Roulette World

One thousand nine hundred and thirteen again (below)

Everyone in the Star-Eye Clan's aircraft, which was immersed in great excitement, fell silent.

They really thought they won just like that before, but... After all, there are still too many people, even if they suffered heavy losses, those deadly skills disappeared.

Also, Ye Zhongming's transformation time was too short, which also gave those people a chance to breathe. Otherwise, even if you persist for a few more minutes, all attackers will collapse.

Nearly 90% of the casualties have not yet fled, and only these powerful beings in the universe can do it. But in the same way, if more people die, then even these powerful beings will escape, after all, it is a situation that must die.

It's a pity that these are the only two words in the hearts of every star-eyed tribe member.

It was less than half an hour before the end of the novice battlefield, but they knew that for Ye Zhongming and others, more than 20 minutes was too long.

Feeling from the clouds to the ground, this feeling is too uncomfortable.

Many people clasped their hands tightly, and then loosened them again, feeling that this short novice battlefield period seemed like a dream, a sweet dream, but it is a pity that the dream is about to wake up now.

On the battlefield, many people also think so.

Although the new fighters and novices who appeared on the periphery came for the points of Ye Zhongming and others in the end, their appearance helped the defender in a short time, because they were attacking the lives of Ye Zhongming and others. , I have to be wary of people who come, who knows if people will step on their corpses to snatch points from Ye Zhongming and others.

So even though Ye Zhongming Paobai and others had been squeezed into a small area at the top of the hill and struggled to support them, they were not dispersed for the time being.

However, the situation is still becoming more and more severe.

Three minutes after resuming the fight, a mature soldier of the Sioux tribe was injured and fell to the ground. Although he was trying his best to cover his wound, it was obvious that he would die if he did not receive some effective treatment.

Jie Su's eyes were a bit sad, and the rest of the clan were all using their water chains to ensure everyone's defense, and they didn't have time to heal their own clansmen, otherwise the entire defense line would collapse immediately.

As for the other seriously injured people...

It's not dead, it's just that it's not dead, if you can still move, it's not considered a serious injury, and throwing a stone behind is considered participating in the war.

Maybe this is fate.

Jie Su swung his weapon, and with the help of the clansman next to him, he cut off the head of an opponent on the opposite side.

The newcomers fought with the people who were already here, even if they didn't intend to fight before, but they faced each other on guard, amidst the corpses all over the ground and the strong smell of blood, even a little abnormal movement would cause reflection, conflict is inevitable.

The original attackers hated these newcomers even more. These people came to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

You didn’t take any risks before, but now you see the benefits coming? This is not acceptable.

This caused them to attack these latecomers more ruthlessly than Ye Zhongming Paobai and others! Before, their fights were naturally not fake fights, but they weren't the kind of desperate ones. There were so many people around, and one hit by one person was enough to make the people on the opposite side tired of coping, and flaws would definitely appear after a long time.

If it wasn't for the sudden outbreak of Sihai Light Array and Ye Zhongming, they really didn't need to kill many people to take down the target.

But for those who grab food, it is really desperate.

Before, everyone attacked these people for points and rankings. At the risk of offending such a powerful force as the Sioux Musk star, they endured the baptism of powerful formations and unconventional attacks. What if they met someone who made all the risks they had done before go to waste? This is not desperate, when is it desperate?

And once one party is desperate, and everyone is about the same strength, if they don't work hard, they will really die.

As a result, with the small hill as the core, a large area around it was in chaos.

Even if he didn't want to get points from Ye Zhongming, Jie Su and others, killing one more person would still give him a lot of points, and,

Now it's not long before the end of the entire novice battlefield, and there's nothing else to do, it's better to score points here or pick up corpses.

In addition, although the seven survivor fortresses are all very large, almost equivalent to planets, with many cities and settlements, they cannot support the large number of people in the universe and their small living space. Or the hunting grounds are highly overlapping, everyone has different camps, and there are conflicts of interest, and there is hatred between many races.

The novice battlefield is undoubtedly a place to vent these hatreds.

In the final moments of the novice battlefield, some people are fighting for life, some are fighting for points, some are fighting for loyalty, some are fighting for hatred, some are fighting for the future, some are fighting for ideals...

But no matter what, they are fighting.

On countless light curtains, this shocking scene was performed together

With the small hill as the center, stretching to the surrounding area, there are people fighting fiercely everywhere. The originally relatively calm scoreboard is changing at a dizzying speed, giving people the illusion that the server will go down at any time.

Everyone knows that this situation will continue until the moment when the novice battlefield officially ends.

The situation is indeed favorable to Ye Zhongming Paobai and others, but their situation is not optimistic.

Because everyone's eyes were red, Yiselwei has been targeted desperately. Although she killed the most people except for Paobai, the two guards also left the stage with serious injuries in order to protect her. If it weren't for their strength It is very high, if it is lowered, it is guaranteed by experience, and the equipment is much better than others. If there is a Changxu Aquarium, then it is not a serious injury.

Pao Bai, Yserwei, and Jie Su are basically the only ones who can display good combat effectiveness now.

Ten minutes before the novice battlefield, Pao Bai finally opened his mouth behind Yiserwei and Jie Su, calling Ye Zhongming's name.

This lunatic couldn't hold on anymore.

Ye Zhongming sighed in his heart. Now that things have come to an end, the last hole card will be used after all.

He stood up, and took two steps forward with no regard for safety. Paobai helped him resist the attack. In the Star Eye Clan Commander Baiyin'Are you crazy? ’ During the questioning, Ye Zhongming took out what Paobai and Yiselwei gave him, and drank it in one gulp.

After that, first a circle of black shadows appeared around his body, the next second, another circle, the third second, the third circle...

In ten seconds, with Ye Zhongming at the center, there were ten circles of black shadows. The further outward, the more black shadows were exactly the same as Ye Zhongming. At the tenth circle, there were already more than sixty!

Moreover, this has not stopped, the black shadow continues to expand outward, circle after circle...

Many people saw this scene, and thought of the eruption of the novice first, and a question with an exclamation mark came to their hearts...

Are you finished? again? !

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