Roulette World

1897th heavy casualties

It's so fucking unreliable!

With Ji Ruiguang's identity and status, he couldn't help but curse out.

If it was true that the army was defeated like a mountain, you ran away if you ran away, but now there is no defeat at all, but two of them were killed, and the remaining one ran away regardless of everything, this is too true right?

All of a sudden, the resulting situation changed to Paobai one against two, Luthor three against two, and the novices had to face three mature and powerful evil-armored warriors.

This group of beings with solid defensive carapaces have already walked towards these novices ferociously.

The attraction to them was so strong that the three fighters sent from above were all men with brilliant records.

Not to mention opponents at the same level, even if they are at a higher level, it is not impossible for them to fight. It is certain that the soldiers of Apocalypse are not strong enough, and it is undeniable that they fled the battle, but there is also a gap in combat power. It is difficult to understand if they are not in the position of Apocalypse.

The remaining person ran away, in fact, it meant that he was a little scared of being beaten.

However, no matter what, there is a situation that must be faced, that is, without Ye Zhongming for the time being, the novices will have to face the morale and powerful Evil Armor Starman.

Husky and Ji Ruiguang looked at each other, and they both understood each other's choice.

The fight started with very little dialogue or probing, and went right into the heat of the moment.

Just now, it was the rookies who desperately wanted to kill the two Shuo Xing people, but now, it was the group of Xiejia Xing people who were desperately trying to kill the rookies.

They knew very well that if they wanted to get a deal, they had to kill the guys in front of them who were in the way.

Novices suffer, only they know.

Just now, in order to make the situation better, and to make the situation as clear as possible in a short period of time, while desperately trying their best, they also used most of their unique skills, and even consumed almost all the equipment at the bottom of the box.

Now they are facing more and more powerful fighters. Even though they still have an advantage in numbers, the situation has directly fallen into a bad situation.

In the fifth second of the battle, a novice was seriously injured and was saved by his companions desperately protecting him from being killed.

In the twelfth second, a novice died in battle.

In the 20th second, Jiekui's sneak attack failed and was seriously injured.

In the 31st second, Husky was slightly injured.

Thirty-fifth second, the second novice died.

In the forty-seventh second, two novices left the field with serious injuries one after another.

At the first minute and three seconds, the third novice died!

In just over a minute, three novices died, four were seriously injured, and four or five were slightly injured! And what the Xiejia Star people paid was only a mature soldier who was slightly injured, a novice who died, and the rest of the novices who were slightly injured!

The strengths of the two sides changed drastically within a minute, one ebb and flow, and it was already foreseeable that the novices would soon be defeated.

"Hold on, our only hope is to wait for Ye Zhongming to recover his fighting power."

Ji Ruiguang didn't panic, he said something calmly, and replaced Hesky, facing the most powerful evil-armor star warrior head-on.

The rest of the people also understood that it would be good if Paobai didn't get out of the battle right now, and there must be no chance to come and help here. As for the Luthors... Hehe, if they don't just run away, it's considered Husky's eloquence, which makes them feel lucky and want to see how the future will develop. It is impossible to make them work hard.

Novices can only solve this problem by themselves.

The dead will definitely happen, everyone is just betting that less than twenty people will not die before Ye Zhongming recovers.

But...why do you still feel hopeless?

Under desperation, the potential for life to explode is the most. These novices, perhaps they should be called very good novices have exploded.

The first one to break out was the Husky.

In the previous battles, he was already in a little bit of a state of explosion, basically showing 120% of his strength. Without him, the battle would not be so smooth.

The attack that almost hit the opponent's shoulder blade decisively was sent by Husky, and after that, the two fighters completely collapsed.

His sudden burst of seeds actually kept the entire novice group free of casualties for a full thirty seconds.

The second explosive seed is Ji Ruiguang, this boss is really powerful, his explosive seed is not as obvious as Husky, but he is like a smoothing agent, constantly maintaining the fighting style of each companion, making up for them The flaws allow them to exert their own strength as much as possible.

lubricating oil! This is the most accurate evaluation that Husky and Ji Ruiguang can give after a short period of cooperation.

Fighting side by side with this old guy is really comfortable.

After that, some of these novices broke out one after another, even if it was only for a few seconds, or just used an appropriate skill, it was of great help to the battle situation.

Three minutes into the battle, apart from a few more people being slightly injured, no one was seriously injured or even died. On the contrary, another novice was killed and a mature soldier was injured on the side of the evil armor star.

It's just that, for things like the explosion of seeds, if they can't win during the outbreak, or at least gain a decisive advantage, then the development of things after the explosion will still return to the previous track.

This is the case with the novices, their potential has been stimulated and their strength has increased, but they still have no way to kill even a mature fighter of the evil armor star, the opponent's defense is too good.

From the 3rd minute and 15 seconds into the battle, the novices suffered casualties again. Husky, who had always played the best, was targeted by others, and finally found a chance for him to be temporarily exhausted and was seriously injured.

Then, ten seconds later, the fourth novice was killed, and five seconds later, the fifth novice died. By the fourth minute, six novice had died and seven were seriously injured. Five or six people were killed. If Hehe Qiuqiu hadn't rushed over to help, the casualties would have increased, and even completely lost control.

But the situation is still getting extremely bad. Ji Ruiguang took the lead in persevering, and his body has been injured more and more. According to this situation, if he persists for another half a minute, he will perform supernormally.

Ji Ruiguang, who was so determined, began to feel hopeless.

He really wanted to look back to see how Ye Zhongming was doing, but he didn't have this chance, and he knew it in his heart, so what if he saw it? I thought I could buy at least ten minutes for others, so that it would be possible to recover, but now? Up to five minutes!

Who is injured and can fully recover in five minutes? Even if it is a nine-star evolutionary.

Just when the leader of the resistance zone felt that his life was getting darker and darker, a person suddenly appeared from behind him, pushing Ji Ruiguang out of the main battle position.

At the same time, he also heard a sentence that made him soft to the ground.

"Next, let me do it."

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