Roulette World

2097 The way to fight back (Part 1)

The ordinary fighters of the Star-Eyed Clan are very happy, but the high-level members of the Star-Eye Clan are very unhappy.

"I'm so angry."

Cheng Liujin smiled and poured water for everyone before sitting down at the table.

The Golden Commander has always been airless.

In the conference room, the two adults of Xingyan, the two commanders of Cheng Liujin and Paobai, the two backbones of Bashilu, Yashinan, Jikesu and the patriarch's guard, and the two deputy commanders of the Golden Camp and Baiyin Camp Long are here.

"It's clear that we are being bullied." Paobai looked at the cup in front of him, his tone flat.

Whether it's gilt or white robes, everyone knows that although they look calm, in fact, their hearts are full of anger.

For this battle, the Star Eye Clan paid a lot.

From the initial attack on the food transport team of the Huitang tribe to this trial of the brave, the Star-eyed tribe spent more than five million monthly gold just to buy news, purchase materials, and prepare equipment. The star-eyed clan spends money, not counting Ye Zhongming's side. If they are all counted, it is estimated that there are tens of millions of months old.

Of course, materials and other equipment are produced, as well as purchased equipment. These are all property, and they are definitely not one-off, so these expenses are acceptable.

But the soldiers who died in this series of actions are the ones that make everyone feel distressed the most.

There were several raids on the food transport team before, with about a thousand casualties. This time, many people died in the brave trial. These people are the backbone of the Star-Eyed Clan.

In particular, the people sacrificed by the patriarch's guard were the mainstays, and they were one of the few masters of the Star-Eyed Clan. The hundreds of casualties this time, in exchange for only two million years old?

No, the original market price of those blue corns was also one million. That is to say, after so many days of planning, actions and the last fight, they were exchanged for one million years old gold and a bunch of equipment.

This breath is really too stuffy.

Just so what?

It would be easy if there were no eight heads. After killing half of the Huitang elites at once, the Star-Eye Clan might be able to fight to the death with the strength of the whole clan.

Yes, even now, the Star-Eyed Clan will be at most a loser with the Huitang Clan, and when they recover for a while, they will be much stronger than the Star-Eye Clan again.

This is the question of background.

The Huitang tribe is a middle-level race. Compared with a small tribe like the Star-eyed tribe, the gap is not only reflected in the overall strength, but also in a series of aspects such as background, population, system, business, education, technology, etc. This time, the Hui Tang Clan was caught off guard to achieve such a result. If they really had to fight hard, the Star-Eyed Clan was a little bit behind.

But these are all a matter of time. After the changes brought about by Ye Zhongming, the Star Eye Clan will enter a rapid development path, and they will surpass the Huitang Clan in a short time.

Just certainly not now.

If a Huitang tribe insisted on reneging on their debts, the Star Eye tribe would have no choice but to give up most of the benefits to the other eight heads and the expert referee, in order to ensure that this time their work would not be in vain.

The facts are not as expected, and the Huitang clan can really go all out, and they can even bleed to other people, just to prevent the Star-eyed clan from succeeding.

It has to be said that the patriarch of the Huitang Clan, Wei Cuo, played a great role on the spot, and instantly took out a huge amount of wealth to make up for some losses. More importantly, the Star-Eyed Clan almost returned empty-handed.

"Maybe we can look at the problem from a different angle." Master Xing sat there and said, "We didn't get the benefits we expected, but the Huitang clan was consumed as much as we expected. We promised to distribute 50 million to the other seven families Month-year-old gold, if you give ten million moon-year-old gold to the big masters, can the Huitang tribe give them less? If there is less, those guys who eat people and don't spit out their bones will not be willing, so just don't give more. No, it is estimated that it will cost around 70 million.”

These analyzes are all based on facts, and in fact, the guesses are almost inseparable.

"The eight heads in Antiao City, no matter which clan is worth over 100 million, naturally,

Some are even more than that, which refers to the sum of various assets. However, there are not many who can come up with a huge amount of monthly gold cash, at least the Huitang clan can't get it out, we just need to wait, and the Huitang clan will usher in their weakest time. "

Master Yan is also angry, but he is the patriarch after all, he can't be so excited and angry in front of the clansmen, this will infect his emotions to his subordinates, in this state, maybe when the clansman's anger will erupt, causing Something happened.

"By the way, why didn't you see Zhongming?" Everyone came here after they came back. After talking for a while, Ye Zhongming didn't come in, Master Xing asked.

"When I came back just now, I saw him calling some people from the Bronze Battalion over, and I didn't know what he was ordering." Jacksu replied.

"I'll go look for him." Paobai simply stood up and went to look for Ye Zhongming. He felt that it was better than sulking in the conference room.

After a while, Paobai pulled Ye Zhongming in.

"Zhong Ming, what happened?" Now the King of Cloud Top is the treasure of the Star-Eyed Clan, there is nothing wrong, Master Xing immediately asked when he saw him.

Ye Zhongming shook his head.

"It's okay, I'm just angry."

Although everyone has been with Ye Zhongming for less than a year, they have a general understanding of his temper. The senior executives looked at each other, and then asked Ye Zhongming, did they think of any solution?

"I sent people to buy news." Ye Zhongming drank his saliva and said calmly.

The reason why the Star-Eye Clan was able to accurately grasp the situation of the Huitang Clan's food transport team before was the news bought by Ye Zhongming. Everyone knows that there is such a very powerful and accurate source of information that provides Ye Zhongming with a lot of information.

Ye Zhongming didn't say anything, and it's not easy for everyone to ask, but considering how rich he is now, it shouldn't be difficult to do this.

In fact, Ye Zhongming did not buy this news with money, but used the intelligence network outside the Library Palace, which is the one controlled by Zizikaba.

With Ye Zhongming becoming the hope of the library palace, Antiao City has now become the key control city of that secret network.

"I want to know all the movements of the Huitang clan from now on, and the main movements of the other seven middle races."

In a word, the temperature in the room froze for a few seconds. a sign of the next move.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ye Zhongming smiled and said, "Are you willing to do what happened today?"

Naturally, they are not reconciled, but the current strength of the Star-Eyed Clan does not allow them to do anything.

"I'm not reconciled either. I haven't been bullied for a long time, so I feel very uncomfortable." Ye Zhongming raised his fingers on the table.

All the people in the meeting room immediately cheered up.

"Tell me."

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