Roulette World

1925 Rewards (3)

"The remaining 40% of the proceeds belong to the race that opened the novice hunting ground, that is, to the first place in the total score."

Ye Zhongming looked at Cheng Jinjin and thought that this is not bad. If the Star-Eyed Clan opens this planet hunting ground, besides getting 40% for himself, he can also get a lot from the 20% of the public income. , even if it doesn't add up to 50%, it's 45%, right?

Why do you think that the Commander-in-Chief of Gold still seems to be frowning?

Cheng Liujin knew what Ye Zhongming was thinking when he saw Ye Zhongming's appearance, and sighed, "How can things be so simple."

"First of all, opening this planetary battlefield requires a huge cost. For example, you can't just have a small aircraft and a few people go there? Even if you don't die on it, how much can you kill in a year? Even the super rich will basically Form a fleet, transport a group of powerful fighters and masters there to open up a base, and use this as the center to continuously expand hunting towards the surrounding area.”

Ye Zhongming knew a little bit about the situation of the Star-Eyed Clan before. He knew that the power source of the aircraft and the like was Moon Year Gold. If the Star-Eyed Clan opened a planetary hunting ground, then a large number of fighters must be transported to the planet. It is estimated that the star-eyed tribe can't afford it.

"There is still the problem of rotation?" Ye Zhongming thought of this.

Cheng Liujin nodded appreciatively, and was very satisfied with the divergence and extension of this novice's first thinking problem.

"Yeah, you can't let a wave of fighters stay on it for a whole universe year, right? Whether it's from the perspective of military training, from the psychological aspect of fighters, or from the perspective of fairness within the clan, the battlefield must be rotated, so every transportation The cost is still a huge pressure, and the final income will be settled after the Star Battlefield is closed, so it cannot be supported by war."

Faced with various problems, not to mention Cheng Liujin, who has a deep and clear understanding of the situation in the clan, even Ye Zhongming, who Yiyi didn't know much about, felt the collapse of the Star-Eyed Clan.

"Star Battlefield is open, you can't go there by yourself, right? That would be to use your own strength to challenge a powerful existence on the entire planet. Even the super-big clan would not do this, and would bring other races in the camp together, Let alone us."

"But once other races are allowed in, how will the benefits be distributed? Two-fifths will be given to the public, one-fifth will be used as a reward, and two-fifths will be given to those who started the battlefield. Then what are the other people doing here? Do you work? So, it seems that I can keep 40%, but it is actually impossible to get that much."

Ye Zhongming thought about it for a while, and then he understood.

Opening the Star Battlefield does not stipulate that other races participate in the benefits, but the final income must be distributed uniformly. This has caused either the race that has won the first place in the novice battlefield to do it by itself, or to join other races, and then Give them the benefits.

The choice is actually obvious, and the behavior of eating alone is not feasible among all races in the universe.

However, once other races are allowed to join, they must be distributed according to their contributions. There is no recorder there, and the final distribution cannot be guaranteed to be absolutely fair, only relatively fair. If it is a super-rich clan, then this is no problem. Their prestige and strength are there, and the harvest will definitely take the bulk. Even if there is a slight error in the distribution of the rest, they will not be too big, and they can find opportunities to make up for it in the future.

But the star-eyed race is not good. In the final analysis, they are too weak. Introducing other races basically benefits people. It would be good for them to follow behind and eat some leftovers. The entire army was annihilated, and finally, the battlefield was opened, which cost a huge amount of money. Others took 40% of the benefits, and I could only get a little bit from the 20%. This is inappropriate no matter how you look at it .

But if you don't open it, you won't even get the reward, and other races will put pressure on it.

Now it seems that the only way is to open Star Wars, but if you don’t go,

There is no loss in this way, just wait for the 20% reward for the first place.

After figuring this out, Ye Zhongming was also very helpless. The reward for the first total score was originally very, very good, but in addition to the number of agents and admission tickets, it should have been a big harvest of trade discounts and star battlefields. It seems that I can't even drink the soup, I can only lick the bottom of other people's bowls, this...

No wonder Cheng Liujin didn't show any excitement.

"Are these the only rewards?"

Ye Zhongming felt unwilling for the star-eyed clan.

"There is also a dispensable right to pardon."

The right to pardon? With a thought, Ye Zhongming asked Cheng Liujin to explain in detail. It turns out that there are laws among all races in the universe, and some people who break the rules will be punished. This reward means that the race with the highest total score will be exempted from punishment or suspended from punishment by a certain clansman.

"Is there anyone in the Star-Eyed Clan who needs to be pardoned?"

Ye Zhongming asked, since Cheng Liujin said it was dispensable, it proves that there might not be such a person in the Star-Eyed Clan.

Sure enough, Cheng Liujin's answer confirmed this point, these years the Star-Eyed Clan lived cautiously, no members were imprisoned or exiled.

"Can it be traded to other races?" This is the focus of Ye Zhongming's attention.

Cheng Liujin was taken aback, then nodded with a smile, "It can be operated."

The two people have reached the end of this issue, and they both know how to operate it will be a matter of the future.

"Tell me about personal rewards."

Hearing what Cheng Liujin said, Ye Zhongming cheered up, and said that this is the reward that belongs entirely to him.

"First, monthly gold, 10,000 units."

Simple and straightforward, give the money!

Although I don't know how much 10,000 units of monthly gold is worth, I think it should be quite a lot.

"Let's put it this way, from the Survivor Fortress where the Star-Eyed Race is located, I brought the soldiers here in a medium-sized aircraft, and the round-trip consumption was only a little over three thousand. Of course, this has something to do with the distance."

At this moment, Ye Zhongming knew that this was definitely a huge sum of money.

"Second, a set of equipment from the red dwarves of Talos. Seven pieces are available, all of which are at the Hongning level."

It was another reward that made Ye Zhongming's heart beat.

Inside the Talos Red Dwarf, there is a distinction between equipment. From the lowest level of common level, to the custom-made Kegang level of various ethnic groups, to the high-quality Hongning level, and finally the precious Lenny level and the top level of Liaoshen level.

This set of Hongning-level equipment, according to Ye Zhongming's knowledge, is almost equivalent to the level between gold and purple. Although the level is not high, it has quite a lot of functions. The actual combat power is better than Ye Zhongming's current own. The purple equipment produced is much better.

In addition to its function, as a top craftsman, Ye Zhongming is also very curious about the equipment made by the Talos red dwarves. He hopes to have as many as possible in his hands for research and research, which may be of great help to his technology.

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