Roulette World

two thousand zero forty two

Mechanical war beasts are different from real war beasts.

As a real war beast, people have a strong purpose when they choose it, and they choose what type they need to do.

With purpose, the effect can naturally be clearly reflected. Moreover, the growth of a real war beast is predictable, and it is usually expected all the time. After all, war beasts are the same beings as the myriad races in the universe, and they can make continuous progress and even evolve throughout their lives.

In terms of cooperation, if the master and the beast have a good fit, they will also increase in strength as the contract time increases.

If luck is very good, nothing will happen to each other, and it is possible to stay together until old age, then it is a relative rather than a favorite.

Mechanical war beasts are different. They have fixed abilities from the very beginning, and there are few things to choose from, because there are not many such war equipment, and they basically belong to the patent of the red dwarves of Talos. What, there won't be so many types for you to choose from like real war beasts.

At the same time, once manufactured, the combat power of the mechanical war beast is basically determined, and there is not much potential for upgrading. The advantage is that the combat power can be directly improved as soon as it is obtained, which is incomparable to war beasts.

This thing is actually not that important for races that focus on their own combat power, but it is obviously different for the Sioux tribe. After all, once they gain strength, they will immediately get a promotion. Just look at the expressions of these people now.

"Mechanical Beast, Mountain Fury!"

Even if it wasn't the first time I saw it, Kanagu's eyes were still fascinated.

"This is the most beautiful and powerful mechanical beast I have ever seen." Kanagu first gave a definition, and then said: "Shannu is 13 meters long, the highest point is 7 meters, and the width is 3 meters. The main material of the whole body is 'Deer Night Crystal', yes, it is the kind of very rare Deer Night Crystal that is only produced in a small amount in Lu Ye Beast's body. In other words, as long as the main frame of this mechanical beast is not destroyed, there is no need to worry about it being damaged."

The others were amazed.

No wonder this mechanical battle beast looks so crystal clear. It turns out that it is made of active substances. At the same time, we really have to admire the great work of the Talos red dwarves. They are probably the only ones who can collect so many deer night crystals and use them to make mechanical warcraft. Beasts are not the most suitable armor for this kind of material.

"First of all, all mechanical war beasts can be ridden, and the same is true for Mountain Fury. It can accommodate four people inside."

Kanago opened the cockpit of Mountain Fury, and everyone saw that there were seats under the neck, buttocks, and left and right abdomen of this 'monster'.

"But when there are people on board, the mechanical war beast can be manually operated. The two positions at the front and rear control the attack, and the middle position controls the movement. Naturally, if it is operated manually, the coordination will inevitably be unfamiliar. If you want to get good results, you need Lots of practice."

Except for Ye Zhongming, everyone else knows this.

In fact, mechanical beasts are seldom controlled manually, because no matter how well a few people cooperate, they cannot compare with the terminal, and the seats inside are still good for riding.

"Just like most mechanical war beasts, Mountain Fury has weapons all over its body, its teeth, claws, and tail can all be used for attack, and its head has thicker armor, which is suitable for charging and hitting.


While talking, Kanago kept pointing at Shannu.

"In addition, Mountain Fury's attacks are also concentrated on the eyes, mouth, both sides of the abdomen, and the mechanical legs."

Kanagu started from the eyes and said: "The eyes can shoot two condensed rays that last ten seconds. They are absolutely low temperature, full of power, and have a range of 15 meters. They can shoot up to three times in a row. The energy supplement is 'Heartstone'. "

"There are two types of mouth attacks. One ability is called 'Hui Dong', which is affected by the controller. It is a mental impact expansion device that expands the range of the impact while maintaining the strength."

Hearing this, Ye Zhongming raised his eyebrows.

"The second ability is 'Burning Mountain'. Fan-shaped flames are sprayed from the mouth. The temperature is extremely high, and it contains fire poison. The maximum duration is 30 seconds, and the longest radius is 30 meters. The energy supplement is 'Jiaoyan Liquid' '."

"In wartime, four energy guns can be released from the two sides of the abdomen to attack the front and rear directions. The range is two hundred meters, the rate of fire is extremely fast, and it can be fired at full power. It can shoot non-stop for ten minutes. The energy replenishment is 'Moon Year Gold.'. "

"On the mechanical legs, the 'whirlwind blade' can be popped up when needed, protecting the sides of the body while indiscriminately attacking targets within two meters."

"The energy support of the entire Mountain Fury is Moon Year Gold. When fighting at full strength, the consumption is 1,000 units every 20 minutes."

Everyone frowned after hearing this, this thing is a bit expensive. One hour needs to consume three thousand years of gold, not counting the special energy needed for some attacks, such as the heart fire furnace stone smoldering liquid and so on.

This thing is a bit of a big eater.

"No more?" asked the heir of the Sioux clan.

He can't deny that these abilities are very good, but if it's just that, it's still at the Hongning level, right?

"Of course." Kanago smiled: "Mountain Fury, Mountain Fury, this monster can activate the Mountain Fury state when needed."

"The consumption will more than triple, reaching 10,000 months of gold per hour."

Everyone is a little dissatisfied with this behavior of talking about consumption first and then talking about ability.

Kanagu said with a smile: "The state of Mountain Fury will instantly increase the combat power of the mechanical beast, double all attributes, and allow the previous ability to evolve. The time of the condensation ray is doubled, and the range is doubled. Hui The range of influence of the movement becomes a 180-degree attack with no dead angle in the launching direction. The burning mountain becomes a fireball attack, which lasts for one minute, and can continuously protrude a fireball with a diameter of three meters and a maximum attack distance of 100 meters during the period. , when the fireball distance reaches the limit or is breached, it can produce a powerful explosion."

"The energy gun turns into an energy cannon. The rate of fire and range remain the same, but the power is doubled. The whirlwind blade will bring out the blade light, and the attack range has changed from the previous two meters to four meters."

Up to this point, the main functions of this mechanical war beast have been introduced. As for the details, only the owner can slowly discover and practice them.

After hearing this, Ye Zhongming was not without emotion. Talos Red Dwarf's technology is really powerful. Manufacturing mechanical war beasts is different from weapons and equipment. Too much knowledge is involved in it, and the technology is too high-end. Now he Can't make it yet.


The heir in line of the Sioux family can't wait.

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