Roulette World

2089 opening

"Still Two in One"

"Now I'm a little envious of the boys under my command. It's better to go out to perform tasks and just treat it as a relaxation. It's better than staying in the clan. I have to go out to show my face from time to time. It's troublesome."

Cheng Jijin sat beside the table, with two round smooth metal spheres in each of his hands, which he kept fiddling with.

Anyone who knows the Golden Commander knows that this is a habit he has before fighting, and it is said that it can improve his hand feeling.

"That's enough, you, people like me who have nothing to do, and people who have nothing to do under them, are really boring, okay?" Paobai said angrily on the side, and then looked at Cheng Liujin and said: " Lao Cheng, how about I warm up with you? Let you have a good state tomorrow?"

Cheng Liujin didn't even move his eyelids, and didn't pay attention to his robe white at all.

The two adults in Xingyan sat at the top, and they both found it quite interesting to watch the two commanding officers below.

Tomorrow is the trial of the brave, and the senior executives of the Star-Eyed Clan gathered here for a meeting.

Compared to the Huitang clan's imminent enemy, the star-eyed clan, who were obviously in a weak position, didn't seem to take it seriously at all, and no one was nervous.

"Is it because we have experienced too much suffering these years, so the more we encounter this kind of thing, other races should be on full alert, and we don't seem to take it seriously at all?" Master Xing looked at everyone and laughed at himself.

"I think we have experienced too much suffering. The God of the universe saw us as pitiful, and sent us a savior."

Master Yan sighed slightly, his eyes full of emotion.

At other times, maybe the whole clan would be like Master Xing said, and everyone didn't care much, because they had too many experiences of treating tomorrow as their last day, and they always prepared for death and extermination, as if they had become A habit of the Star-eyed people.

But it is really different now. They also know that many clansmen will die after tomorrow, but the Star-Eye clan will not fail. This is a kind of relaxation under self-confidence.

Especially knowing that the top three masters of the Huitang clan will not participate in the battle, the high-level members of the Star-eyed clan are more confident.

"Yes, it's our luck." Basil, who almost never smiles, expressed his inner thoughts.

Sometimes, he would even think about how bad the Talos red dwarf's luck was to miss someone like Ye Zhongming.

"Based on the time calculation, we can get the news before the brave man's trial tomorrow."

Master Xing asked suddenly, he was looking at Cheng Liujin.

Commander Huang Jin nodded, "The Huitang tribe thinks it's enough to transport food with great fanfare? Could it be that there will be people staring at them continuously along the way? They imagine themselves too important, even in Antiao City, they are now There is no such status anymore. I think, many races are eager to watch the excitement, and see if anyone will take action against the food transport team of the Huitang clan this time."

This time, the Star Eye Clan still decided to take action against the food team of the Huitang Clan, but it was no longer the bronze masked warriors, but the more powerful golden masked warriors.

"They all thought that we would send a combination of Patriarch Guards and Golden Mask Warriors to participate in the Trial of the Brave. They will be surprised when they find out tomorrow."

Cheng Liujin shook his head, imagining the expression of the Hui Tang clan when he saw it, and felt a little dark in his heart.

The Star Eye Clan was indeed about to be exterminated before, and all aspects of the clan could no longer be maintained.

However, after all, they have existed in the universe for too long, and while not obliterating their blood, it also gave them the final desperate determination.

The Patriarch Guard, many people think that this is the strongest team of the Star-Eye Clan, yes, that's right, they are indeed the strongest, a level higher than the Golden Camp.

But the outside world has a misunderstanding about them, that is, the number of people.

Outsiders believed that the patriarch's guard was only a few hundred people, and it would never exceed five hundred people.

But the fact is that the Patriarch Guard of the Star Eye Clan has 2,034 people so far.

In other words, in tomorrow's trial of the brave, there is no need for golden masked warriors to appear, and the patriarch's guard can fully meet the number requirements.

Their average Fu Leila may not be as high as that of the Huitang clan, but it definitely exceeds 45,000, which is about 5,000 lower than that of the Huitang clan!

Even if there is still a gap with them, it will definitely not be too big.

And the two patriarchs of Xingyan and Cheng Liujin Ba Shilu will fight as arrows and sharp knives, and they will also surprise the Huitang gang.

"Although we are confident in winning, we must also check what we need tomorrow, without which we cannot win."

Master Yan reminded everyone, especially Ba Shilu, as the chief training officer and the head of the patriarch's guard, he is also the commander of tomorrow's battle.

"Okay, let's do this first, let's go see that kid Zhong Ming?" The two adults in Xingyan stood up together. They have seen Ye Zhongming very few times these days, and they know that he is doing research, but tomorrow is so important On that day, as one of the three commanders, he will also be present.

Perhaps, that will be the most glorious moment of the Star-Eyed Clan in recent years.

A group of people checked the time, and there were still a few hours before their departure, so they happened to go to have a look, so they all went to Ye Zhongming.

When they arrived outside Jiksu's exclusive manufacturing room, everyone stared and found that the door was locked. They tried to knock, but they didn't pay attention at all. Paobai and Cheng Liujin sent messages to Ye Zhongming and Ji Kesu respectively, but they all fell to nothing, and they didn't answer at all.

"How about... let's go first?" Master Xing coughed twice in embarrassment, then turned to ask everyone.

Everyone nodded. In this situation, you have to go if you don't go.

So everyone started to go back the same way, and before they could take a few steps, they heard the door of the workshop behind them open, and Ye Zhongming, who looked like a red-eyed rabbit, appeared in front of everyone.

"I said Lao Ye, you are a bit miserable, look..." Pao Bai came over and wanted to speak, but Ye Zhongming ignored him.

"Go to the side that won't play tomorrow."

Pao Bai was stunned for a moment, and shouted unwillingly, "I also have human rights."

Ye Zhongming ignored him at all, walked up to the two patriarchs and Cheng Liujin Ba Shilu, looked left and right, then grabbed Cheng Liujin and said, "Follow me, the others will wait."

As he said that, regardless of the bewildered Mr. Golden Commander, he directly drew closer to the manufacturing room, and the door was locked with a click.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what Ye Zhongming was doing.

"How about...we wait?" Xing Daren coughed twice again in embarrassment and asked.

A kind of high-level star-eyed tribe directly asks people to bring chairs and sits outside the door. Anyone who passes by the star-eyed tribe will be scared to detour when they see so many adults sitting here with serious faces and eyes closed. .

About an hour later, Cheng Liujin came out with a dazed face.

"Old and old, what's the matter?" Pao Bai looked around and found that he was the youngest and lowest seniority among these people, and he was the only one to ask. At the same time, he was also very curious. Ye Zhongming called Cheng Liujin What have you been doing for over an hour here.

Cheng Liujin let out an ah at first, and then returned to normal. He let out a long breath, and instead of answering Paobai immediately, he patted the commander Baiyin on the shoulder and said, "Young man, we must work harder in the future."

It will become white and hazy, what do you mean? come on?

Half a minute after Cheng Liujin came out, Ye Zhongming ran out again, and this time he pulled Ba Shilu in.

The two adults in Xingyan didn't speak, and they didn't ask Cheng Jinjin, but their hearts were beating fast. Based on the information given by Ji Kesu before, they had some vague guesses, if that's the case ,That……

This is really a pain for Paobai, Cheng Liujin doesn't say anything, he can't ask, he can only figure out when he will fight Lao Cheng again.

After another hour or so, Bashilu came out. Although he was not as gilt as gold, his face was reddish, and his usually steady hands were trembling visibly with the naked eye.

The two patriarchs patted this close confidant on the shoulder, hummed slightly, and Ba Shilu nodded heavily.

After getting an affirmative answer, the two adults were really excited, and when Ye Zhongming came out, they took a step forward at the same time.

Ye Zhongming laughed and said, "Both of you, who will come first?"

Mr. Xing asked Mr. Yan to go first, and Mr. Yan asked Mr. Xing to go first. Ye Zhongming looked at it and laughed: "Let's go together."

After speaking, he walked into the manufacturing room with the two patriarchs.


The liveliness of Dark Stripe City reached its climax on the day when the Trial of the Brave was about to take place.

There are huge crowds of people around the central arena, wishing that all the people would squeeze here.

It is hard to find a ticket for an arena that can accommodate 200,000 spectators. The middle-level races who own the rights and interests here are already enjoying themselves, and the ticket business alone still makes them a lot of money.

Both the ground and the air are very busy. The ground is full of lives of all races, as well as various stalls and people from the city guards. In the air, there are constantly flying aircraft. They are all people with status from other cities. .

"Where's the ticket? Where's the ticket? We've come all the way, so let's watch the light curtain outside?" A small group of beings from all races in the universe clamored not far from the entrance. Very upset that I couldn't get a ticket.

"There is nothing wrong with looking at the light curtain. The slightly better location now costs thousands of months of money, and the box is close to ten thousand. With that money, what can you do?"

That's what someone else said not far from them.

They also want to go in and see. After all, seeing and feeling with their own eyes is much more enjoyable than watching on the light screen, but now only the "scalpers" have tickets in their hands, but it is too expensive. There are more than ten of them in a group. Even if they buy the cheapest one at a time, it will cost tens of thousands of months and years of money, which makes them feel distressed.

"Shut up, poor man!" The group at the beginning yelled angrily, and then continued to yell at the arena guards.

"Although the Huitang clan and the Xingyan clan are both parties involved, do we need to give them so many good seats? I heard that the Huitang clan has 10,000 seats, and small clans like the Xingyan clan have 5,000 seats." , Do you need it? Do you need it?"

This sentence of this life made the people around agree very much. They all felt that the Huitang clan and the Xingyan clan did not need so many votes, and it was a complete waste. Give them a thousand tickets for each race, and the rest should be sold.

At this time, a member of the Star-Eyed Clan came out from the crowd, grabbed the man and said, "Brother, do you want a ticket? No one in our team is going, and I have a hundred tickets in my hand, how about you?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and immediately said happily: "Yes, why don't you?"

"I don't just sell, one hundred tickets, all of which are in good locations, one thousand and five tickets, a total of 150,000 months old money, if you want it, you can trade it, if you don't want it, I'll find someone else."

The man hesitated.

One hundred and fifty thousand years old gold, this is not a small amount, he will not be able to get it out at once.

The person from the star-eyed tribe saw the situation of this life, and immediately said to the people around him: "If you want to buy it, you can join us. This is a special place reserved for the star-eyed tribe. Now the price outside is more than two thousand One piece, I’ll sell it if it’s 500 cheaper, don’t miss this chance, even if you buy it and sell it to someone else, maybe you can make a little money, I’m here to give you another insider news, it’s absolutely accurate, this time, Our Star-Eyed Clan is attacking with all our strength, but those with secret weapons will definitely not let everyone down!"

After some encouragement, many people around were tempted. The 1,500-year-old gold is only, and it is not too much money for a race that can come to the scene from the surrounding cities to watch the battle.

So after a lot of discussion, many people spontaneously started to count the heads, and finally bought the 100 tickets.

This kind of situation is happening in many places around the arena. Not long before the start, the 5,000 tickets that were originally prepared for the Star-Eyed Race were sold for 4,000 tickets at a time, and the price ranged from 1,450 to 1,000. It ranged from one thousand to seventy-eight thousand. With so many tickets, the star-eyed people directly earned six to seven to eighty thousand monthly gold!

When it was about to start, the members of the Huitang clan knew about this matter. It was really useless to think that so many people had gone, so they followed suit and started selling tickets like the Star-eyed clan. Unfortunately, the distance The start time was too short and not many were sold, which made many of them sigh and miss the opportunity to make a fortune.

However, compared to this kind of episode, a piece of news spread here like a bomb!

The transportation team sent by the Huitang clan was attacked again!

There is still no one left alive, and then the corpse will be destroyed!

The closest team is said to be less than ten kilometers away from Dark Stripe City!

When the trial of the brave was about to start, this news was fatal to the morale of everyone in the Huitang tribe. When the Huitang tribe waiting in the arena knew about it, many people almost vomited blood and died out of breath.

"Hui Tang Clan, are you ready? Your opponent, the Star-Eyed Clan, has entered the field, and it's your turn!" A referee from a large clan invited from outside came over to remind them that it was time to start.

The Huitang people could only enter the arena with aggrieved feelings.

The arena in the center of Anstripe City, which was already full, erupted into applause.

However, when the Huitang clan looked at the star-eyed clan team opposite, they were taken aback for a moment, and then many people burst into laughter.

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