Roulette World

One thousand eight hundred and eighty-two all messed up (below)

If it was just like this, Ye Zhongming and He would not fall into despair, the worst would be to continue running away.

But now these three green dots have formed a triangle, enclosing them in the middle.

Obviously, they discovered them, and unconsciously, they had already set up a posture, and the attack was imminent.

He looked at Ye Zhongming with some despair, the meaning was obvious, and he might have to explain it here today.

If there were three novices, the two of them might fight a dozen. No matter what, both of them were the best among novices.

But the green dots represent the official warriors who descended from the sky. Even if they are not as strong as the orcs before, they should be about the same, especially when there are three of them.

Ye Zhongming's head is getting bigger, he just gambled his life and broke out to make himself reconcile with danger, why did he encounter such a desperate situation in a blink of an eye?

"Is there any last words? We should talk to each other, so that if anyone survives, we can take it out."

Ye Zhongming smiled wryly.

"Can you have a little confidence?" He bit his lips together, a little reproachfully.

She really doesn't want to die, she has too many burdens on her body, if she dies, the clan may really face the danger of extermination in a short time in the future, even if many clansmen survive in the end, But there will no longer be the Changxu Aquarium race, only the Changxu Aquarium slaves.

Confidence is something Ye Zhongming never lacks, but it depends on the situation. Even when he is in good condition, he must have no confidence in facing three mature warriors from all races in the universe.

How to do?

This is a problem that two people have to face.

After much deliberation, it seems that there is only one way to fight to the death.

Ye Zhongming had already taken both the wound medicine and the recovery medicine. He could feel his body recovering rapidly, but it would probably take a day to get back to his best condition.

He also took out his inventory to check, hoping to find something that could be used, but unfortunately, nothing seemed to be useful.

The three green dots were getting closer and closer, and they were less than 50 meters away. Even the sound of footsteps became obvious. They seemed to have no intention of hiding themselves at all after completing the double-teaming.

Soon, the three fighters revealed their true colors.

"Gu Ruixing Clan?!"

He's voice trembled a little.

Ye Zhongming was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect to meet these guys.

After the test in Mingshuijie, this race once appeared and recruited him, but was rejected by Ye Zhongming.

At that time, Ye Zhongming didn't want to take refuge in anyone, he just wanted to create a world for himself, not to mention the Gu Ruixing clan who had a very bad attitude towards him and has always been superior, even the Luther people who had a better attitude and gave specific benefits, He also refused.

"It's us."

One of them opened his mouth to speak, his voice was ugly, as if something was rubbing against each other, then he looked at Ye Zhongming and said, "We said we won't let you go, so we definitely won't let you go."

Ye Zhongming smiled coldly, but he knew in his heart that these guys are really narrow-minded, and they came to trouble him when they had the opportunity.

He didn't know the grievances between them, and looked at Ye Zhongming in surprise, wondering how he had offended this very difficult race among the myriad races in the universe.

The number of Gu Ruixing clan is actually not many,

It even looks similar to the Changxu Shui Clan who are on the verge of genocide.

However, the status and current situation of the two clans are very different.

The Changxu Shui Clan is on the verge of extinction, and the Gu Ruixing Clan is one of the great clans, the closest race to the super rich.

This is naturally related to their special circumstances.

To put it bluntly, the myriad races in the universe are a group of refugees in the universe who have lost their homeland and can only linger on the artificial planet.

Without their own roots, the living space forced by slaves is getting smaller and smaller.

But there is one race that is different, that is, the Gu Ruixing clan, they have 'roots'!

They transplanted the root of the original planet, that is, a powerful plant to the survivors' fortress, which they called the holy tree. This mutated tree will bear a kind of fruit. After taking it, it will take root in the living body Germinate and become the pillar of the living body. Since then, it has continuously provided strength and vitality to life, allowing them to obtain a nearly immortal body.

If it is said that the life span of the myriad races in the universe is the longest, then it is undoubtedly the Gu Ruixing clan. Because casualties are inevitable during battles, so everyone does not know whether they can live forever, but the people in their clan have an unreasonably long life span . It is said that their Great Elder has lived for more than five thousand cosmic years.

Naturally, we don’t know if this is true or not, and everyone basically doesn’t believe it. They think there must be intentional exaggeration of the Gu Ruixing Clan, but even if there is no five thousand years, it is estimated that there will be three or four thousand years. It is also a terrifying life span that is unimaginable.

The longer you live, the more things you know, the richer your experience, the more experience you have, the more resources you have, and the strength will naturally be very high.

Even a mediocre person must be a master after thousands of years of accumulation and practice.

Therefore, despite the extremely low fertility and the very small number of people in the Gu Ruixing clan, they still firmly occupy the position of a large clan, and are even steadily moving towards the direction of a super-rich clan. The reason is that they are higher than other races Great personal strength.

Their longest-lived Great Elder is one of the strongest beings recognized by all races in the universe, and the others are all leaders of several major alliances.

Relatively speaking, I know more about it. It is very difficult to know that the sacred tree of the Guruixing family bears fruit. Basically, it takes hundreds of cosmic years to bear fruit once. There are more than ten pieces at a time, and a few pieces at a time. This is also a limitation. One of the reasons why the Gu Ruixing Clan created strong people.

Ye Zhongming took a deep breath, and first said in a low voice: "You choose your own path in the future."

After walking a few steps forward, he planned to experience the power of this powerful race, although... he knew that he would lose.

But at this moment, a burst of footsteps came from the side, quickly approaching here, and there were more than ten lives in the sound.

The three Gu Ruixing clan fighters did not dare to act rashly, after all the situation was unknown.

Soon, the people who made these voices appeared, and they turned out to be several novices.

The leader, whom Ye Zhongming knew, was Ji Ruiguang, the boss of the resistance zone!

"It seems that I am not too late."

At this time, Ji Ruiguang was covered in blood, and the stench had not dissipated. It was obvious that he had just experienced a fierce battle.

"You are..." Ye Zhongming wasn't quite sure what this guy meant.

"Our plan hasn't been completed yet. As a core figure, of course you can't have anything to do. So... I'm here to help you kill these three guys!"

When the three Gu Ruixing warriors heard these words, their expressions all changed.

The expression was complicated, some concerned, some contemptuous, some unbelievable.

That's right, for the novices who haven't entered the novice battlefield, who gave them the confidence to challenge the three of them? Don't you know that there is a big gap between a mature fighter and this group of novices?

The Fu Leila of this group of guys is only in the early one thousand at most, right?

But this group of novices is a lot of people after all, plus Ye Zhongming and He He are exactly fifteen people, and they only have three, they will definitely win if they fight, but damage cannot be avoided, the three Gu Ruixing clan still have some scruples.

"Gu Ruixing Clan." Ji Ruiguang wiped the blood off his face and nodded.

I have to say, perhaps because of his high position since before the end of the world, the boss of the resistance zone has to speak and do things with an aura that attracts people. In this regard, Ye Zhongming is not as good.

King of Genting is more of a kind of peace, a kind of peace that gives people a very quiet even when killing people.

"I heard that there is a seed of a holy tree in your body. As it grows, it will spread to your limbs and bones. They complement your own and provide you with powerful motivation."

While talking, Ji Ruiguang brought people and Ye Zhongming together.

"The miracle is that this kind of thing in your body can not only make you strong, but also make you extremely long-lived."

"Do you know? On my home planet, immortality is something that only immortals have. Asking with a long voice is the ultimate dream of many elderly people in the country."

"So I'm curious, if you take out the sacred tree in your body and put it in the body of other beings, is it okay? If it can be successful, then bring it back to the earth. I think many people are willing to spend all their money to buy it. Bar?"

The last sentence, Ji Ruiguang said to Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming shrugged and agreed.

Although some didn't quite understand what Ji Ruiguang said, but the three Gu Ruixing warriors knew that it was not a good word, and their anger surged up. Their faces began to turn green, and black lines began to cover their entire bodies.

This is a unique sign when their race is about to fight.

"Look, I'm about to hit you while I'm talking, but just in time, I really plan to dig open your bodies to see what the big tree inside looks like."

After finishing speaking, Ji Ruiguang suddenly took a package from a being behind him, and threw it on the ground casually. The package fell apart, revealing the three heads inside.

"Dancing Cal star?"

The characteristics of this kind of life Gu Ruixing clan are too obvious. There are four soft red tentacles on their faces at the temples and behind the ears, which are usually strangled under the eyes and nose, as if dividing the face. of.

The three heads represent that Ji Ruiguang and others killed these mature fighters who fell from the sky before.

The momentum of the Gu Ruixing clan, who were about to do something, immediately weakened a little.

Although the Wuwukar star people are not considered a big family, they have always been in the mid-range position. Even if the fighters they send are not as strong as them, the difference will not be too much.

Now, three fighters similar to them have been killed, which at least shows one thing, that is, the opponent has the ability to kill them all.

Of course, success or failure is another matter.

Just the mere possibility of this is enough to make them think carefully.

Whether to fight or not is now a problem.

But a sudden cold light made a decision for the Gu Ruixing clan.

Ji Ruiguang's left hand is the source of this cold light.

What he said before was not a bluff, nor was it an aggressive attempt to scare away the opponent.

He really wants to fight.

The warrior of the Gu Ruixing tribe in the front yelled, his pupils turned green, and a green branch suddenly flew out from the ground under his feet, knocking the cold light away with a snap.

Ji Ruiguang's shot was a signal, and the dozen or so people who came with him were divided into three parts at once, and attacked the three Gu Ruixing clans.

Among them, there are only three people in each direction on the two sides, but there are seven people together at the front where the person who keeps talking is!

Obviously, Ji Ruiguang adopted the tactic of defeating them one by one, and wanted to kill these Gu Ruixing clan one by one.


Ye Zhongming said something, and He nodded immediately. She took a few steps past Ye Zhongming and stood behind the seven-member team led by Ji Ruiguang, with a faint halo in her hand, obviously ready to release the water chain at any time.

Since Ji Ruiguang decided to fight, Ye Zhongming, who was rescued by him, naturally couldn't watch. He couldn't do it himself for the time being, at least he could ask He to help.

After taking a look at the battlefield, the King of Cloud Top sat down on the ground, closed his eyes slightly, and started to recuperate.

The leading warriors of the Gu Ruixing clan kept cursing in their mouths, coping with the attacks from all directions.

There are more than a dozen branches densely covered around his body, and they are constantly whipping around him. At the same time, one of his hands has turned into a long wooden thorn, and the other has turned into a soft branch. Constantly attack the opponent.

The energy of about 2,000 Fu Leila naturally has an advantage against a novice fighter, but it is a bit stretched when facing seven. In just a dozen seconds of the battle, this Gu Ruixing clan had two more wounds on his body.

Of course, he also wounded two rookies, who were more seriously injured.

A few small fruits flew out of Ji Ruiguang's space, and exploded popping on the ground, creating a pink mist. The members of Gu Ruixing's tribe didn't know each other at first, but immediately backed away screaming.

He found that the branches that he relied on showed some signs of shrinking and withering after encountering the pink mist.

He remembered a poisonous gas that was used by many races against the Gu Ruixing clan a long time ago, before the slave race became a confidant, and when all races in the universe were fighting for power - dream mist.

It's just that this method didn't work well later, and gradually no one used it.

Unexpectedly, this person actually has such a thing!

The reason why no one used it was because the dream mist had no effect on the slightly stronger Gu Ruixing clansmen, and they were only the lowest-level clansmen in the clan, so they were naturally a little afraid.

This seemed to be a signal that the attack by Ji Ruiguang and others became even crazier.

He started to release the water chain, because she found that these people were really desperate, and they were desperate as soon as they came up. It was a posture to kill their opponents. He also understood. After all, with the strength of these people, basically five Talent can barely deal with a Gu Ruixing clansman, but now there are only three people on both sides. They are defending with their lives, and the people on this side will naturally use their lives to attack.

After the battle started for about twenty seconds, the first drastic change occurred. A novice on the left side was impaled on the shoulder by a branch and was dragged towards the enemy...

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