Roulette World

1901 Robe white! Robe white! (Down)

Pao Bai was hit again, and there was no good place on his chest. As for the armor he was wearing, it had been shattered in the previous battle.

Don't think that if he persisted for so long, he is really better than the 'future' of these two big clans, it was bought at various costs.

There was still a cruel smile on the corner of Peicun's mouth, and the form of the beast spirit changed again, the sharp claws disappeared, replaced by a translucent energetic maw.

His body was arched, his hands were raised obliquely upwards, and he used this mimicry to control the mouth to bite towards the white robe.

This one is enough to make this disgusting guy go to hell. Pei Cun even felt that it would be best if the opponent didn't die so cleanly, so he told the opponent seriously how big the gap between them was.

Xu Ying bit down with his huge mouth, but the kind of flesh and blood that made the blood boil did not appear.

The fight came to a brief standstill at this moment.

Jing Wunan originally retreated because his friend used the ability of the beast spirit. In his cognition, this battle is over.

At the same level, he didn't think that a warrior from a small clan could withstand the attack of the beast spirit, even if this person was the famous Paobai.

The only ones who can catch this trick are those talents who are also from the big clan.

But... what did I see? Jing Wunan was surprised at first, and then something strange appeared in his eyes.

Is it true that for those small clans that are on the verge of extinction, there will always be amazing and brilliant characters appearing in times of crisis?

Paobai, under his surprised gaze, resisted the beast spirit's bite!

Only one of Paobai's hands can be seen bent behind, raised as if to salute the young pioneers, but it is almost parallel to the head, and the head is also on the side, the height is exactly the same as the arm.

The feet are spread apart, the knees are bent, and the whole person looks a little awkward because of this movement.

However, no matter how awkward he was, he withstood the blow.

Soon, Jing Wunan, who has a very high talent for fighting, understood the role of this posture.

The arms and head acted as the upper fulcrum against the upper jaw of the beast spirit, and the separated feet were against the lower jaw. As for the bowed body and bent knees, it was caused by the enormous force that it had just endured. Jing Wunan heard some crisp sounds, which should be the sound of bones cracking or even disconnecting.

In other words, even though Paobai was not killed, he paid a huge price.

However, although Jing Wunan couldn't figure out why this person could block the attack of the beast spirit, he also knew that since Paobai could do this, why didn't he just use his hands and feet? The effect will definitely be better that way, why risk the neck being crushed? At least, it can also make the bones less cracked or broken.

But... why?

When Jing Wunan asked why for the second time in his heart, suddenly a flash of lightning flashed across his mind, and he understood what this lunatic from the star-eyed tribe was going to do.

"Peicun, little..."

Before he finished speaking, his friend flew backwards, and the powerful beast spirit form disappeared immediately.

The person who caused all this turned his head covered in blood, looked at Jing Wunan and said, "It's your turn."


Ye Zhongming recovered a bit, and came to Paobai's side, digging his body before realizing that this is not the earth, and naturally there is no smoke.

When he was on the earth, the King of Cloud Top would occasionally smoke one, which would naturally have no effect on his health. The amount of poison was probably wiped out as soon as it entered the body. What’s more, Ye Zhongming regarded it as a A means of relaxation or communication.

When smoking, there are basically people who have a good relationship with him or who have made outstanding contributions to Genting.

Smoking cigarettes with Ye Zhongming is something worth bragging about more than having a piece of equipment made by Ye Zhongming himself.

"It's so miserable."

Paobai is not as cold as Ye Zhongming imagined. After getting in touch with him, you will find that he is actually a very easy-going person.

It's just that once it enters the combat state, it enters the' madman mode'.

For example, in the previous battle, Ye Zhongming saw it with his own eyes. When this guy faced the phantom power of a beast around his body, he didn't care whether he could hold it or not. The first thing he thought of was to fight back.

Use the neck and head plus one hand and two feet for support, and the other hand is still reserved for attacking.

Ye Zhongming recalled the scene just now several times. If it were him, would he do that? The answer seems to be no.

The King of Cloud Top felt that normal people wouldn't do that. Until now, he was sure that he would choose to do this at a moment of life and death. Apart from Pao Bai, Xia Bai was probably the only one.

These two white... are branches.

But Pao Bai succeeded, his adventure paid off, the beast spirit did not 'bite' him to death, but he fought with all his strength, but directly left a big hole in the opponent who was in the middle of the attack.

As for the other Jing Wunan, he didn't know whether he was frightened or he was eager to save his good friend. Anyway, he snatched Peicun's body and fled quickly with the two soldiers who were dealt with by the Luthors.

Under the leadership of Ye Zhongming and Pao Bai, under the leadership of Ye Zhongming and Pao Bai, and with the extraordinary performance of all the novices, this almost mortal battle was miraculously won!

Ye Zhongming knew what Paobai was referring to. There were more than 20 people on his side before, but now, more than half of them are gone.

"The opponent is even worse!"

Husky was lying on one side. Even if he took the medicine provided by He, his injury would not recover so quickly. Even if he even moved now, he felt like he was going to die. But talking about this matter, he was still very excited.

Yes, they did lose a lot of their companions, but their record was really tough. They killed five mature fighters in total, and there were almost ten novices, plus one Peicun whose life or death was uncertain.

Awesome don't don't want it.

Pao Bai and Ye Zhongming both laughed.

After this battle, Husky Ji Ruiguang and others barely entered Paobai's eyes, and their attitude towards them was no longer so cold.

"Our surroundings are in a mess. Although this is beneficial to us, we don't know when someone will rush in. We have to leave quickly."

Paobai pointed to the recorder. He guessed some of the reasons for the chaos, but he didn't want to go into it. They had bad luck when they met Peicun and others. Now, luck is quite good, and the chaos outside , created a short opportunity for them to rest and recuperate, the time is actually not long, and it may end at any time, so Pao Bai made a suggestion.

Ye Zhongming smiled and said, "Let's wait here and see if luck is on our side this time."

Paobai looked at Ye Zhongming in confusion, waiting for him to give himself an explanation.

"The people of the He family are coming." Ye Zhongming pointed to the woman of the Changxu Shui tribe.

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