Roulette World

1895th crushing attack

"Captain, what should we do about this matter?"

Husky fully recognized Ye Zhongming as his captain, the left, right and front had already started fighting, and the two fighters behind seemed to be playing tricks on them, only approaching slowly, but not rushing to attack.

Ye Zhongming didn't speak immediately, but was thinking about something.

The situation is indeed very unfavorable.

If everyone fights hard, Ye Zhongming will not feel that he must lose, at least he can fight.

But judging from the actions of the Luthors, they didn't have any determination to fight to the end. Once the situation is not good, they are very likely to break through and go, or even fight back.

Ye Zhongming has never been stingy about speculating with the worst thoughts about the group of people in the universe.

As for the Apocalypse star who took the initiative to confront the Xiejia star, they probably didn't have time, otherwise they would have chosen to deal with two people.

Although there are two people behind, they are too far away, and they have to pass a group of novices.

But the situation has not reached the point of collapse, Ye Zhongming must come up with a way to break the situation.

If you have been trapped in this place for a long time, more and more people will arrive. At that time, you can't help yourself if you want to die or live.

"Hesky, Commander Ji, you take your own people and drag the two star fighters separately. It's best if you can kill them. It doesn't matter if you can't. Together, you follow me."

Everyone didn't understand what Ye Zhongming was going to do, but no one asked. This is not the time to explain.

The novices separated suddenly, and then rushed towards the Shuo people behind.

In terms of the level of fighting, they are definitely not as mature as other fighters, but they can't hold back a large number of people. Such a move, the momentum is huge, and it attracts a little attention from other battles to this side.

But soon no one cared, two fighters plus five novices were enough to deal with these people.

Ye Zhongming took He and followed behind the team.

Ji Ruiguang ran ahead, looked back at the King of Cloud Top, and sighed inwardly.

If he was on Earth, Ye Zhongming would never be ignored by anyone, not to mention hiding among these few people, even if he was hiding among the army.

These people will pay the price immediately.

When the two sides fought, blood spurted out immediately.

Pao Bai was in a hurry, even if the goal of the novices was to hold back the target, but if there was a real fight, they would definitely hit it if they had the chance.

These are people who have participated in the big plan and bet their lives on tomorrow's glory. Those who dare not bet are no longer here.

Each of the two master star fighters has to face nearly ten opponents. How can they be completely flawless? These novices will naturally not let them go, and the two fighters will also use their strength to crush these people and seize the opportunity. Will also pursue the kill.

In this tragic fight between the two sides, Ye Zhongming quietly passed through from the middle of the two battle groups, leading him. Not far in front of him were five novice fighters from the Master Star.

"When I launch an attack, add a water chain to me." Ye Zhongming said, and continued to move at a not-so-fast speed, even half-tilting his body towards the direction of the battle group, as if he was looking for an opportunity to attack both sides. A mature fighter, but also guarding against novices.

At a certain moment, Ye Zhongming suddenly changed direction, his body suddenly disappeared, and suddenly appeared again, very close to the five novices who were rushing to help.

The combined water chain accurately landed on Ye Zhongming's body.

Several black shadows appeared next to these star fighters, sending out an attack to them, and at the same time, the gravity under their feet also changed.

These novices were caught off guard, some were stabbed by the shadow, and some escaped. In the next second, all the black shadows exploded, and the mental shock was activated.

It's not that Ye Zhongming doesn't want to have a strong mental shock, but the scope of the impact will also increase, affecting other aspects of the battlefield, especially the newbies on the side. Most people's mental power is unlikely to be higher than that of mature fighters. Under such circumstances, that would be a disservice, so he could only deliberately narrow the scope.

But that's enough,

The King of Clouds' weapon took advantage of this moment to cut the throat of the nearest novice, and then crashed into another person's arms without stopping. Because of the short height, his weapon crazily landed on the opponent's abdomen With a thrust, after breaking through the defense, he cut left and right, splitting the opponent's body in two.

At this time, the other three people had already reacted, and one of them roared, and the weapon landed on Ye Zhongming's back with a bang.

Ye Zhongming felt his throat heat up and his vision blurred, but he took advantage of the situation to push away his dying opponent, and using this force, he leaned his body and punched a star warrior next to him who had already stabbed his waist with a weapon.

The power of the mountain crown, which had been brewing for a long time, concentrated on this punch, which hit the side of the opponent's neck. There was a crisp clicking sound immediately.

Ye Zhongming was stabbed and rolled on the ground, retracting his legs and staggering force, rolling one after another, several waves of energy poured out following him, making one hole after another on the ground.

When Ye Zhongming stood up again, the remaining two novices had already come to him with red eyes.

Ye Zhongming smiled at the two of them. In their astonished eyes, the ball that had been waiting for a long time had already roared towards them. It did not choose to hit any of them, but passed over their heads, and the filaments wrapped around their necks.

The inertia made the bodies of the two fighters temporarily unbalanced, and Ye Zhongming's weapon pierced into their bodies at this moment.

After all, the two novices are fighters of a super-rich clan. At the moment when their lives were at stake, they knew that they could not stop the opponent's attack, so they could only fight back desperately, hoping that the opponent would give up because of fear.

But Ye Zhongming didn't hesitate and let the opponent's attack hit him.

The two sides separated and all lay down on the ground.

The two small battle groups next to it also separated.

Everyone wants to know what happened.

He quickly came to Ye Zhongming's side, stuffed a pill into his mouth, which was as white as paper, then took off his equipment, and sprinkled the medicine on the wound.

Ye Zhongming was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the other side of him, all five people fell to the ground, three of them were completely motionless, and the other two were also sluggish on the ground, exhaling more and taking in less.

Both sides were a little stunned.

Ji Ruiguang and others knew that Ye Zhongming was powerful. After all, he had killed two mature fighters, but they also knew that it was the result of Ye Zhongming's explosion, and his ability was in a rather long cooldown.

Judging by this standard, it is not a problem for Ye Zhongming to defeat the five novices.

But the problem is, now he killed five people in one breath, all at the same level!

Well, maybe it's not surprising that the King of Cloud Top did it, long did he use it? fifteen seconds? or ten seconds?

This is incredible!

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