Roulette World

2067 Living to death

"Chapter 2 in 1"

A huge group of translucent matter appeared from the midair obliquely behind, and swooped down towards Xia Lei's position in a berserk manner.

This mass is too big, so big that it seems to be a huge mountain peak. In the translucent material, hideous monster faces are screaming at the life in the cloud below when they are angry!

It's really because this group of things is too huge, it suddenly appeared in mid-air, so the whole Meicheng can be seen.

Even if it is wrapped in certain substances, it is impossible for people not to see that aura that is so strong that it seems that the sky is about to collapse!

There was a huge uproar in Meicheng.

No one thought of this sudden attack by the enemy.

How did they get there? What ability is being used? If you fall from such a height, won't you fall to your death?

And...the place where they will the location of the Genting headquarters!

"Commander Guangyao!" Xia Lei only uttered such a sentence, and the huge translucent substance exploded, and the green-skinned monsters all over the sky rushed from the sky, covering the position of the command headquarters in an instant.

Many Genting teams subconsciously want to come back, and many fighters are already on the verge of madness.

Up to now, Genting has a very proud place, that is, in the last eight years, although many outstanding fighters have been sacrificed, the core members of the villa have never had a record of death!

After the first top-level life was produced, there was also no accident to any top-level life.

Even in this kind of war similar to the unification war in the occupying country, there is no force that deserves more than three top-level lives from Genting!

But now, there are too many important existences where these monsters attack.

There, there is an entire core team!

There, there are four top-level lives!

There, there are all members of Genting's staff!

There, there is... Xia Lei.

After Ye Zhongming went to the universe, the real and only core of Yunding!

Now that the King of Yunding has no heirs, if something happens to Xia Lei, then Yunding will be in chaos!

Many people are instantly aware of the problem and react subconsciously.

Bao Xiaohu, Tonghu, Ayang and other seven or eight straight teams immediately began to make moves to leave the battlefield, all in the direction of the headquarters.

"Hold on! Fuck hold on!" Guangyao's distorted voice came from the military medal, and the people around him also saw his distorted expression.

Both he and Xia Lei felt that the smoothness of the battle was a bit abnormal, and they were trying every means to try to find out where the abnormality was.

But who would have thought that the enemy, who had been searched from top to first, from inside to outside, and found no trace, would appear in such an unimaginable situation?

As if they had drilled out of another world, they appeared so abruptly within the defense zone of Yunding, which was still the deadliest headquarters.

Guangyao knew that at this time, he needed to make some decisions by himself, some decisions that might affect his future, and even the future of Genting.

"Li Daqian, go cover Xiaohu, clear a path for the cavalry, a path leading to the headquarters! If there is no path, whoever is in front of you, you must do it! Even if your war beasts are all killed in battle, you must do it!" arrive!"

"Air Force, red-haired undead ichthyosaurs, all those who can fly, leave the battlefield and go to the headquarters for support!"

"Deacon Tong is going to support the headquarters!"

"Hatsune retreats, protect Sister Hong and the musician together with Sister Rong! Once Xia Lei's death is confirmed on the battlefield, you should immediately bring someone back to the villa to stabilize the situation."

"Others, continue what you are doing now! Yan Wangshu and Mo Ye, you will be the core yourself, gather and lead the surrounding Yunding fighters!"

"Long-range troops fire, use up all your ammunition and skills, there is nothing to keep at this time!"

"Magic crystal cannon unit, the range is enough,

All activate the monster gathering area of ​​the attack headquarters, and the rest, the target is the parasites in the city... Remember, no matter what the target is, don't be afraid of accidental injury. "

In the entire Meicheng battlefield, all those who are eligible to have the military merit medal listened to Guangyao's order that took almost a few seconds to complete.

The last sentence, don't be afraid of accidental injury, made many people hear a trace of sadness.

Many people didn't understand and felt that there was something wrong with Guangyao's order, but more core members knew that this might be the best choice they could make now.

Who would have thought that these parasites would create such a huge trap? !

The trap is very simple, nothing more than bait and ambush. However, the 5.5 million parasites used as bait turned out to be the vast majority of 4.5 million and two top-level beings. And the ambush appeared as a strange discovery, directly raiding the command center of Yunding.

Now, Meicheng is in chaos. The big advantage just now made it impossible for all the Genting teams to maintain an effective formation. All of them are fighting the enemy bravely. Now it is almost impossible to restore the formation in a short time.

Also, now is also the moment when the combat effectiveness of Genting fighters is at its lowest. A large number of abilities are in the cooling-off period, their equipment is seriously damaged, and their physical strength is at a low ebb. Even if such a big change occurs, they can't do much.

The most terrifying thing is the chaos.

Genting's team is okay, but don't forget that most of the evolutionists here are not Genting fighters. They don't have the firm belief of Genting fighters, nor do they have the outstanding fighting qualities of Genting fighters.

When they discovered that the command headquarters had been raided and seemingly endless monsters fell from the sky, many people had already collapsed.

What they thought of was not to stabilize, but to escape, at least to exit first to see the situation. Their inability to act caused by this kind of mentality caused the combat effectiveness of the entire Yunding coalition to plummet, and the suppression of Meicheng's interior disappeared all of a sudden.

On the other hand, even if more than 1.5 million of these parasites were killed in just a few hours, there were still 3 million of them surviving. The moment their companions launched an attack, they naturally broke out. All the forces started a crazy counterattack against human beings.

I was confused, the enemy counterattacked, and the human troops that had rushed into the depths of Meicheng just now were pushed out at a faster speed. In the process, I don't know how many humans were killed!

Guangyao issued such an order only after seeing the current situation clearly.

confusion? It doesn't matter, these people, including some battles in Yunding, can hold the nearly three million parasites here. What he really needs is the small tiger cavalry team, the air force headed by the red hair and the undead ichthyosaur, and the people in the army. The peripheral Tong Deacon team can get to the headquarters as quickly as possible.

First ensure the safety of the headquarters as much as possible, and then talk about other things!

Around the headquarters, there are Yupo Black Cat who quit the battle not long ago, the injured dragon Yanggos, Dihuang Wan who is in good condition, and Xia Lei's own team. Guangyao doesn't believe that these lives will be killed easily... ...even if they have to face a million enemies, and there must be many top-level beings!

As long as you give Yunding a little time, when Yupo, Undead Fish Dragon, Xiaohu, Deacon Tong and other top creatures rush there, when the cavalry team, air team and the team with Wuhuanqian as their team rush there, everything will be fine stand up.

The three teams plus Xia Lei's team and the zombie group, the number is close to 300,000, and there are eight top-level lives. No matter how you look at it, how can they withstand it.

And once Meicheng is stabilized, Mo Ye and Yan Wangshu can also rush over to help!

And don't forget, Genting still has a reserve team that hasn't been used, which is the Gene Warrior Legion! When Liang Chuyin returned to Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan's side, this army of genetic soldiers could intervene in the Meicheng battlefield or bypass Meicheng to support the headquarters.

Everything seems to have reached a point, and it depends on whether the headquarters can hold this defensive battle.

"Have Hatsune and the Gene Warrior Legion go to the headquarters for support, as long as we have Sister Rong's team here."

Liu Zhenghong's voice came from the military medal. She knew that the key to this battle now lay with the headquarters, so she made such a suggestion.

"No!" Guangyao showed his firm side as a commander at this time, "I can't give these monsters another chance to attack, not to mention pulling away your guards, but once the situation on the battlefield deteriorates , you must return to Genting immediately!"

Liu Zhenghong frowned and said nothing.

"Let's go now, Sister Rong will escort us and stay here to fight." Le Dayuan said suddenly.

Naturally, they still want to stay here to collect data. The information they can get here is much more than what they can get in the test field. Actual combat is always better than experiments.

But in this situation, their staying here can only involve Yunding's troops, and Le Dayuan immediately proposed to leave.

Guangyao didn't even think about it: "Okay, Sister Rong, send the musicians and Sister Hong away, Hatsune, you continue to lean over, just in case, after the completion, your team stays and re-enters Meicheng, and you go to command department to help."

Guangyao has fine-tuned the battlefield commands.

But he knew that no matter how the adjustments were made, it would be effective in the subsequent battles, and it would be the headquarters that could decide the direction of the battle.

But... can Xia Lei withstand it?


A huge golden giant net appeared on the heads of Xia Lei and everyone in the headquarters behind her. At the junction of the grid, there were metal balls that grew like fruits.

The moment these monsters from the void appeared, Dihuang Wan reacted.

Its mission today was to protect Xia Lei, and everyone thought it was just in case, but who would have thought that something would happen.

Rhubarb stood up proudly, looked up at the densely packed sky, with awe-inspiring fighting spirit, and barked shockingly at the enemies all over the sky, his whole body seemed to be glowing, making people afraid to look directly at it.

Yangos was not far away. At this time, he struggled to the vicinity of Dihuang Wan. It glanced at the enemy in the sky, said nothing, and directly bought its head under its body, falling into a deep sleep.

The evil dragon is not afraid of avoiding battle, but it chooses to give everything to its comrades.

This is what it learned after becoming a ninth-level life form.

It knew that the situation was extremely bad, and knew that since the opponent had chosen this place to attack, it must have something to rely on, but no matter what, it didn't have much combat power at the moment. In this case, the evil dragon chose to sleep to recover as soon as possible.

Of course, it is impossible to fully recover, it needs to recover a little combat power now, at least, it will not wait to die.

This ability of Yangos can be regarded as one of the talents of the dragon clan, which is awakened at the ninth level. They can choose to go into a deep sleep for a certain period of time, just like an alarm clock, and when the time comes to wake up, the injured body will recover a little. The specific recovery is related to the degree of injury and the time of deep sleep.

Now Yangos only chooses the shortest half an hour, and the combat power will probably recover to less than one-tenth, but it can only do this. After a while, even if it can breathe a few breaths, it will help the team.

The group of translucent substances enveloping the monster shattered, and the monsters rained down. The one in the front was a tall existence with ten heads. Among the green-skinned monsters whose strength can be judged by their height, there was a five-meter-tall one. Their strengths are all top-notch, equivalent to a ninth-level life form!

These guys took two top-level beings as bait, and other top-level beings actually appeared here collectively!

The metal balls on the metal net bounced bang bang bang and shot into the air like cannonballs. There were hundreds of them.

Many monsters that landed were hit, and big holes were punched out of their bodies, changing from free fall to death fall.

Even those top green-skinned monsters had to protect their bodies, or simply punch these metal balls into the air.

Dihuang Wan's first attack immediately cleared out some of the monsters above Xia Lei and the command staff.

But... the situation is getting worse.

The places where the ten top-level lives landed were all around Xia Lei and the others, that is to say, they were determined to paralyze the command system of Yunding, and around here, only Dihuang Wan could still fight. Top life, when one against ten, the result can be imagined.

Sending out a skill only slightly slowed down the decline speed of these top lives.

Dihuangwan knew that it was time to go all out, and her body grew suddenly, and she used this ability. At the same time, a set of animal gear appeared on her body, and her mechanical wings gave her the ability to fly into the sky.

It's just that it flapped twice but didn't fly up to meet the enemy, because then Xia Lei would be completely exposed.

"I'm here."

Yupo suddenly appeared beside Dihuang Wan holding a black cat, and the zombie team she led was also within the scope of this wave of enemy raids.

Dihuangwan hesitated for a moment, but heard Xia Lei say: "Go, remember, Youdou is waiting for help."

Rhubarb didn't stay any longer, and rushed into the sky with a roar, facing ten opponents of the same level.

Live to die without fear!

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