Roulette World

2017 Cheating

The map is determined to be the 'Wanzhu Jungle'.

This map is composed of countless thick stone pillars. These stone pillars come in various shapes and strange shapes, and there are many hiding places on them.

Under these large stone pillars, there are countless small paths extending in all directions, and there are many places to hide. In other words, this is a place of assassination and anti-assassination.

This map is actually a classic map for star-eyed race training, and almost everyone is very familiar with it.

The starting points of both sides are opposite each other.

When using this map, in fact, restrictions and various conditions are added at random, but today, because of the requirement of complete annihilation, there is no specified time and so on.

This is actually a map for comparing the abilities of a single player and a team. Compared with the previous two competitions for hard power and on-the-spot command, this is a chaotic map.

Of course, it is also the most suitable map for the star-eyed people.

"The 3,000th team and the 4,000th team are close in strength, and they also encountered the map of Wanzhu Jungle. It is estimated that there will not be many people left on the winning side."

"Yes, this map is a bit accidental, and according to the current rules, it may take a very long time to end. Some people have read it."

"I just don't know what strategy they will adopt, but in the end, the competition should be patience. Whoever is more patient and willing to hide in the hiding place longer will have the advantage in the battle."

"Look, it's started."

The soldiers of the Silver Battalion and the Gold Battalion on one side were discussing, and they all became energetic when they saw the start of the battle.

"Look at the 3,000th team, they don't seem to have any hidden intentions."

When the battle started, the spectators saw a very surprising scene. All the members of the 3,000th team dispersed, and then rushed forward through the path in front of them. At the same time, several people quickly climbed to the top of the stone pillar. While jumping on it, he directed the direction of the comrades below.

The other side was much more cautious. They were divided into five parts and marched steadily forward along the road. They were not in a hurry. After reaching a certain position, people began to hide on the stone pillars.

This is also the sequential approach that most teams will take on this map.

When the 3,000th team member at the top of the stone pillar found the enemy, they immediately began to send out signals. The originally scattered team quickly gathered towards the central part. Some people kept jumping to the top of the stone pillar, while others were still underground and did not enter the stone pillar to hide. .

At a certain point, Jie Kui's team became a team that only occupied three roads. They began to jump on the pillars, but they didn't hide their figures, they just jumped from the pillars behind to the front and kept moving forward.

Seen from above, the 3,000th team at this time formed a rectangular 'Tian' character and advanced sequentially. There were fewer people on both sides of the Tian character, more people in the middle, fewer people in the back, and more people in the front.

At first, everyone didn't understand what this meant, but when they came into close contact with the 4,000th team, everyone was surprised.

I saw the members of the 3,000th team passing through the middle of the formation of the 4,000th team.

The speed is naturally not as fast as before, but it is only a little slower. After that, they did not stop, but continued to move forward until they reached the opponent's starting point before turning their heads and repeating the previous process. The difference was just now Some of the people in charge of the two sides became the people in the middle of the character 'Tian', while those in the middle went to the two sides.

Some people retreated to the back of the Tianzi formation.

The formation was then again passed through the middle of the 4,000th team.

"I understand!"

A silver soldier suddenly yelled, pointed at the light curtain excitedly and said: "Look, the formation formed by the 3,000th team, the people on both sides are actually defending, not seeking to kill the enemy, and really open up the field of killing." It's the fighters who walk in the middle."

"Not only that." A golden masked warrior continued: "Whether it's the fighters on the two sides or the fighters in the middle, they all don't love fighting, they kill as much as they can,

You can't kill them as long as you don't stop them. Moreover, they were only divided into three groups, they had a numerical advantage in some parts, and they continued to use the people on the top of the stone pillars to guide them in the direction of progress, so they went back and forth twice. People, most of them were killed. "

The others were also amazed, and felt that at the beginning of this battle, the 3,000th team obviously did better.

"Actually, I think they are really well-trained. You see, the front and middle of the formation are under a lot of pressure, because they want to attack, but after completing a charge, they will switch positions with their left and right defense partners to let the offensive and defensive The injured person will be placed behind the least pressure and on the top of the stone pillar that is only responsible for guiding the direction, which preserves the strength to the greatest extent and reduces casualties."

There was another person in the corner who could clearly see more clearly than the others, and the people around him saluted one after another. This person was a thousand-man leader of the Golden Camp.

"This mustard, I didn't expect that there are still two tricks in military training." The thousand-man leader of the Golden Camp waved his hand to let everyone be more natural, and praised the mustard.

"However, the 4,000th team should react quickly. Next, it's time to fight hard."

Things were exactly as the Golden Battalion 1,000-man leader expected, and the 4,000-man team immediately took measures. They gathered the soldiers and put on a tit-for-tat stance.

The two sides quickly rushed towards each other, but Jiekui kept releasing the soldiers at the end of the team halfway, and what he saw on the light curtain was his team rushing towards the opponent in an arc, and then gradually close together to form an envelopment.

Just like in the first battle, if the number of the two sides is about the same, it is actually very stupid to encircle one side, and the other side can be easily broken as long as they collectively rush in one direction. But it’s different here. This map makes it possible to practice this kind of tactics. Jiekui’s subordinates took advantage of the mentality of the opponent’s first battle and were eager to win back a city. They encircled them and continuously exerted pressure on them from the outer circle. Opponents are drawn in all directions. If they want to break through, Jiekui's people will let them go, and then follow and chase...

The two sides fought back and forth on this map, which made people dazzled. In the end, both sides had actually lost their organizational system and fell into a situation where they were fighting on their own.

The fight went on for a long time, and when it was over, everyone sighed.

But when the result was announced, it caused an uproar. The silver and gold fighters watching the battle looked at the rostrum together.

At this moment, there was only one thought in their minds.


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