Roulette World

Two thousand twenty-seven for the dead ghost

It's just that several rays of light came out from the side, and the person was hit on the body and was killed on the spot.

"You guys don't take the Changxu Aquarium seriously." A member of the Changxu Aquarium said dissatisfiedly.

Compared with those real masters, even if Fu Leila is the same or even surpassed by a lot, they will not be their opponents, but for these guys who Fu Leila is only a fraction or even a tenth of themselves, they The holy rune attack is not vegetarian.

The Changxu Shui people who were taken as hostages by this person immediately ran to the side, out of danger.

The remaining five people looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to say anything, and continued to move towards the outside step by step.

At this time, they have no other thoughts, just want to get out of here quickly.

Interlacing with Ye Zhongming and others, they didn't dare to expose their backs to Ye Zhongming and the others, so they could only walk backwards holding the hostages.

Ye Zhongming was too weak to stand at this time, and was supported by two Changxu aquariums, looking at them and smiling.

These people's hairs stood on end from being laughed at, and they became more and more cautious.

Unfortunately, this did not save their lives.

Just as they walked to the door, several winds came suddenly. Four of the five of them subconsciously turned their heads to see what happened. Only one of them chose to use his hands hard to strangle the hostage in his hands.

It's just that no matter which one they chose, they didn't succeed, and their lives were almost instantly deprived. The person who wanted to do something wrong was even smashed in the head, turning into a headless corpse.

Outside, the ball that smashed the target's head whimpered, screaming for pain.

Next to Qiuqiu, there are four mountain-like shadows standing at the door.

They are the four masters sent by Yservi to protect the Changxu Shui Clan.

In addition to the other servants and guards who had cleared the small manor, four people were waiting outside, and the eight surviving people happened to fall into their hands.

At this moment, when they looked at Ye Zhongming who was already weak and seemed to die at any time, their eyes had completely changed.

They are in charge of protecting the Changxu Shui people like He and others, so they naturally know what Ye Zhongming has done. This small-scale operation reflects the trustworthiness, ruthlessness, determination and thoroughness of this novice number one.

To push myself to this state, I must also fulfill my promise to the Changxu Aquarium. He even didn't hesitate to make enemies of the Hall Stars, and directly wiped out one of their slave-trading squads.

The four people admired this kind of behavior of offending the most powerful super-rich family just for the sake of promise.

It might be easier to accept if they were the Musk Stars doing this, but in fact they dare not. However, a weak earthling living in a small clan can swing a knife at an existence countless times stronger than him without fear. This kind of courage deserves their respect.

Also, from the pre-planning to the completion of the final attack, this person is single-handedly planning, carefully arranging, bold and careful, whether it is the use of his own abilities in the room, or the attack on them who have made it clear that they will not be hostile to the Hall Stars. Use it just right. Why can they just wait here for these eight-headed people with hostages in their hands? Isn't it arranged by others? They will not be hostile to the Hall Stars, but they have no scruples about killing a few people from Dark Stripe City.

For such a well-thought-out guy who is ruthless to himself and to his enemies, whoever says that he is not a character in the future, it is really a bit against conscience.

In this operation, Ye Zhongming's goal was fully achieved.

Saving people is the most important thing. The population of the Changxu Shui Clan is very small. It is not easy for ten of them to appear here at once. The relationship between Changxu Shui Clan and him is also a bad test.

It was the best way he could think of.

Fortunately, he won, and everything was the best result as expected.

"My lord, let's leave now."

They were originally one of the conditions for the patriarch to let Princess Yiserwei return to the clan and temporarily cut off contact with Paobai.

Now, their mission ended early and they were recalled by the clan.

Even if they were not in the clan, they could still guess why the time would be advanced. The reason must be directly related to the recent marriage of the princess.

Depending on the situation, it seems that the clan is beginning to tend to marry.

Originally, it was really not their turn to intervene in this matter. Although they are also masters, they are only those who pay Leila 60,000 to 70,000. Determined to return to the clan, they must meet the clan leader and tell what happened just now. Also, they will definitely tell the clan leader that Ye Zhongming is a person who should not be underestimated. He is a very, very, very potential person. The future may be very bright.

And Paobai, whom the princess is obsessed with, is this person's good brother, and the star-eyed clan who is despised or even despised by the clan is the mother clan of Ye Zhongming and Paobai...

How to decide in the end is a matter for the higher-ups in the clan, but they must bring the news back.

"During these days, thank you very much, and thank you just now." After Ye Zhongming finished speaking, he handed over a space ring.

"The one in the white box is a gift for you. I hope you don't dislike it. The one in the red box is given to the princess by Pao Bai. Please help me bring it."

Several people thanked them first, and then said: "We can only do our best to give the princess a gift, and we can't give any guarantee..."

Ye Zhongming nodded in understanding, and thanked them again.

A few people did not procrastinate, turned around and left.

Ye Zhongming couldn't hold on any longer, and passed out after saying hurry up and clean up the battlefield.

When he woke up again, he was already in the spaceship, heading towards the Sioux tribe.


Dark Stripe City has never been so panicked and angry.

Batou and many small clans lost many high-ranking heirs overnight, causing chaos in the clan.

Even if these high-ranking heirs are not the direct blood relatives of the patriarch, they are also disciples and son-in-laws. Their sudden death has caused chaos within the race, and there is no peace.

What's more serious is that on the territory of Antiao City, more than a hundred Hall Stars were killed, and ten slaves of the Changxu Shui Clan disappeared. Who is responsible for this?

For the time being, there is no news from Hall Star, but he will definitely not let it go, maybe there will be a catastrophe here.

The Hall Stars don't really take Batou seriously. Once they send someone to investigate this matter, they might take their anger out on them first.

In that case, the eight races would also be stripped of their skins.

After much deliberation, they thought that the only way might be to find the murderer as soon as possible, so as to give the Hall Stars an object to vent their anger on. As for how much the aftermath would affect them, they could only resign themselves to fate.

It's just... who is the murderer? If you can't be sure in a short time, then...who should you choose to take the place of the dead ghost?

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