

Even if Ye Zhongming didn't activate the bloodline, it was scary enough.

Ye Zhongming knew that he couldn't stay in one place for too long, the speed of his reconciliation,

It's not enough to get rid of this half-orc, he can only fight, and he must defeat the opponent in the shortest time, so that he can get out.

The King of Cloud Top is really desperate, to stimulate the blood, and throw out all the things that can be used as long as they are bought from the official store during the rest. The two elemental spirits and the master equipment of the earth are fully activated, Even Qiuqiu, who always likes to be lazy, is overclocked.

The iron rod in the half-orc's hand roared, and several abilities seemed to be used without any consumption. Ye Zhongming felt that there were two kinds of abilities that were most difficult to deal with. One was rapid lashing. Twisted at various angles, a long stick made him play tricks, and within a few seconds the stick seemed to be everywhere, which made Ye Zhongming extremely uncomfortable.

Another ability is that the iron rod will suddenly become longer, and then three spearheads protrude from the rod to make an assault. This is different from other abilities that make weapons produce blade light. This is a special skill that makes weapons grow longer and forked. It can only be said that the material of this weapon must be unusual, otherwise Ye Zhongming really wouldn't believe it. An iron rod can have such a change.

In a short period of time, Ye Zhongming has been hit several times.

Fortunately, his defense ability is strong, although he was uncomfortable, he was not seriously injured.

He also tried to deal with this guy by exchanging injuries for injuries, but he is not a novice after all, but a real warrior. His weapons, abilities, and equipment are not comparable to the previous one. Give up after injury.

There is no way, if it is to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, it is fine. In order to get rid of this guy, Ye Zhongming gritted his teeth and did so.

But after trying it, the result is that killing the enemy one thousand and destroying one thousand two, this is not enough.

For a moment, Ye Zhongming began to despair.

"Dad, I'm sleepy and I can't help it."

A sudden sentence came to Ye Zhongming's mind, which stunned the almost desperate King of Cloud Top for a moment.

He was very familiar with this voice, it was the voice of the earth spirit.

Because it is so special, Ye Zhongming strictly forbids it to show its body after coming to the territory of the universe, and naturally it is not allowed to talk to itself. Get out of your body.

The little guy suddenly said this now, which undoubtedly means that it really can't hold on anymore. As for why it can't hold on, Ye Zhongming knows without guessing, it is about to evolve!

The King of Cloud Top is very helpless. Usually he is looking forward to it, and he hopes that it will evolve quickly so that it can unlock new abilities, but the little guy is too picky. From the beginning, he ate everything, and gradually became extremely picky. All of them are precious things. There were a few times when it seemed to evolve, but the final result was only the growth of existing abilities, or temporarily possessed a certain special ability, and with the consumption of energy, it returned to its original appearance.

Who knew that it was going to evolve at this time.

Once the earth elf fell into a deep sleep, who would play black earth armor on himself? ! Ye Zhongming wanted to cry a little but didn't have tears.

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