Roulette World

2069 I am not a top life, but...

The green-skinned monster is very clear about his mission, which is to kill this woman who is less than five meters away from him.

She is the commander of the entire Genting.

As long as she is killed, the human attack will collapse, and millions of evolutionaries will become food in their mouths.

Of the ten top companions who came down together, only it has come here, and it feels that this is an honor.

A kind of glory... to show one's abilities in front of the boss.

It almost exerted all its strength, charged vigorously, and attacked vigorously.

It can feel the difference in strength between the human woman on the opposite side and it. As long as the attack hits, everything will be over.

It's just that dreams are good, but they are difficult to realize.

A pillar of fire rose into the sky, sending the green-skinned monster flying straight up. The scorching heat made its skin burn, and the severe pain made it howl with all its strength.

The attack didn't end there, another pillar of fire surged from the ground, hitting the monster still in the air at another location.

Then came the third!

After the three pillars of flames, everything seemed to have disappeared. The burnt green-skinned monster tried its best to reverse its body in the air, so that it could maintain a normal posture when it landed, and then launched a second attack. attack.

It's just that after finishing all this, it found that there was an extra piece of... a sea of ​​flames under its body!

It's a real sea of ​​fire, with tides and waves.

Afterwards, the green-skinned monster was photographed into the sea of ​​flames by the waves of flames.

The green-skinned monster struggled, exhausting all its strength, even though it looked terrifying to outsiders—the shadows of its claws were like the wind, bringing the entire sea of ​​flames to turmoil along with it.

But it couldn't break free, and was strangely trapped inside, enduring an unknown degree of high temperature.

After a few seconds, the sea of ​​flames changed its shape and turned into a huge ball of flames, with the green-skinned monster at its center.

The fireball was not too big at the beginning, but suddenly expanded at a certain moment. All monsters encountered, as long as they were not above level eight, would be burned into flying ash immediately. The shrinking size finally turned into an inconspicuous faint red light that only covered the skin of the green-skinned monster.

The monster landed on the ground. It was black, looked around, raised its arms and smelled it, and then howled.

Its body began to collapse, turning into strands of black ash, first the skin and arms, then the legs, and finally the head.

A top-notch green-skinned monster was killed in a short period of time.

At this time, many people noticed that... the flame man appeared next to Xia Lei.

"Thank you Xiang Xue."

Xia Lei looked at the woman who had slowly withdrawn from the flame man state, the vice-captain of the escaping operation team, who even Ye Zhongming envied, Zhao Xiangxue who had the powerful profession of flame elf envoy.

"I'm willing to help you." Zhao Xiangxue, wearing a strange mask, performed an ancient salute to Xia Lei, revealing her mischievous side.

Yu Po now controls two top life forms. Although her body cannot move like them, her eyes and mouth can move. She saw this woman named Xiang Xue kill a top life form with her own eyes.

Dihuangwan really showed its power in the sky. It dealt with six green-skinned monsters by itself, but it didn't kill them, it just knocked them away, leaving as much time as possible for the reinforcements to come.

Yupo and the black cat entangled the other three, but there was no way to kill them in a short time. Who would have thought that a human woman who was not well-known and even unknown to many people would kill a top-level Green-skinned monster.

Only Xia Lei who knew who Zhao Xiangxue was was not surprised at all.

Zhao Xiangxue's profession is a flame elf envoy. When she and Ye Zhongming went to the Mingshui Feast, she was only a beginner, but now she is a top professional, and her evolution level has reached nine stars.

When she transforms into a flame form, she has extremely high single-target attack power. In other words, if she is placed in a game environment, she is a long-range mage responsible for DPS. You let such a top-level mage unscrupulous Throwing skills at you, no one can bear it, not to mention, Zhao Xiangxue is now a top-level professional and evolutionary level, and he is wearing top-level equipment left by Ye Zhongming before he left. Such a person suddenly violently kills A green-skinned monster is actually not difficult to understand at all.

"I want you to deal with the guy Zhong Ming mentioned, but unfortunately, it hasn't appeared yet." Xia Lei said, looking at the green-skinned monsters that filled the sky in front of him.

"It may be controlling this enchantment."

Zhao Xiangxue glanced around, the sky and scenery from before were still there, but she could see a gray layer between them and the outside world. Obviously, in order to kill the members of the Human Command, the most powerful monster is presiding over it all.

"You've been following me."

Yu Po, who was not far away from them, suddenly said something.

Zhao Xiangxue looked at her, then at Xia Lei, smiled and said nothing.

Yupo didn't speak anymore.

She didn't understand it just now, but now she does.

She thought of her doubts when Mo Ye suddenly appeared next to the group of zombies led by Mo Ye, because there was no need for the help of a main Genting team.

I thought of the discomfort of feeling someone staring at me from behind, and also thought of Dihuang Wan's hesitation and the look in my eyes.

If she still doesn't understand, then she is not a Yupo.

"Your longing for freedom sometimes scares me." Xia Lei waved her hand, and Zhao Xiangxue walked between Yu Po and the two green-skinned monsters. It seemed that she wanted to make a move, but she didn't know who the target was.

Yupo remained silent.

"You know, Zhong Ming went to the Ten Thousand Clans of the Universe, and I walked on thin ice in Yunding Mountain Villa, for fear of destroying the foundation he had built with one hand. As a woman, you should know what kind of treatment a prodigal woman will receive, right? So Well, I can only eliminate all unstable factors in the bud, I know that when Zhong Ming is here, you will stay here obediently, but I am not sure if you still have this idea now."

Yunding's current binding force on the top life is the most unstable one is Yupo. She has a black cat as a life partner. Once the two nine-levels have an accident, it will definitely be a big accident.

"Since I have doubts, it's useless even if I make a promise?" Yu Po looked at Xia Lei and said seriously.

"Yes." Xia Lei admitted directly.

She took out two things from the space, one in each of her left and right hands.

"Forgive me for using this opportunity against you, but please believe that once you really become a member of Genting, you will also get more."

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