Roulette World

2087 Serial Strike (Part 2)

"Two in one~~"

Dokihes has been twitching his right eyelid recently, which makes him uneasy.

He looked at the twelve people following him and felt better.

There are several food transportation teams sent by the Huitang tribe, not only in the traditional sense, but also in the grain transportation team like him. Each of them is equipped with space equipment, and the food is placed in the in.

Seven normal transportation teams and three space transportation teams, this is the entire team of the Huitang tribe.

Facing the target of the enemy hiding in the dark, the Huitang tribe was not that stupid. They also took a lot of precautions. They guessed that the transport team might be attacked, so they sent so many together.

No one would think that a team with a lot of space equipment is used to transport food. With that skill, it is much more cost-effective to transport something else.

But now the special situation, doing so can ensure foolproof.

A team of 12 people has a very strong combat effectiveness. The average Fu Leila is around 15,000. As the captain, Dokihes is more than 20,000.

Among the Huitang clan, they are indeed not first-class figures, but people of this level are equivalent to the golden warriors of the Star-eyed clan.

Dokihes shook his head, thinking it was really bad luck, why did he think of the Star-Eyed Clan.

"Hurry up, you'll be close to Dark Stripe City after passing here, get home early and go to bed early." Dokihes said to the team members behind him.

Everyone was laughing and joking, and there was no tension at all.

The fighters raised in these clans didn't have too deep feelings about the lack of food for the race.


Dokihes stopped suddenly, raised his fist and kept scanning his surroundings.

The Huitang clan's senses were very, very keen, and Dokihes, who was the most powerful, sensed something was wrong.

"Sure enough, it's from Hui Tang. He's really smart and cat-like."

A sudden voice reached the ears of the thirteen Huitang warriors, causing them to form formation instinctively and keep looking around.


A shadow suddenly rushed out from behind a boulder in front, so fast that only one shadow could be seen.


With a roar, Dokihes rushed out as the leader.

No matter what is coming in front, they have only one battle, because judging from the opponent's speed alone, they have no possibility of escaping.

At the same time, Dokihes didn't think there was anything he couldn't fight. Maybe if he defeated the opponent, he would know the truth about the food destruction.

However, his team members hesitated.

"Captain, that's... a mechanical beast!"

A person behind shouted such a sentence, but unfortunately it was too late, Dokihes had already taken this step, and the shadow on the other side just bumped into him.

"No, there are also in the sky!"

When the front was about to collide, these keen Huitang people felt strange. They looked up and saw a huge white dragon shadow falling rapidly towards them.

They raised their weapons one after another to deal with it. As for the captain, he could only do it himself first.

But suddenly, a huge spiritual shock suddenly spread from the front, drowning the thirteen people in an instant.

The first ability of the mechanical beast, Huidong is released.

This is an expansion ability of mental power impact, which allows the controller's spiritual power to be strengthened through the mechanical beast.

Ye Zhongming, as a person with a specialty in mental power, this ability was almost specially prepared for him.

After Hui moved, everyone in the Huitang team felt dizzy and tingling, and their minds went blank for a moment.

Ye Zhongming drove Mountain Fury to the vicinity of Dokihes, the huge mechanical claws raised, and the sharp metal thorns on it scratched the team leader's body. The sound of the armor being torn was very harsh, and a stream of blood spurted out .

This kind of battle armor, which is better than the ordinary level, is too fragile in front of the Lenny level mechanical war beast made of high-end metal.

The severe pain made Dokihes wake up from the mental shock. He knew that at the moment when his life was at stake, he must muster all the strength in his body and swing out the weapon in his hand.

It's a pity that before he could make any moves, Mountain Nu bit his head, and as soon as he used his sharp teeth, Dokihes died directly.

Even if his Fu Leila exceeds 20,000, it can't stand the cooperation of Ye Zhongming and Lenny-level equipment.

At this time, the white dragon horse also fell from the sky and smashed into the group of Huitang people. Under gravity and inertia, four or five people directly below were killed on the spot. It took less than thirty seconds to kill all the enemies.

Ye Zhongming got out of Mountain Fury and cleaned the battlefield. After all, although the white dragon horse kills people, it doesn't eat people.

"Oh, there is another team here, it seems that there is still time." He checked Dokihes's terminal and found some information.

Taking Mountain Fury back into space, he jumped on the back of the white dragon horse, "Let's go, all the way to the west!"


One after another, the food transport teams were defeated by the people from Yunding. Ye Zhongming and the entire Bronze Battalion were dispatched almost as a whole. The 1,000-man team and the two teams cooperated in the attack. Although they suffered losses, they all successfully completed the task and defeated all the food teams of the Huitang clan.

The Huitang tribe who got the news was in chaos. They had already realized the seriousness of the problem, but they still didn't think about the Star Eye tribe. There were nearly 4,000 soldiers in the ten food transport teams, large and small, and none of them came back alive. Not seeing people dead or corpses, this is not something the Star-Eyed Clan can do, at least they think that the Star-Eyed Clan can't do it.

After all, there were no dead people who destroyed the grain fields before, but now, there are so many fighters at once, and there are more than 20 Fu Leila's backbone forces of more than 2,000. This is no small matter.

The patriarch of the Huitang clan made a decision after holding a high-level meeting. First, he asked the other eight heads of Antiao City for help, asking them to use the city guards to find the messenger behind the scenes, and then use aircraft to transport food directly from other survivors' fortresses. , Transport large quantities of food, solve this problem at once, and prevent the other party from getting stuck in this aspect.

In the end, it was announced that the Huitang clan had entered a battle state, and the whole clan was on alert.


In outer space, a ghostly fleet floats in a meteorite belt, like dozens of huge monsters.

Jie Su sat on the flagship among them, watching the busy people below.

This fleet consists of twenty-seven aircrafts, ten of which are transport ships, all of which are the most cost-effective 'Taohai' class, and the other seventeen, sixteen of which are frigates, the difference is that 'Love There are twelve 'class frigates', four 'Chongchao' class frigates, and the flagship 'Konglan' class battleship.

This was built on the basis of the twelve ships rented by Jie Su before, and Yao Hansu supported most of them. Jie Su and Ye Zhongming bought the 'Konglan' class battleship as a fleet with their own money. flagship.

Originally, it was said that the matter of mining would not be shared with the clan, but because of the changes in the relationship with the Sioux clan and the long-term cooperation with the patriarch of the Sioux clan in the future, Jie Su and Ye Zhongming confessed this matter to Yao Hansu.

The Patriarch of the Su Clan did not reprimand them, nor did he tell them not to do such dangerous things for tens of millions of months and years of gold, but through his relationship, he obtained fourteen warships of various kinds and handed them over to Jiesu .

Neither of them quite understood what the patriarch meant, but it was clear that the patriarch supported them in doing so.

Ye Zhongming couldn't get away from the Star Eye Clan, so Jie Su took over the command completely.

All the operators of the entire fleet are the masters of the Sioux and Star-Eye tribes. This is the first real cooperation between the two parties here.

Of course, the Sioux people here are all from the lineage of the patriarch and Jiesu.

"Other ships are on standby here. The flagship, all Chongchao-class frigates, and six Love-class frigates leave port to perform their missions."

Following Jie Su's order, the fleet began to sail out of the meteorite belt, and disappeared into the deep starry sky after a while. When they reappeared, they had already arrived near another small fleet.

This small fleet has only five ships, three transport ships, and two frigates.

Although the level of the frigate is heavy tide, and its combat power is higher than that of the Love class, but facing the eleven fleets that suddenly appeared next to it, the difference is too much, so they can only send out signals frantically, wanting to build communication.

"Destroy them." Jie Su's order was transmitted to every ship, and the attack was launched immediately.

In the face of disparity in power, two Chongchao-class frigates were directly destroyed, while three transport ships were captured.

The news here cannot be blocked, so the Huitang clan knew it immediately, and the clan was shocked again, not only them, but the entire Antiao City was shocked.

The fleet in Annei was attacked, which is completely equivalent to declaring war on the Huitang clan!

Although there are constant disputes among the various races in the universe, open wars between the two races rarely happen. After all, the three camps are relatively stable, and if there is anything that the big clans come forward to mediate, they will be suppressed.

It's a pity that the strange thing is that the race that can have a large-scale air fleet hides its head and shows its tail, and has never shown its true face.

Almost everyone is guessing who is teasing the Huitang clan.

Of course, no one doubts the Star-Eyes Clan. Although the Star-Eyes Clan also has a space fleet, their ships are all in the airport, and their number of ships is not large. Most of them are functional ships. There are not many capable of air combat. There are less than fifteen frigates, five of which are of the Love class, and ten of the 'Qiao Han' class frigates which are one notch lower than the Love class.

These things are still old-fashioned, and it is really hard to say that they will win if they want to attack the two Chongchao-class frigates of the Huitang clan.

However, just when everyone excluded the Star-Eyed Clan, the Star-Eyed Clan jumped out by themselves.

They said... there is a batch of blue corn that can be sold to the Huitang.

Hearing this news, many Huitang people thought they heard it wrong.

The two clans are enemies, and now that the Huitang clan is out of luck, there are still such enemies who can help each other?

But when they heard the offer from the Star Eye Clan, they wished they could kill all the Star Eye Clan.

In fact, the price of blue corn is not high. One ton is about 1,000 months of gold, which is enough for a family of five from the Huitang clan to eat for more than 500 cosmic days.

But the price given by the Star Eye Clan is one ton... one hundred thousand months of gold.

A full increase of a hundred times!

Now everyone knows that the Star Eye Clan is here to disgust the Huitang Clan, to fuel their fire.

While the people in the whole Antiao City were amazed, they also had such doubts. Who gave the Star-Eyed Clan such courage to provoke the Huitang Clan who are now red-eyed and want to find someone to vent?

Sure enough, the Huitang tribe wanted to trouble the Star-eyed tribe in a panic.

But the Star Eye Clan did something even better, directly pulling a hundred tons of blue corn to the central square of Antiao City, saying that if the Huitang Clan didn't buy it, they would burn the rice.

Previously, in a series of public relations, the monthly gold that the Star-Eyed Clan spilled out was not in vain. In addition to saving them from the investigation of the attack on the Cave Horn transport team, they also had a good relationship with several high-level middle-race races. After all, everything is fake, only Yue Sui Jin is real.

This kind of provocation from the Star-eyed tribe is not out of line by these people, and it cannot be solved in a brutal way.

Naturally, they didn't intend to settle the matter completely. After all, they might benefit from letting the Huitang tribe force the Star-Eye tribe.

Under everyone's gaze, although the Huitang tribe is not good at attacking the Star-eyed tribe directly, they definitely want to teach them a lesson, so they proposed the "Trial of the Brave" to the Star-eyed tribe.

This is a real battle that does not take place in a virtual battlefield. Life and death depend on fate, and the pursuit is the most real battlefield.

The two sides stipulated that the number of people should not exceed 2,000. As for the rules, it was completely formulated by the two sides themselves.

The Huitang tribe proposed that the two sides conduct a brave test. If the Huitang tribe wins, the 100 tons of food will belong to them, and all the equipment of the star-eyed warriors who participated in the battle will also belong to the Huitang tribe. Tens of millions of years old.

The Star Eye Clan unexpectedly agreed and made their request. Once the Star Eye Clan wins, the Hui Tang Clan will buy blue corn from the Star Eye Clan at a price of one hundred thousand moon-year-old gold per ton.

Such a condition makes everyone in the dark strip city a little strange. The condition of the Huitang clan is to directly kill the star-eyed clan, but the conditions of the star-eyed clan are too... gentle.

Just sell rice to others? This is too childish, right? It would be nice to add a condition that they also pay if they win.

But the Star-Eyed Clan didn't mention anything. For this one condition, the two sides agreed to send 2,000 top fighters to participate in the battle. As for the conditions, there was no restriction on anything, until the position of one side.

The game, don't schedule it after ten Sundays.

A seemingly child's play gambling fight immediately caused a sensation in the entire Antiao City, and even several surrounding cities tended to go crazy after getting the news.

Because everyone is clearly aware of one thing, the star-eyed clan, this is gambling clan luck! If they lose, they will perish. It is impossible for them to get 50 million monthly bonuses.

Time passed by little by little, and the day of the competition was getting closer and closer.

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