Roulette World

1904th unexpected helper


Ji Ruiguang handed over a bright red fruit. Ye Zhongming recognized it. It is a very common fruit among all races in the universe.

Although the myriad races in the universe are miserable now, they who should have occupied countless life stars can only live on the seven survivor fortresses.

But the seven survivor fortresses are all very large, with many cities on them, and naturally there are places for agricultural production, otherwise, what would so many people eat.

Ye Zhongming knotted it, put it in his mouth and chewed slowly, feeling a little bit of energy oozing from the sweet and sour.

"Guess how many people gathered around, there are more than three hundred green dots anyway."

With this amount, even Ji Rui is well-informed and has excellent psychological quality, but he still sees sweat behind his back, and he doesn't have any confidence at all.

The more than three hundred green dots represent more than three hundred mature fighters. With his own strength, it would be difficult for him to deal with a mature fighter. He was said to be more than three hundred.

Even with the current Pao Bai Jiesu and others, there is an energy array, but it is impossible to deal with so many people, right?

So what was the result? Ji Ruiguang didn't even dare to think about it.

Ye Zhongming understood what Ji Ruiguang meant, the green dots only represent mature fighters, and behind these fighters, there may be novices who are several times their size.

With such a quantity, even if it is a pile of people, it can kill them.

"We have no other way to go."

Ye Zhongming said that he was also very helpless, but the matter had reached this point, the only thing he could do was to persevere.

someone is coming.

Those who had been observing the situation suddenly found that a green dot in one direction suddenly accelerated towards this side, and everyone stood up, even the little heroine Yiserwei of Musk Star.

But soon, everyone discovered that it was the star-eyed warrior covered in blood who came over.

Pao Bai was stopped before and asked the other two people to come to find Ye Zhongming, but they were also attacked, one died and the other disappeared. Even Pao Bai thought that there was no hope of seeing him before the end of the novice battlefield. Unexpectedly This clansman unexpectedly found him, he did not know how to break through the siege, and rushed to join everyone.

This is not even more surprising. What both Ye Zhongming and Ji Ruiguang couldn't believe was that there were actually two people behind this soldier. Ji Ruiguang knew one of them, and Ye Zhongming... knew both.

The two of them knew each other, it was Mu Hanyi!

Yao Shijun's boss rushed over and put himself in a dead end, what's going on? He has a good relationship with Ji Ruiguang, but it's just make do. He has a grudge with Ye Zhongming, so why would he take the initiative? !

"Is it strange?" Mu Hanyi was let in by Jie Su after the star-eyed warrior proved that he was fine, and then asked Ye Zhongming and Ji Ruiguang.

"It's strange." Ji Ruiguang answered bluntly.

Ye Zhongming didn't speak, but he also felt strange in his heart.

There is no reason for this person to come here. Could it be that he is a masochist? Do you have to torture him thousands of times?

"This guy, although he doesn't deal with me, is still number one in the country anyway, and now he is also number one in the novice battlefield. This is not only his personal honor, but also in the country. I can't watch him arrive. I was hit by a plane when I was about to kick the door! Chinese people can't lose the chain like that!"

This stalk, probably only people in the country can understand.

Ye Zhongming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Mu Hanyi didn't even look at himself when he spoke, but he was talking about himself.

Although Yunding Mountain Villa and Yao Shijun are definitely enemies, and there are many direct conflicts between them, and the scale is not small, but Mu Hanyi's current behavior makes Ye Zhongming appreciate this person very much.

No matter how serious the contradictions are within the country, but externally, they can be temporarily abandoned.

If it was just like this, Ye Zhongming would not feel anything. The concept of family and country exists in the hearts of the vast majority of Chinese people. At critical moments, this kind of deep-seated stuff will definitely burst out.

But now Ye Zhongming and others are facing a dead end,

Those who come here generously knowing that they must die are not ordinary people.

No matter what happened before, at least now, Ye Zhongming should be grateful to this person. After all, once he survives this level, he will be the one who benefits the most.

"I don't want to die with someone who looks unhappy, so..." Mu Hanyi looked at Ye Zhongming this time, "You'd better live."

Ye Zhongming laughed and said, "You will live too."

"That's best."

The conversation between the King of Cloud Top and Mu Hanyi came to an end for the time being, and he looked at another person, a person he could never have imagined.

"Little devil, why are you here?"

Ye Zhongming touched his chin and asked.

The other side was silent for a while, and then said: "Don't call me a brat, although I'm not in good spirits, I still have dignity."

The King of Cloud Top smiled and waved his hands, "Okay, I apologize, but you still haven't answered my question, why did you come to this dead end? Mechanical ghost!"

On the opposite side, it turned out to be the mechanical ghost who once competed with Ye Zhongming for the crown of the mountain!

"No reason." The mechanical ghost said, he is actually more interested in the energy array he is in, but he also knows that he must give an answer at this time, even if it sounds unreliable.

"Actually... I think you might die."

In a word, Ye Zhongming didn't understand, thinking that all mental illnesses are like this?

The mechanical ghost just started, as if it didn't have any scruples.

"Because there are too many people surrounding you, even if there are so many people helping you, there is a high probability that you will die."

The mechanical ghost sat in a small machine, and the voice became thinner and thinner, until only Ye Zhongming could hear it.

"This is my judgment, so I thought, I should come to you. In the end, even if you die, I may survive, because their goal is you instead of me. At worst, I will run fast a little."

Ye Zhongming's brows gradually frowned, and he couldn't understand what this person wanted to say anymore. If he said such nonsense again, the king of Yunding was considering whether to beat him up first.

"Actually, what I mean is, look, if you die, you say, will the mountain crown disappear with you? It is possible, but it is also possible to choose a new master, so that I will be with you By your side, tell me, do I have a chance?"

Ye Zhongming looked at the mechanical ghost very seriously, thinking that this guy is really a talent, he can have such an idea, and even came over to take a bet.

"It's a good idea." Ye Zhongming patted the shoulder of the mechanical ghost's mount, "But let me tell you, you have no chance."

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