Roulette World

1906th day step

"You really like me." Ye Zhongming shook his head and smiled.

Whether it is Paobai or Yiserwei, giving good things to Ye Zhongming undoubtedly places great hopes on him. It is the fighting power displayed by the King of Cloud Top once he breaks out, let them know that Ye Zhongming at that time is the The most powerful fighting force in the team.

Undoubtedly, He also thinks so.

"Do you think it's a favor?"

The smile is very elegant, but it will not give people the indifference of being thousands of miles away. It has to be said that the women of the Changxu Shui tribe are indeed representatives of the universe with extremely outstanding appearance.

This also planted a worrying factor for the fate of their race.

If you are strong, you are a confidante, and if you are weak, you are a confidante.

Ye Zhongming didn't need to answer, he looked at the life that was already ready to move in the distance and said: "Actually, it's nothing, everyone thinks you will be a high-end combat power, if you can perform well, then everyone has a high chance of surviving, it seems Good things are given to you, but they are also self-help, so don’t think too much about them.”

Ye Zhongming shrugged, he naturally knew what He wanted to express, but this was not the reason why he took everything for granted.

Strictly speaking, except for Pao Bai, other people can leave here as long as they express their attitude. For example, Iserway, in fact, no one wants to offend Musk Star. For example, every race will be willing to accept such a talented Changxu Shui tribe, and the status may not be low. Husky Ji Ruiguang and others are all like this, they can not participate in the encirclement and suppression of the star-eyed tribe, let alone the mechanical ghost and Mu Hanyi who seem to be rushing to die.

If he can really survive this time, Ye Zhongming knows that he owes a lot of favors, from the robe white within the clan to everyone outside the clan.

"I will remember."

The king of Genting didn't say too much, and he didn't need to say too much, everything had to survive.

He took out a simple and unsophisticated small bottle, made of metal, with exquisite patterns on it, and I don't know how many years have passed, the body of the bottle has been rubbed so smooth, it is obvious that this thing has been treasured for a long time.

"Remember what I told you that there were two seniors with eleven holy symbols in the clan?"

He looked at the bottle, his eyes full of nostalgia and envy.

Ye Zhongming nodded. He has actually refreshed his cognition a bit. It is hard for him to imagine what a genius more than He is like.

"They have refined medicines of the eleventh rank, which is already the treasure of the clan. Even I don't know much about it, and I am not eligible to get it for the time being, but this one was refined by them. One of the ten rotations, I have one here, it is my best thing."

Ye Zhongming took it, even through the bottle, the King of Cloud Top could feel the majestic energy contained in it.

This is more like a living thing than a drug.

"What is this?" Ye Zhongming asked.

"The medicines refined in our clan all act on living organisms." The merger did not immediately answer Ye Zhongming's question, but fell into some kind of memory.

"But this kind of medicine is very special. It also needs a living body to take it, but the object of action is a special existence in the living body."

Ye Zhongming's heart skipped a beat, special existence?

"I haven't reached the level and realm of the two seniors, so I can't understand their ideas and manufacturing methods. I only know that taking this medicine will raise the level of a certain existence in the living body."

He stood up, and she saw that the enemies around the hillside had already started forming a team, and it was obvious that the attack was about to start.

"I feel this special existence from you. I don't know if it's right, let alone if it will work... I hope it will work."

He started to turn around, everyone's position and what to do in the battle for a while had been arranged by Jie Su, and she wanted to return to the core area of ​​the formation.

"If it's useless, remember to spit it out and return it to me."

In a word, Ye Zhongming was taken aback for a moment,

He looked at the quaint, some-year-old small bottle, and had a bad idea in his heart.

The medicine in it, wouldn’t someone spit it out after taking it without any effect?

"Hehe, you really believe it." Looking back at Ye Zhongming in a daze, he laughed, "This is the medicine. After taking it, how can I spit it out?"

Ye Zhongming felt relieved.

A special existence in the body? I don't know if other people have Ye Zhongming, but he does have them. The Star Spirit, the Earth Spirit, the Sea Crown, and the Mountain Crown are all special existences.

This drug may really be useful to yourself.

"Hey, what's this called?"

Ye Zhongming asked He who had already started to walk away.


There was a loud voice below. After discussing with those people, they finally started to attack the silk sea light array. There were people from every direction, densely packed around the small hill.

On the novice battlefield, many people subconsciously approached here while hunting. Although they would not participate, they still wanted to know the result.

Outer space, even on the far-off Seven Survivor Bastions, is watching the final battle on the novice battlefield.

"Go to the back."

The Star-Eyed Clan warrior who came later came over with Mu Hanyi, and this was their defense zone, while Ye Zhongming was arranged behind by Jie Su, a position similar to that of a free man, and he was asked to find opportunities by himself.

"I may need a little time." Ye Zhongming was not polite, he opened his mouth and swallowed the 'Tianbu', a burning sensation immediately ignited in his body, he knew it would take some time to digest.

The two nodded and turned into a fighting state.

The first batch of novices, led by some mature fighters, has reached the edge of the formation. The battle is on the verge of breaking out.

Ye Zhongming didn't care about this, and went back to the resting place of the wounded and sat on the ground directly. The strength of his body had already stretched his body, and he had to guide it.

The moment he closed his eyes, the fight broke out at the same time.

Many people who saw this scene through various situations, or at the scene or through surveillance, will not forget the sudden burst of blood dance after a long time, which is the color of the disappearance of life.

For too many years, there has not been a large-scale war among all races in the universe, so this scene is still fresh in the memory of many people.

The silk sea light array was directly driven to the maximum power by Jie Su. At this time, there is no need to hide any strength. It is serious to kill as many opponents as possible.

The beams of light at the beginning turned into scattered light blades almost instantly, cutting all life within the range.

With 100% power, at least dozens of novices and two or three mature fighters died with just this one blow.

Originally, these enemies thought it should be a devastating attack, so they instinctively stopped.

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