Roulette World

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"Continue Two in One~~~"

"This is the hunting ground this time."

Through the porthole, looking at the blue, white and red planet ahead, many people expressed such emotion.

It has been a long time since the people of all races in the universe have lived on a real planet. No matter how well the Survivor Fortress is done or how realistic the simulation is, it will be a fake after all.

Some things can never replace real planets, such as the decline in individual strength that no one has noticed for a long, long time before, but now there are some discoveries and the super rich are already studying it.

This decline in strength is not very obvious, but accumulated over the years, it is a fact that the overall strength of the myriad races in the universe has declined, which can be seen from the number of great masters.

At first, everyone didn't feel much. Even if the statistics revealed the problem, it was just a coincidence. It wasn't until a researcher of the Talos Red Dwarf put forward the theory of ectoplasm that it attracted everyone's attention.

Don't think that the red dwarves of Talos can only manufacture equipment. Their research on the human body is top-notch among all races in the universe. If they don't understand the characteristics of all kinds of life, how can they manufacture equipment that suits them? How can it be possible to make breakthroughs again and again, until now it is possible to create a Liaoshen class known as a "sub-artifact"?

The so-called ectoplasm theory means that all kinds of life types, such as carbon-based life, silicon-based life, etc., are born on planets, so the essence of life and planets are inextricably linked.

When life leaves the planet, it will have an impact on the body, but this impact is not so obvious, and it will show up after a long time.

In the theory, after enumerating and explaining the continuity of up to tens of thousands of lives and planets, the astral theory is gradually accepted by all races in the universe, and the transformation of the survivor's fortress will also be referred to, making it as close to the planet as possible. original environment.

However, although this kind of man-made work made up for many connections between life and planets and greatly slowed down the rate of decline in strength, it could not be eliminated.

Later, life can only make up for this missing connection by landing on the planet more frequently. Even when many people break through, they will choose to do it on the planet instead of the survivor's fortress.

For such a large-scale operation as the planet hunting ground, the participation rate of all races is very high, and there are also reasons for this.

"Master Ling, there is a communication from the patriarch, asking you to go there later, the selection of the resident will begin immediately."

A bronze warrior came to inform Ye Zhongming who was watching the scenery.

Before, the topography of the entire planet and the life energy response map have been transmitted to the various races participating in the war through the terminal. Ye Zhongming has also seen it. Now is the time to choose the residence. As the initiator, the Star Eye Race has the first the right to choose.

Ye Zhongming nodded, and immediately went to the control room where Master Xingyan was. After a while, there will also be a place where all the races participating in the war will be connected.

When we arrived at the control room, all the high-level members of the Star-Eye Clan were there. Compared with when the Huitang Clan was wiped out, only Ba Shilu, who stayed behind as a housekeeper, was missing.

"The bell is coming, the time agreed by the Su clan is coming."

This time, the Sioux tribe sent a large army with more than 100,000 people. The orthodox leader was the elder Huozhi, and the two deputy commanders were elders from the other two families.

Soon the communication was connected, and Huozhi's clean face appeared on the light screen.

"Master Xing, Lord Eye, the bell is ringing!"

Huozhi didn't have the slightest pretensions of the elders of the Sioux clan. As soon as the communication was connected, he took the initiative to say hello here.

The two adults Star Eye and all the members of the Star Eye Clan stood up.

Huozhi is not Jie Su, Jie Su is a distinguished guest when he comes to the Star Eye Clan, and as the elder of the Su Clan, Huo Zhi's status is not comparable to that of the Star Eye Clan.

Even if you don't talk about the elder status of the Sioux clan, Huozhi himself is worthy of being respected. The only elder who is not directly related to the Sioux clan has mastered three of the top ten formations.

He is even among the ranks of great masters. Such a person is highly regarded and respected by all races in the universe.

Therefore, no one in the Star-Eyed Clan would sit still, even if the two parties were only communicating through the light curtain.

"Let me introduce you, Elder Luozhisu, Elder Zhongkensu."

The other two lieutenants were obviously members of the other two branches. When they saw the Star-Eyed Clan, they just nodded slightly. After all, the Star-Eyed Clan is the ally of the Patriarchal Clan.

After the Star-Eyed Clan said hello to them, Huozhi went straight to the topic, bowed his head a few times, and a three-dimensional picture appeared in the center of the light curtain among them.

"There is still an hour for the big communication of all races, we have to hurry up." Huozhi said, clicking a few times on the simulation map of this planet, and there were several places marked in red on it.

"This is a few more suitable positions that we selected after discussion."

The star-eyed tribe immediately moved the information on the light curtain to their respective terminals, and then watched it carefully.

Ye Zhongming also looked at it, frowning in thought.

The choice of camp is very, very critical, and many issues are involved in it.

The most important, such as terrain.

The camp must choose a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. This is equivalent to controlling the initiative. You can attack when you go out, and defend when you retreat. You can use the least amount of troops to guard the camp. very important.

There is also the surrounding landform, whether it is a plain area suitable for large-scale army operations, a forest area suitable for hunting alone, or a lake area suitable for water warfare.

Such as the level and quantity of prey around.

There are trillions of prey on this planet, with different levels, strong and weak. When choosing a camp, whether there are many prey around and whether the level is high will affect the final result of the battle.

Quantity, grade, distance from camp, type of prey suitable for hunting by this species, and many other factors need to be considered carefully.

In short, this is a process of comprehensive consideration, there is no fixed answer, only the most suitable choice for you.

"The advantage of the combination of our two parties is that the first is the number of people, the second is intimacy, the third is formation, the fourth is surprise ability, and the fifth is group combat."

Huozhi said calmly, in fact, the number of people mainly depends on the Sioux tribe. They have 100,000 soldiers, and their formation is also their advantage. By the way, they also brought out the advantages of group warfare.

Surprise ability is the characteristic of the star-eyed clan, and intimacy is... Ye Zhongming knows in his heart that this is putting gold on the face of the star-eyed clan.

The Sioux choose an ally at will, and the intimacy is enough.

On this hunting map, the Sioux are more suitable allies than other supers. Their formation is really a huge threat to their prey.

The kind of high efficiency and low risk, the cost performance is extremely high.

"So these locations were selected based on our characteristics. The first one is called the Red Grass Plain by the sources. The terrain here is open and there are many prey. The information we have obtained shows that there are more than Thousands of mutated beings are here, you see."

Huozhi pointed out the place called the Red Grass Plain, which is a large plain covered by a kind of red grass, and the number of mutated beings displayed beside it exceeds eight figures. This Sioux What I cut to show everyone is a place near the edge of the red grass.

"Here, there is a huge ravine formed naturally, with a width of 200 meters and a depth that cannot be seen. Perhaps it is more suitable to be an abyss. One side of this abyss is a red grass plain, and the other side is a mountain peak. From the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, the slope is very gentle. If we put the camp here, then this arc-shaped abyss will become our natural city wall. We only need to place a small amount of troops to defend it. The life of jumping ability. The focus of defense should be placed at the junction of the arc-shaped abyss and the mountain peak, where the abyss gradually narrows until it disappears halfway up the mountain."

Everyone zoomed in on the graph, and indeed saw the peculiar topography here.

"The mountain peak is steep from the mountainside, and the top is bare. Although there are some flying life habitats at the peak, the threat is not great. As long as you guard the sides, this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack."

Many people nodded, even those who knew about it from the Sioux tribe.

"What's more, on this side of the Red Grass Plain, there are a lot of parasites with a moderate level. We can hunt them down to get Moon Year Gold."

Huozhi looked at the expressions of everyone in the Star-Eyed Clan, especially Ye Zhongming. He seemed to be frowning, but he was a little surprised. This place was considered by the Sioux Clan to be the most suitable place for camping, and this little guy was not satisfied. ?

"The second place, here, is the Tianmai Plateau. From a safety point of view, this is the most suitable place. There are steep cliffs on it, and very few lives can climb it. Only one side needs heavy defense, and this side is still a steep slope. For a steep slope, as long as a fortification is built on the cliff, it is condescending and very easy to defend."

People from the Minor Racial Alliance are also here at this time. Although they don't have the right to speak, the Star-Eyed Clan let them come over to listen and let them meet the people of the Sioux Clan. After all, in the next fifty cosmic days, everyone will be Allies.

Seeing the Tianmai plateau, the eyes of the small races are all brightened. This place is very suitable for defense. The Sioux have done a good job of formation. With excellent vision, they can see if there is an enemy coming from a long distance. The defense time It is very suitable for both the size and defense area, and it is perfect for a small group like them who want to retain their strength and want to gain something.

"And there are a lot of prey around. The number of prey in the four directions is almost the same as that on the Red Grass Plain." Huozhi clicked on the numerical reality, and sure enough, the hunting grounds around the Tianmai Plateau are extremely abundant.

"Of course, here is not without disadvantages. Although it is easy to defend, hunting is still a bit troublesome, because leaving by land also has to go through the steep slope. If you take an aircraft, you have to worry about flying life and life on the ground that have the ability to attack the sky long-distance. The surrounding hunting grounds are also a little far away, and the hunting efficiency will be affected to a certain extent."

This is considered the second most suitable place for the Sioux. Compared with the Red Grass Plain, the harvest will definitely be less, but the focus is on safety, and the loss will be smaller.

After Huozhi finished speaking, he looked at Ye Zhongming again, and seeing that his brows were still unfurled, he felt that this little guy was picky enough.

"Look at the third place. The source didn't name it. Let's call it Changzui Shanzhai for now."

Huozhi clicked on the holographic simulation map, and a ruin appeared in front of everyone.

This should be a building left by the former aborigines, but it has been abandoned for many years, and now there are only ruins left.

But this place was selected as a base before, which obviously has its advantages. Compared with the Tianmai Plateau, this place is really easy to defend and difficult to attack.

"The Changzui Mountains are built on top of a mountain, built according to the shape of the mountain. The design is very good. At least half of it is hidden in the mountain. We only need to repair it in the past, and we can make it a usable base again. From the outside, it may not seem like much, but if you look at the scanned image of the interior, the space is huge, and at the level of our Sioux, after using the terrain to arrange formations, it basically doesn’t consume much manpower for attacks from mid-air and air.”

"In Changzui Village, there is only a not-so-wide natural stone road leading to the swamp below and the Gobi next to it. The stone road is only a dozen meters wide, and it is very winding. Both sides of the road are high, steep and smooth. It is impossible to pass through the cliff at all. As long as hundreds of soldiers are sent, the rear can be firmly guarded. For safety, you can also set up barriers at every turn to form layers of defense. I really can’t think of it. Normal Under the circumstances, if you want to break through the Changzui cottage, how many lives will you have to die?"

Originally, a Tianmai plateau was already a very good defensive camp, but I didn't expect that this Changzui cottage would be easier to defend. This is simply a place where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men don't open it. Guard this stone road , and guarded the entire camp, it was simply too safe.

"The prey resources are also very important. The swamp in front looks like a big smiling face from a high place, so it is called the big smiling face swamp. There are many parasites here. The green bark Gobi tree next to it has a lot of mutated life forms, and its level is also very high. very suitable."

"The disadvantage, of course, is that whether it is the Smiling Face Swamp or the Vatica Gobi, it is very unfriendly to large-scale group battles. This place is more suitable for small-scale battles with less than a thousand people. Whether it is a puddle in the swamp or a huge desert in the Gobi The green bark trees covered with thorns are an obstacle. We estimate that the final gain is the least in the three places, but the loss is definitely the least."

After Huozhi finished speaking, he turned off the holographic image, looked at the members of the Star Eye Clan, and said with a smile: "We think these three places are the most suitable. Medium hunting distance is long, Changzui cottage is the easiest to defend and the least profitable, I don’t know which one do you prefer to choose?”

"Zhong Ming, what do you think?"

Huozhi valued the Star-Eyed Clan, to put it bluntly, he valued Ye Zhongming, and now he directly asked his opinion.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, then raised his head and said, "I don't think these three places are suitable."

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