Roulette World

2081 Full Purple

Yunding Mountain Villa has received the news of the victory, and the previous tense atmosphere has disappeared.

However, a sad atmosphere pervaded the entire villa.

This time the crusade against parasites, too many people died.

Except for Xia Lei, none of Xia Lei's team survived. Most of the people in it are veterans of the villa, and many family members are serving Yunding. This time, not to mention everyone's vain, but there are also sad people everywhere. visible.

The work after the war began immediately, the funeral of the sacrificed soldiers, the treatment of the injured soldiers, the distribution of pensions, the registration and supply of missing equipment, and even the psychological counseling that only Genting has now, etc., all began to be carried out in full swing. .

At this time, the accumulation of Yunding Villa in various aspects began to be reflected.

In the last days, when a person dies, he is actually dead, and sometimes he can't even bury himself in the ground. Even in some extreme teams, after the soldiers die, they will take the initiative to feed them all kinds of mutated life forms. They said that this is a manifestation of natural evolution, allowing mutant life to evolve faster, and then humans hunt to obtain higher-level magic crystals and materials.

But in Yunding, the sacrificed soldiers came in peacetime. There are cemeteries and tombstones, where family members and relatives can pay homage.

Even the cemetery is located near the villa, which belongs to the core area. Unless someone hits under the wall of the villa, the resting place of the sacrificed soldiers will not be disturbed.

There is also the issue of pensions. Genting's pensions are not just as simple as distributing money. They will make detailed plans according to the situation of each soldier's family. For example, if there are only old people left, they will come to the villa, give them evolution potions according to the situation, and let them do what they can, and they will set up a special living area. Every Genting fighter knows that the ability to live is for the sacrifice of the villa. The family members of the soldiers are very respectful to those who come out there, even Xia Lei is like this.

If there are spouses and children, Genting will take good care of them and give them priority in choosing what work to do in the future, and children will be the focus of training.

This is an important reason why there have been very few rebellions in Genting until now.

Paying attention to everyone, without the indifference and cruelty of other teams outside the apocalyptic period, this is the root of every fighter's death.

It's not that other people don't want to learn, but they can't learn. They don't have such a solid foundation as Yunding, because doing this is not just talking about it, it requires a lot of evolutionary medicine.

After that, it is necessary to supplement the loss of each team. It is also a very complicated thing to select from the external fighters participating in the battle. Fortunately, Genting has a mature standard, but it will take some time.

At the same time, Genting's business department and logistics department also mobilized with all their strength. They wanted to purchase and distribute various materials and substances to make up for the equipment and equipment lost in the Meicheng battle.

According to preliminary estimates, it will take at least half a year for Yunding to basically return to its state before the Battle of Meicheng, not counting the cultivation of war beasts.

This is based on the fact that after occupying most of the country, it will definitely gain huge benefits.

"However, we still face a battle."

On the second day after the entire Genting team returned to the villa, all core members held a meeting in Ye Zhongming's villa.

Guangyao pointed at the map, frowning.

"During the days when we went to Meicheng, the area occupied by these sea beasts has expanded again, because we already have a team involved nearby, which has indeed played some role, but because the main force is not there, we still dare not have a large-scale confrontation with them. Conflict, so once the opponent attacks, we can only retreat, but there is much more information about them than before."

Xia Lei sat on the side, and the next battle, which everyone named "Coastal Battle", will be commanded by Guangyao. The Queen of Yunding will stay in the villa and take charge of the recovery and development of Yunding.

The crusade against these sea beasts will definitely not be completed in a short period of time. After all, they now occupy a large area and a long coastline.

Driving them all back to the sea is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

"Now, we have about 500,000 troops on the front line, of which the ten newly formed main battle teams have 100,000 people, and the remaining 400,000 are the teams of Baifeng, Sasha, and Zhao Xingmei. There are more than 100,000 people in the branch, but the combat effectiveness is uneven."

Hearing Guangyao say this, someone suggested that with so many people, picking a position and fighting a local battle should be fine.

This time it was Xia Lei who answered, she shook her head and said: "The ten newly formed teams are too short. Although they are the same as the main battle team in terms of equipment and logistics, after all, they are unfamiliar with cooperation and lack of experience. It is the first time to lead a complete team to fight, and it takes time to adapt. The best way at this stage is to let them continue to run the team through a small-scale team. When they are more mature, they can increase the number of members appropriately and improve their combat effectiveness. I don't want anything to happen to them in the early stages of formation, even if the loss is small, it will be a kind of destruction and blow to their confidence."

"As for Baifeng and their team..." Xia Lei hesitated and said, "We have given us some support over the years, and they have given us a lot back. Before our main force arrived, they were able to contain these sea beasts very quickly. Well, let them start a small-scale battle, to be honest, I feel a little bit sorry, and there will be a lot of thoughts that they shouldn't have within their team."

"At the moment when we have just occupied most of the country and need time to digest, we should proceed with caution."

After hearing this, everyone understands that this is an extraordinary period, and Genting has just experienced a major loss in Meicheng, so it is necessary to stabilize.

"However, we can't relax our vigilance over there. Before our main force goes to fight, we still can't let these sea beasts do whatever they want, so..."

Guangyao stood in front of the map, the slender metal stick in his hand was on fire.

"This time the main battle teams with relatively small losses, Wuhuanqian team, Ogre team, Hatsune team, Sister Rong's team, Mo Ye's team, and my team will complete replenishment and rest within three days. Go to the front line and keep the front line strength at around 1.2 million."

"The places to enter are here, here, and here, and there are two main battle teams in each place." Guangyao then glanced at the leaders of several teams in turn.

"The top beings in the past were Deacon Tong, Mo Ye, Hatsune, and Yan Wangshu, and this time, the Red Makeup Guards will set off with the team."

Everyone cheered up. It wasn't that the other teams were worried, but that the red makeup guards had a special meaning in Yunding. They were the personal guards of the King of Yunding, representing Ye Zhongming to a certain extent.

And when it comes to combat power, they are also extremely strong. A team of hundreds of people, all eight stars, all gold outfits, and all have beasts above level seven. A team can deal with two top life forms at the same time without falling behind. If there is only one top life, they can almost achieve victory with minor casualties!

This is an extremely miraculous and powerful team, with a fighting style that others cannot understand and imitate, and a rock-solid fighting will, which is the object of worship of almost all proud Genting fighters.

"After we pass by, we will choose some opportunities to launch an active attack, but the scale will not be too large. The most important thing is to hold them back and prevent them from continuing to erode the land area."

Guangyao looked at everyone and said: "In addition to the above-mentioned teams, when the teams in the villa are integrated, they will replace the teams that were stationed in the national area before. When those teams come back, they will also enter the coast to fight, such as Xiaopeng's team, Mr. Mu The commanding team and so on."

After finishing speaking, Guangyao motioned to Xia Lei, and returned to his seat. He had finished what he had to say, and now it's Xia Lei's time.

Hei Xin stood up, walked to the front, looked at these comrades-in-arms and said: "This time we have suffered a great loss, perhaps because we sensed our recent poor condition, our Ye Dazu sent good things in time."

Everyone froze for a moment, and then laughed collectively.

Ye Daqi, isn't he the boss? Xia Lei is probably the only one who can say that in such a formal meeting in front of so many core members.

"With the experience of the last time, the things passed down by Zhong Ming this time, whether in terms of information or other aspects, are much clearer and much more."

Before Xia Lei finished speaking, Xiaohu couldn't wait to say: "Boss didn't say when he would be back?"

Xia Lei shook her head, "I didn't say that."

"Let's go on, the first thing is the weapons and equipment. This time the bell rang and passed down two thousand pieces of equipment in one breath."

At the beginning, everyone didn't think much when they heard Xia Lei say this, because as the top craftsman of the King of Cloud Top, is it still a problem to make a thousand pieces of equipment? Everyone knows that even if it is to manufacture golden equipment, if the King of Cloud Top does nothing in a day and does not ask for quality, he can produce twenty or thirty pieces for you.

But what Xia Lei said next made everyone uneasy.

"These two thousand pieces of equipment, one thousand of them are purple equipment and above."

The people below were stunned for a long time, and then they all made a sound of incomparable surprise.

All purple outfits and more than purple outfits? What kind of equipment is above the purple outfit? Colorful equipment? There are a thousand pieces? !

These people present here are all core members of Genting, and they are all big shots in the country, but what level of equipment are they wearing?

There are purple clothes, but they are definitely not many. There are only two or three on a person, but even in this way, he is also a very rich evolutionary in the country.

After the absence of Ye Zhongming, everyone's equipment update speed has slowed down, but now after all, you can occasionally turn the ninth-level roulette, as long as it falls on the equipment, it is all purple equipment, plus some equipment that can be cultivated by Ye Zhongming Thanks to the good things, the number of purple outfits in the entire Yunding has exceeded at least 200 pieces. On average, each person only has a few pieces, and some of them have more, such as Liang Chuyin, Mo Ye, and Xia Lei. But there are only about five pieces for each person, and there is still some distance from the full purple outfit. It's not that they can't all purple outfits, but that when Ye Zhongming is not around, they need to pay attention to some benefits.

But now the boss threw down a thousand pieces all at once, which made everyone feel that each other is not living the same life, they are all human beings, why is there such a big gap!

"Don't be too surprised. It's better than purple equipment. It's not colored equipment, but a kind of..." Xia Lei thought for a while before saying: "The equipment that is different from the roulette system we are familiar with must be two In comparison, it may only be a little bit higher than the purple equipment."

"The remaining one thousand pieces are slightly better than gold, second only to purple."

Speaking of this, Xia Lei deliberately left some time for everyone to discuss, she knew, otherwise the people below would not be able to hold back their words.

Sure enough, the voice of discussion suddenly rose, and everyone excitedly discussed what it would be like to be better than Zizhuang.

"How do you think these two thousand pieces of equipment should be allocated?" Xia Lei raised a finger, "One thousand is slightly better than gold, and the remaining one thousand has five hundred pieces of purple equipment, and five hundred pieces are slightly better than purple equipment." Well, according to the news from Zhong Ming, there is a piece of equipment called Hong Ning on the other side of the universe."

Everyone stopped talking

Everyone wants good equipment, but in Yunding, the distribution of equipment is not a democratic thing...Even if it is Ye Zhongming before or Xia Lei now, they are as fair as possible.

"Sister Lei has the final say."

"Yes, Xia Lei, you have the final say."

"Yeah, we people have been born and died together to this day, can we still argue over some equipment? Xia Lei, you can do what you want, you can divide it in any way, it is best to give it to the companions who are going to fight in the coastal area. The enemy is not weak."

"Yes, I think this assignment is fine. Anyway, there will be good things in the future. Don't forget, our boss is Ye Dazu."

Everyone talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Xia Lei nodded, still very satisfied with everyone's performance. If it was the former Yunding, she would not have asked at all, but now after all, there are new members who have joined recently, such as Wuhuanqian, Ogre Chain, Rebellion Zone, Ten Thousand Beast Manor, etc. Even if it is a show, it is necessary.

"In this case, then I will divide it according to my intention." Xia Lei said seriously: "One thousand pieces of equipment that are half a level higher than gold, the core members will give priority to choosing to replace the gold equipment on their bodies. It must be handed over to me for secondary distribution."

"Five hundred pieces of equipment that are half a level higher than the purple equipment, that is, Hongning-level equipment. Each core member is also free to choose to replace the purple equipment on his body. The replaced purple equipment will also be handed over to me."

"The remaining 500 pieces of pure purple outfits, the purple outfits you replaced, and the remaining Hongning level equipment, I will distribute them to the red makeup guards."

"And the golden equipment you replaced, plus other existing magic crystals and idle equipment in Yunding, I will use them to turn the roulette or exchange purple equipment with other forces."

"I want to turn the Red Makeup Guard into an all purple team!"

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