Roulette World

2045 I still have (Part 1)

"I'm going to see him today, aren't you a little too anxious?" His wife put the prepared meal on the table, and Yao Hansu who was opposite was holding the tableware.

"Will you?" Yao Hansu smiled, and started to eat, "I will see you sooner or later, so I will save my worries earlier."

"If you do this, you will still give everyone a feeling that you care or don't give up, and it will have an impact on your future leadership of the whole clan."

Yao Hansu chewed very slowly, and said in a slow voice: "In the history of the Su clan, although there was no time when the patriarch monopolized power, but when the future of the whole clan is at stake, whether the patriarch can overcome all opinions in time and whether he can take action in time It takes a lot of courage and determination to solve the problem.”

"But is there any crisis related to the future of the Su family?" The wife didn't understand her husband's mind. She felt that it was the appearance of the army that gave him inflated ambitions and stimulated his desire for power. As a wife, she It is the responsibility and necessity to remind him.

Yao Hansu was a little silent, and said after a while, "Don't you think that the stagnation of the Su people is a crisis in itself?"

"The Sioux people are stagnant, while other races are regressing as a whole. Isn't this a different kind of progress?" My wife is not the kind of person who doesn't listen to things outside the window. She is very clear about many things and has her own judgment.

"The overall situation may be regressing, but the strength of the super big clan, even the strength of the big clan is actually improving. My judgment is that the two camps have formed a tacit understanding. They are going to shuffle the cards and wash away those who they think are The cumbersome races and lives are used to obtain more resources and living space. Once they succeed, whether it is to counterattack the slaves, or completely abandon the confrontation with the slaves, and find a new planet to live in, they can choose flexibly. "

What Yao Hansu saw was completely different from what his wife saw.

"Although our Sioux clan is still a super rich clan, the overall ranking has not changed since we fell to the last place. Yes, it seems that we are doing well, and we are the leading race in one of the three camps. You can see See if the gap between the big clans behind us is getting smaller and smaller? Is this just data on the surface, but what about the real situation? We Sioux clan seem to have nothing to hide other than following the formation, even The data is a bit exaggerated, but other races are hiding their clumsiness, the real situation is not certain, it may be worse than all of us imagined!"

Yao Hansu has been the patriarch of the Sioux clan for so many years, and he rarely has disputes with others, let alone express his thoughts so clearly, but today he is facing his wife, and he hopes to get support.

"In addition to ourselves, the races that vassal us are too weak. If there is a war, they can give us very little help. We have to do everything by ourselves, and even divide our strength to provide them with shelter. In the other two camps, there are several big clans below them, and they can all be independent, and the comparison between our strength and others is too great."

"Under such circumstances, as the patriarch of the Sioux clan, I have to do everything possible to solve these problems. Even if I can't completely let the Sioux clan rest in peace, I must at least do something so that even if it is still useless in the end, it will not regret."

The patriarch of the Sioux clan stopped eating. His voice was low and his expression was solemn. It was obvious that these were all on his mind.

The wife lowered her head and didn't speak. She didn't speak until after the meal: "But your idea of ​​cultivating Jiesu and even wanting him to be the successor is still too dangerous, and it will cause division within the Sioux clan."

Yao Hansu waved his hand and said nothing more.


Ye Zhongming sat at the table, staring at a pot of flowers on it.

No matter how extravagantly he told Jie Su, he was not sure that the things he had prepared would impress the Su people. If it didn't work, the things he, Jie Su and others were worried about would really happen after failure.

At that time, he really didn't know what to do.

Thinking about your thoughts,

Ye Zhongming sat there and continued to be lost in thought.

In a room not far from him, Yao Hansu, Jie Su and three others were looking at Ye Zhongming on the light curtain.

"This guy can really sit still. After so long, he hasn't shown any anxiety or dissatisfaction."

One person said so, if Ye Zhongming were here, he would definitely recognize that it was the elder Chengsu who went to the novice battlefield to meet Jiesu and came back.

The people in the room are all members of the patriarch Yao Hansu's family, and they can be said to be the patriarch's confidantes.

Although Ye Zhongming said so many "boasting" things to Elder Cheng Su at that time, it has to be said that Elder Cheng Su still admired him a little. Many young Sioux are much stronger.

"Jie Su said that the No. 1 novice of the Star-Eyed Clan will always bring incredible things to people. I really can't wait to meet him."

The person who spoke was a somewhat elegant middle-aged man, dressed in simple cloth clothes, holding an iron ruler in his hand, his hair and eyebrows were trimmed in an extremely stylish way, and his whole person gave off an extremely clean and refreshing feeling.

His name is Huozhi, and he is the only elder in the entire Sioux clan who is not in the direct lineage, and he is also the only person in the non-lineage line who can learn the ten formations. And because of his excellent talent, he is now one of the strongest among the elders, holding three magic circles, stronger than the previous Sioux patriarch.

If it weren't for the fact that there are still many Sioux people who don't trust him, Huozhi will be even stronger.

Promoting Huozhi to be an elder and giving him the right to learn the top ten formations is one of the few things Yao Hansu has done arbitrarily since he has been the patriarch for so many years. In this case, Huozhi naturally became the hardcore patriarch.

"Breakthrough?" Yao Hansu said with a smile.

"Yeah." Jie Su nodded, and he suddenly thought that Ye Zhongming said that if he wanted to realize his potential and show it to the patriarch, let it be now. Of course, it's not enough.

"An intermediate formation?" Another person asked in surprise.

This is Yaohansu's chief guard, Zhou Su, who is one of the few purely fighting clansmen in the Su clan. Complete trust.

Because the Sui Formation was invented by Yao Hansu, and the time is still short, there is no particularly clear system and grading standard, and the strength can only be measured by the number of controlled magic circles. Before, Jiesu could only use some low-level formations. Or some "false intermediate" formations that are said to be intermediate formations but are actually very low in power.

Even then, the time he was able to use the battle with the array was very short.

Now, Jiesu's Fu Leila has broken through 50,000, and he can really use the ability to follow the formation of the intermediate formation.

Yao Hansu laughed, the haze caused by his wife's words was completely dispelled.

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