Roulette World

One thousand eight hundred and ninety-one 1 pot of porridge (on)

The heat of the bonfire made people feel comfortable, and some people even put their hands directly into it. This temperature can't cause any harm to top evolutionists.

Ye Zhongming, Paobai, Ji Ruiguang, and others sat together, talking in a low voice while eating.

The battle... was not fought.

It wasn't that the red dwarves of Talos were really afraid of the white robe, but that at that moment, everyone's recorder showed a large number of green dots appearing around.

Needless to say, Ye Zhongming and the others, even the red dwarves of Talos are also afraid.

The former is afraid that they will kill the top-ranked novices, while the latter is afraid of robbing them as fat sheep in the novice battlefield with no rules.

Don't think that Tarot Master Red Dwarves are good at making equipment, so no one dares to mess with them. In the novice battlefield, life and death depend on each other's destiny.

So everyone ran away without delay.

"How long will this thing last?"

Paobai was very interested in the almost transparent mask that surrounded them, and this was the first time he took the initiative to talk to Ji Ruiguang.

"There are still twenty-two minutes." Ji Ruiguang felt much better physically, and basically had nothing to do. He couldn't help admiring the medicine made by Changxu Aquarium. It was really easy to use.

This is a piece of equipment that Ji Ruiguang seized from a mature soldier he had killed before. It is a one-off piece of equipment that can temporarily block all signal sources for forty minutes.

This gave Ye Zhongming and others more than half an hour of rest time.

They can use this time to recover their combat strength, adjust their status, and discuss countermeasures.

"What are you going to do next?"

Now the novices and the fighters of all races of the universe who have come down have the same recorder, and the things they see under the same system are the same.

Ye Zhongming is still ranked first among novices, and his points have even far surpassed the second place. This is because killing a mature fighter who falls from the sky will get a reward of 2,000 points. This is only the base point. After the fighters have obtained points, these points will also be distributed to the killers in proportion.

It is very difficult to get a huge amount of points. These fighters are all three together, very difficult to kill. After they come down, their roles are hunters, not prey. Ye Zhongming, who did the opposite, naturally gained a lot.

Hehe and Ji Ruiguang are also ranked very well, and they also killed people.

In the comprehensive ranking, that is, the race ranking, the star-eyed tribe is also number one now.

Because Paobai now has 6000 points!

This means that he killed three fighters.

This guy, even if he suppresses his own strength, is equally powerful and terrifying.

Killed three by one person. Although he said it lightly, anyone could hear the danger.

As for the other two star-eyed fighters, one's name has faded and was apparently killed, and the other is in a state of disconnection with zero points...

Facing the question of Pao Bai, Ye Zhongming really didn't know how to answer.

He felt in his heart that it didn't really matter whether he answered this question or not, because when the signal-blocking thing disappeared after 20 minutes, someone would come to his door. All he had to do was fight, whether he wanted to or not. .

"The battle must be fought, I mean, have you figured out how to fight it?"

Ye Zhongming hesitated for a moment and said, "Run and fight."

His red name status will reveal his position, but in the same way, these fighters are just as bright, and they even show their real-time positions, unlike the red name novice, who only refreshes once an hour.

The only thing Ye Zhongming is afraid of now are those soldiers who come down from the sky to trouble him. In the case of unequal location information, perhaps it is the best way to move and shoot.

After all, with the help of Pao Bai, Hehe Ji Ruiguang and other outstanding novice assistants, they are really not particularly afraid of a three-person team that is not too strong.

In the mind of the king of Yunding, his group of novices probably have no problem dealing with two fighters.

Pao Bai... It should be okay to deal with two. Since the whole team has the strength to deal with four fighters together, as long as it is not too bad luck, it should be able to keep going until the end of the entire novice battlefield.

But this idea was directly rejected by Pao Bai.

"There are too many people who want to kill us. Once we are entangled, there is a high probability that we will never be able to leave again."

"That is also a matter of no choice. We can only attack by force and move quickly."

Ye Zhongming didn't think there was any other better way.

Paobai was not hungry, he simply drank some water, stared at the flames in a daze, and said after two minutes: "Perhaps, we can make a big one."

Ji Ruiguang's liver hurts while listening.

He felt that in some way, Ye Zhongming and this Paobai were very similar, they were both kind of crazy people, Ye Zhongming finally calmed down today, but this one seemed to be seeking wealth in danger.

Sure enough, after hearing Paobai's thoughts, Ji Ruiguang didn't want to say anything anymore.

Commander Baiyin's proposal is a game of attacking the hills in terms of the earth.

Just find a place to stay, tell everyone that we are there, and wait for them to arrive. At first glance, this is simply a courting act, but Paobai's words weakened Ye Zhongming's attitude .

He said that we not only have enemies, but also friends.

Although, there are more enemies.

Enemies will come, and so will friends.

Paobai pointed to the humanity of Ji Ruiguang's team: "They, most of them are Weipei fighters, and their people will definitely come to them, they are natural allies, and this woman from the Changxu Shui tribe, her people will definitely come Come, and as far as I know, the three people they sent are not bad, right women."

Faced with this unkind question, He was not dissatisfied at all, but nodded: "Yes, we Changxu Shui people are few, and there are only three people who can be free and come down here."

"Three people, plus her, the four people's water chains are all used on me, then I...hehe."

Paobai didn't finish his sentence, but everyone understood the meaning, it was probably the kind of 'I want to hit five'.

"Also, the complexity of the relationship between the myriad races in the universe is unimaginable. Some people who have no entanglements with us will also stand by us for various reasons, so this is the best way."

Paobai said firmly.

Ye Zhongming met Hehe and Ji Ruiguang's eyes. Although he still had scruples, he began to feel that there seemed to be nothing wrong with a game.

"Of course, it would be too rough to just do this. Before we occupy the hill, we need to find a few more helpers to lay a solid foundation."

Lingchang Baiyin's voice was slow.

"A lunatic has friends too."

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