Roulette World

2091 The Trial of the Brave (2)

"Two in one~~"

"I came here today to decide the outcome with the Star-Eyed Clan."

A voice suddenly sounded in the Huitang camp.

The originally chaotic team became much quieter after hearing this sentence.

It was Sibiel who spoke, one of the two leaders of the Huitang clan this time.

Because of a series of behaviors of the Star Eye Clan, from changing equipment to using array disks, the morale of the fighters of the Huitang Clan gradually declined, and even some disturbances occurred.

In this state, this is very dangerous behavior.

In order to let everyone calm down, Sibier could only stand up to calm everyone's emotions.

"We and them, only one side can get out of here." Sibier walked to the front of the team, he didn't look at his own clansman, but at several large formations of the Star-Eyed Clan, but his voice came clearly in everyone's ears.

"Before we came, we all thought that we would be the last ones to go out. Now, I still think so. The difference is that it will not be so easy."

"Look, they are well-prepared, have good equipment, and have such good things as a large array. What is the reason for? Don't they want to be the last ones to go out?"

"But let me ask you guys, do you want them to go out in the end?"

Letting others go out means that the entire army on their own side will be annihilated and all killed in battle. Naturally, no one wants to do this. Hearing Sibier's question, the Huitang warriors finally broke out with blood and roared in unison.


"Yes, don't let it go!" Sibier's whole body began to heat up, and his whole body began to enter a state of excitement, his voice became more and more high-pitched: "Why do they have to make such good equipment, why do they have to make such a costly array? Not because they are inferior to us!"

"They have those things, are they comparable to us? You say, are they comparable to us?"

"It's not comparable!" The warrior of the Huitang tribe roared again, this time the voice was louder than before, and even overwhelmed the huge chaotic sound at the scene.

"Then there is nothing to be afraid of! Then there is nothing to worry about! No matter what they do, we will still win in the end!"

Sibill yelled loudly, but he felt very happy.

"The good things on the opposite side are all prepared for us, that mechanical beast belongs to me!"

The other leader Lola's voice was not loud, but it was also heard by all members of the Huitang clan.

Hearing that Lola said that he wanted the best mechanical war beast here, it immediately aroused many people who thought they were entitled to own it, and some slight hisses sounded.

However, both Sibier and Lola knew that this was a good sign. They knew that the Huitang warriors had come out of the series of bad blows that started in the morning.

"Don't worry, let's see how long this group of opponents, who probably lost their fortunes and made so much preparation, can last with their large array!"

Sibier's words drew laughter from the Huitang warriors.

That's right, only when the array is within it can they exert a strong attack power. Now that the Star-Eyed Clan has directly displayed these things, then our side will not attack for the time being, and see how long they can last, maybe in a while Yes, they couldn't hold on anymore, they just gave up the formation and attacked.

The two adults of Xingyan, Ba Shilu and Cheng Liujin are in the same battle formation. As the core, they are located in the center, blocked by layers of Xingyan warriors, and they cannot be seen from the outside.

In the stands, most of the reserved tickets of the Star Eye Clan were sold, and only a small part remained. Some elites of the Star Eye Clan got the qualifications and came to the scene to cheer for the clan. Ye Zhongming, Pao Bai, Ji Kesu , Yashinan and others are all there.

"Our tribe is a little silent, do you want to cheer them up?" Ye Zhongming saw the star-eyed tribe standing in awe among the four large formations below, and said to the robe beside him.

"How to cheer?"

Pao Bai was confused, not knowing what Ye Zhongming meant.

"It's just you shouting, Star-eyed tribe, and then everyone shouting together, come on."

Not only was his robe white this time, but even Ji Kesu Zhonghong Ke and others around him looked at him blankly.

"Okay, pretend I didn't say it."

Ye Zhongming felt that the cultural gap was really terrible.

"How long can they last?" Ji Kesu has been helping Ye Zhongming at this stage, and he doesn't know much about the affairs of the clan, and he doesn't even know about the array. The large array disk, the worry in my heart has been lingering.

Pao Bai laughed, "Old man, don't worry, even if it lasts until tomorrow, we can afford it now."

Ji Kesu looked at Ye Zhongming and knew what Paobai was referring to, but he still sighed and said, "If it can be saved, it must be saved."

He never knew before that it was so expensive to do research and manufacture equipment. In other words, at different levels, he had no concept of manufacturing at a higher level.

But after seeing Ye Zhongming's research and experiments, Ji Kesu realized that sometimes, money really cannot be called money...

Although the senior officials of the Star Eye Clan now know that Ye Zhongming got a huge sum of money from the Sioux Clan, it is his own after all, and now it is used to serve the Clan, so he feels sorry for not saving some dim sum.

"It's okay, if the Huitang people think that they can invalidate the formation disk, they are too naive."

Ye Zhongming, who knew everything, sneered. He really didn't have any good impressions of these guys who have been taking the bad star-eyed clan as their mission from before to now.

As soon as Ye Zhongming's words fell, the star-eyed people in the arena started to move.

The warriors on the formation on the left with Bashilu as the core raised their weapons together and poured their body energy into them. After that, they formed a team of five, with one warrior in the middle holding up his weapon, and the four people in the front, back, left, and right raised their weapons. It's all on this person's weapon.

The sound of metal colliding rang out.

The entire arena became silent at this moment, because everyone knew that the battle had started from this moment.

A team of 2,000 people, each with 500 people on the formation board, a group of five people, there are a hundred groups, when all their weapons have completed this state, a light appeared at the place where the weapons meet each other The halo, in the form of a ring, swings around, and after meeting the halos of other groups, they merge with each other and grow stronger. In the end, a huge and incomparable halo covered the heads of these five hundred people.

"What is that!?" Almost everyone exclaimed, they had never seen such a thing.

They wouldn't be surprised if the Sioux people used all kinds of magic circles, but these are all Star-Eyed people, so it's strange that this big circle of light was obviously made by them.

Could it be that the star-eyed tribe has mastered some new ability?

When the people of the Huitang tribe saw it, they immediately became alert, and the formation changed from being scattered before to becoming orderly, forming a defensive formation with some shield warriors with excellent defensive power as the front formation.

This kind of response made the patriarch of the Huitang clan nod repeatedly in the stands.

Although the 2,000 members of the Huitang clan who participated in the battle crushed the Star Eye clan in terms of overall strength, they are far better than the Huitang clan in terms of equipment and preparation process after all, which has narrowed the gap in strength between the two.

Especially when faced with such an unknown ability, if you still rushed forward without thinking, that would be the wrong choice.

The myriad races in the universe are not flowers in a greenhouse. They are a race that has survived the war with the slaves for so many years, and they are not random objects.

The food team was attacked by Ye Zhongming and the Star-Eyed Clan before, but it was actually because of being unprepared for the sudden attack, and later it was because of misjudgment. If the Huitang tribe paid more attention to it and really sent heavy troops to defend, the Star Eye tribe would give up.

The circle of light hovered in everyone's eyes for a few seconds, and then quickly flipped over, from flat to vertical, and then turned faster and faster, rushing towards the battle formation of the Huitang clan.

In the arena, voices like ah, oh, began to rise and fall one after another.

"Attention, attack from afar!"

Sibier roared, and under his command, many people released their skills to intercept the whistling circle of light in this way.

This is the safest way to keep the enemy out.

All the Huitang clansmen who participated in the battle looked up halfway to see the halo and the skills issued by their own side getting closer and closer. The clansmen in the front had already erected their shields to prevent the impact of the aftermath.

The two sides collided quickly, and the light was brilliant, forming a large light curtain in the center of the arena. Although it was dazzling, but fortunately, the people watching the battle were basically well-trained fighters, so it didn't affect them too much.

In the light curtain, the circle of light was obviously dim, but it still landed on the formation of the Huitang clan, making a bang.

Many Huitang warriors who were in charge of defense staggered back and were stopped only after being caught by the clansmen behind. Some shields appeared cracks. Obviously, the attack power of the Star-Eyed Clan was not small.

The fighters of the Huitang tribe breathed a sigh of relief, which can be regarded as withstood the star-eyed tribe's dismount.

However, before they stood up again, they suddenly heard a huge uproar. They knew it was wrong, so they hurriedly looked around and found that some... sword.

These lightsabers have no hilts, only the blades. Unlike before forming a huge circle of light, this time the handleless swords are separated, with a total of one hundred handles.


Sibier's voice was a little distorted. He really didn't know what abilities the Star-Eyed Clan used. The aperture just now hit the shield after being weakened. That kind of power, no matter how you look at it, he had all his strength. The level of one strike, if it is not weakened before, may catch up with the attack of a big master.

By analogy, the attack power of these scattered swords is at least equivalent to the strongest attack of 50,000 to 60,000 Fu Leila's life.

Once they meet people from the Huitang clan, not many people can stand up to it.

When Sibier shouted to attack, these handleless swords stabbed down one after another, the speed was faster than the aperture just now, and because they were very scattered, they were not so easy to defend, and it was obvious that the method just now would not work.

The fighters of the Huitang tribe were a little flustered, and many of them used their skills, hoping to counteract these attacks.

This method is still useful to a certain extent. Many lightsabers were hit, and the first few were even directly scattered.

However, when there were fifty people in total, more than thirty handleless lightsabers fell into the formation of the Huitang clan, and the screams immediately rang out. No matter how many more than twenty people were hit, Sibier turned his head , found that what he could see, ten people were killed.

The not so outstanding armor cannot provide enough protection for these tribesmen, and the strength of these killed tribesmen is also unable to block the attack.

"here we go again!"

Before Sibiel could turn his head, he heard the exclamation of other fighters. He turned around quickly and found that this time more densely packed lightsabers had approached.

When he turned his head just now, he was still the warrior on the star-eyed clan formation. Instead of attacking in a group of five like the previous two times, each of them released one independently, five hundred long daggers. The light flew over, and in the eyes of the Huitang warriors, it landed in their battle formation.

These light daggers are not as powerful as the previous lightsabers, but there are too many of them, and they are fired too fast, which does not give the Huitang warriors much time to react, so the effect is better than the two times just now, and more than ten people died. Dozens were injured.

The spectators in the arena were stunned by the almost continuous attacks, and had no idea when the Star-Eyed Clan mastered this ability.

It's okay if only one person masters it, but it's a collective mastery of 500 people, which is a bit scary. Compared to the third attack that caused the most casualties, everyone actually valued the first two attacks, because they were a real team attack, an ability that allowed low-paying Leyla fighters to challenge high-level fighters.

"Array, there is a problem with their array!"

A life said very firmly.

For a race, mastering a brand-new fighting method may not happen once in hundreds of thousands of years. They don't think that the Star-Eyed Race, which was in a very bad situation before, has such abilities, otherwise they wouldn't be so embarrassing. In this case, the only thing that can explain it is the array.

Could it be that the large formation disk of the Sioux tribe can already break through the constraints of the range and produce an effect similar to that of the Sioux tribe personally setting up the formation?

If so, that's kind of scary.

Many beings have made up their minds, after watching this competition, they will go to get a few arrays to test.

Ye Zhongming looked at the battle below, and the expression on his face became more and more relaxed.

He and many people watching the battle could see that the Star-Eye Clan was using the Huitang Clan's traditional way of thinking about the board, and felt that it could be delayed and let the opponent come out and give up the board.

Unexpectedly, they themselves became passive because of this, and the way of handling it that was considered correct before has now become the wrong way.

"This is just the beginning, let's experience it well." Ye Zhongming whispered, and following his words, the Bashilu phalanx that had launched three rounds of attacks suddenly gathered towards their core training chief, and everyone The weapons of Bashilu collided with Bashilu's weapon as the center, and in the eyes of more than 200,000 people, a huge amount of energy was emitted, forming a huge sword with a length of 100 meters, like a collapsed mountain peak, Move towards the battle formation of the Huitang clan!

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