Roulette World

2047 I still have (Part 2)

"Two in One Chapter"

Ke Lansu burst out laughing, but he stopped quickly, stood up and apologized to everyone, and even said sorry to Ye Zhongming.

It seemed that his performance was impeccable, even if it was because of his rudeness first, but because of his apology, no one could say anything to blame.

But the disgust in Ye Zhongming's heart rose suddenly.

He knew who this person was. In the information Jie Su gave him, this guy was the most important introduction. He was the number one heir of the Sioux clan, and was recognized by the outside world as the number one genius of the Sioux clan, Ke Lansu.

In the past, the hostility toward this man was purely because he wanted to help Jie Su rise to the top, but now, Ye Zhongming himself hated him too.

"It's nothing if it's intentional. Although it's rude, at least it's true. Now it's just hypocrisy and affectation. Or do you think everyone is a fool so they can't see it?"

The King of Cloud Top is thinking about it now, anyway, you won't take me seriously anyway, so I have nothing to say.

So what if you, Ke Lansu, are the number one heir? If you offend me, I will still hate you.

Of course, in other races, Ye Zhongming would definitely not do this, provoking someone else's number one heir, wouldn't that be courting death?

But it's different in the Sioux. First of all, he is a famous teacher. He came here to study and to complete the first prize for beginners. As long as he doesn't do anything too outrageous, his safety is still guaranteed.

Secondly, if his judgment is correct, the Patriarch of the Sioux Clan is deeply inclined to cooperate with the Star-Eye Clan, and he had to give up only because of the pressure from the other two clans and the elders. He had no intention of pushing Jie Su to the position of patriarch.

Because, after Suizhen was promoted by the high-level Su clan, Yao Hansu was the first to teach Jiesu, and he still taught it in person, he was simply a personal disciple, and in his usual words and deeds, he also revealed his love for Jiesu.

Jie Su was not stupid, he had guesses in his mind as to why the patriarch favored him so much.

Yao Hansu couldn't explain it clearly, and Jie Su couldn't explain it clearly to others, but the latter could explain it clearly to Ye Zhongming. After all, this was one of the goals of their like-minded people, so Ye Zhongming did this. The judgment is not surprising at all.

In this case, in the heart of the Patriarch of the Sioux Clan, this Kelansu must be an annoying person. Hearing someone scolding this annoying person, Yao Hansu will naturally be happy in his heart, and he will not let Ye Zhongming do anything.

In fact, hearing what Ye Zhongming said, the people of Yao Hansu's line were indeed secretly refreshed.

"Some members of the small clan just lack education, but I can teach you." The leader of Ke Lansu's line said sullenly.

"It's only fair for you to say that when I'm as old as you." Ye Zhongming replied without thinking.

"You and I are about the same age, why don't we have a competition?" Ke Lansu's face was red from what he said just now, his eyes were full of anger, and he would naturally not let go of the opportunity presented by Ye Zhongming's words.

"Uncle, how old are you this year?"

Compared to Yaohan Su Huozhi Chengsu and others' city mansion, the chief guard Zhou Su couldn't hold back a smile when he heard this, but he still took a step forward and drew closer to Ye Zhongming. Increase the distance to prevent these people from making sudden moves in a hurry.

Ke Lansu's face was no longer red this time, but purple with anger.

His age is naturally not too old among all the races in the universe, that is, he has just reached adulthood, but for Ye Zhongming, that is naturally too old. In terms of the age difference on earth, it is enough to call Ke Lansu an uncle. But because, after all, he was more than twenty years older.

"You, you..." Ke Lansu was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"All right!"

Yao Hansu suddenly gave a low drink, and then said sternly to Ye Zhongming: "Although you came here to accept my training as the number one novice, if you intend to feel that the Su people are easy to bully because of this, then it's a big deal." Wrong, wrong, when the time comes,

Don't blame me for teaching you. Now, tell me what you mean by what you just said? You said, are you here to help the Sioux? "

Ye Zhongming was already applauding in his heart. Up to now, he was finally completely sure that this patriarch wanted to cooperate with the Star-Eyed Clan, and wanted to push Jiesu to become his successor!

Otherwise, they wouldn't have said these words, which were obviously reprimanding Ye Zhongming but secretly helping him out.

Ye Zhongming didn't give others a chance to interrupt, and extended a finger to everyone in the room.

"I think many of you here haven't figured out the current situation of the Sioux clan, and are still dreaming of being a super wealthy clan, so let me talk about the current universal clan first."


The headman still made a sarcasm.

Normally speaking, Ye Zhongming's actions were a little arrogant. He is just a being who just came over from his home planet, but he wants to tell the history of all races in the universe in front of the Sioux people who have lived for an unknown number of years. It sounds strange to him.

Ye Zhongming ignored him, but continued: "Although there are only four super-rich races in the current universe, in name, there are actually nine super-rich races. Everyone knows this. Just an announcement."

"In addition to the Sioux and Talos red dwarves, there are seven other super-rich families, four from the Lena camp and three from the Hall camp."

"In addition to the super rich clan, there are also big clans. This number is more. There are nearly a thousand big clans in total. Among them, the Hall star camp accounts for 60%, and the Lena star people account for 40%. It evens out the gap between the super rich clans. .”

"Oh, that's right, there are three major camps of the Universal Clan, and there is also the Sioux camp. I just don't know if there are any super rich clans in the Sioux camp?"


"Is there a big family?"

"In name, but in fact, you guys know better than me whether it's the big clan!"

Ye Zhongming asked and answered quickly, the voice of the last sentence was a little louder, the words were too heavy, and everyone, including Yao Hansu, looked away from what they said.

But that's what it is.

In order to get closer to their own faces, the Su people always said that there are big clans in the camp, but in fact, these big clans have declined over the years, and they can no longer meet the standards of big clans, at most they can be regarded as a stronger middle race.

But that's it, there are not even twenty races that can meet this standard.

"We are a neutral camp..."

Kelan Su made an excuse, but his voice became weaker and weaker, and he couldn't hear it very well in the end.

Ye Zhongming didn't even try to refute, but just smiled coldly twice, which made the face of the number one heir who was not so red just now turn red again.

Neutral, these two words are okay to deceive ordinary members of the universe. As the top executives of the super rich clan, they naturally know what the truth is.

It is true that the attitude of the Sioux is a bit uncontested, which makes them seem like ducks in water between the two camps, but in fact, the two camps suppress the Sioux all the time.

If it weren't for the fact that the two camps of Lena Star and Hall Star were not too different from each other, and the competition was fierce and bloody, the Sioux Clan would have been spared and wiped out long ago.

For this point, Ye Zhongming also understands clearly that there are neutral countries on the earth, but where are they? It is only a small country, and it has little effect on the general situation of the world. The biggest effect is probably to give countries a place where they can rest assured to quarrel.

And in the universe, such a place is obviously more suitable for Xingzhao City, what the hell are you Su clan?

"In recent years, the development of the Sioux clan has stagnated. You may feel that the overall strength of the universe is declining, but do you see the progress of the super-rich and big clans? The speed of progress is still very fast."

"In recent years, have you seen that the speed of the disappearance of small and medium-sized races is accelerating? They disappeared, and who will be fattened by the legacy left behind?"

"In recent years, those big clans that you don't pay much attention to have become so powerful, do you know? If their hidden strength is revealed, where will your Sioux clan be squeezed?"

What Ye Zhongming said was not very impassioned, but this method of stabbing at the wound made every Sioux feel embarrassed and shocked at the same time.

It's not that they were convinced or realized the problem Ye Zhongming said all at once. After all, the more powerful and intelligent people are, the more confident and even stubborn they are, and they believe in their own judgment more.

It's just that this is the first time someone has openly put this kind of Sioux's argument of "too bad" in front of them.

"I don't know if you have noticed. Recently, the conflicts between the two camps have decreased, and the entire universe seems to be very peaceful. Of course, your club, this is because of the tide of nutrition and other reasons, but think about it from another angle. Whatever the reason, if the two camps now have enough time and energy, will they target you?"

Ye Zhongming saw several people wanting to talk, he didn't give these people a chance, and continued: "Okay, if you still think they can't, then I'll change the angle. Every nutrition tide will seriously hurt the vitality of all races in the universe, In order to reduce losses, or make up for losses, will the two camps find some other races to fill the gap that may arise? I really can't think of anyone more suitable than the Sioux camp."

"Do we look so easy to bully?"

An elder looked angry, feeling that Ye Zhongming had completely underestimated the Sioux.

"Yes, you guys do look easy to bully." Ye Zhongming nodded calmly.

"No, you don't look easy to bully, but you are easy to bully."

This time even Jie Su rolled his eyes at Ye Zhongming.

"If the two camps want to fight, they will definitely not move their own camps, and they will not attack each other's camps. Then who else is left? Some small clans who have been eaten by them can't even fit their teeth, and towers. Ross red dwarves and Sioux, tell yourself, compared to Talos red dwarves, are you easy to bully?"

Now the Sioux people were silent.

"Even if you don't attack you directly, what if you bully your affiliated races? Do you dare to challenge the two camps? To put it bluntly, even if you let the Sioux race against any super powerful clan, if there is no Sioux City to rely on, You are bound to be defeated, and you will be defeated miserably...don’t rush to deny it, just think about it here.”

Ye Zhongming pointed to his head.

Strictly speaking, these opinions of Ye Zhongming are all based on the two super camps attacking the Sioux. This is naturally a bold guess made by Ye Zhongming and others, and it is also the most difficult thing for him to answer once he is questioned.

However, he intentionally said this very quickly, directly leading the question to how the Sioux should deal with it, so as long as the Sioux people start thinking about this issue, half of today's goal will be achieved.

Prevention of crisis is the instinct of all life. Since Ye Zhongming has revealed the location of the crisis, even if it is only a guess, they will subconsciously think about countermeasures.

"I will always judge the future based on the worst situation. I think the Sioux should do the same. Be prepared for danger in times of peace, which is a correct conclusion at any time."

Ye Zhongming's tone slowed down, and his attitude calmed down.

"I know that neither I nor the Star-Eyed Clan are qualified to dictate to the Sioux Clan, but we have the same crisis as you, so we naturally have the prerequisites to stand together."

"Well, I admit that what you said is very reasonable." The head of the family where the first in line heir belongs said coldly: "But even if our Sioux family is facing such a crisis, you, or the stars behind you What can the Eye Clan bring us? I really can’t think of anything that you are better than us!”

Ye Zhongming smiled and said, "Why not?"

The King of Cloud Top unhurriedly began to dig out things from the space.

First, a small box was placed on the table.

"Open it and have a look."

Seeing Ye Zhongming's confident appearance, these Su people were also a little confused. Even Jie Su didn't know what the hell this good friend of his was doing.

Ke Lansu came over to take it, but was stopped by Ye Zhongming.

"Forget it, it's useless if you look at it."

Ke Lansu now has the intention of killing Ye Zhongming.

But Huozhi, an elder with a foreign surname, came to pick it up. After opening it, he was puzzled at first, then stunned for a moment, and then turned into ecstasy.

He didn't care about other things, and handed the box directly to Yao Hansu.

"Patriarch, look... this..."

Huozhi is a person, but he is rarely seen losing his composure. Everyone else is wondering what he saw to be like this.

Yao Hansu also took a strange look at his confidant before looking at the things in the box. It was okay if he didn't look at it, and he stood up immediately after seeing it.

This time, the people in the room couldn't sit still anymore, it must be something extraordinary that could make two people lose their composure, so they all gathered around at once.

Because Ke Lansu was close, he saw it when Huozhi was watching, but it was really like what Ye Zhongming said, he didn't know what it was at all.

But the other elders couldn't. After they saw it, they got closer and closer, until a dozen or so heads were stuck together.

Ye Zhongming looked at it leisurely, and said lightly: "I still have..."

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