Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and thirteen public warnings

There are not too many hunting activities that can be called a feast by the vast majority of races in the universe, and the planet hunting ground is undoubtedly one of them.

Perhaps, the most popular one.

There is no way, things like land reclamation always make people full of expectations, which in turn generates excitement.

When the large communication linking all the races participating in the hunting ground of the planet was connected to the aircraft, countless small squares appeared around the huge light curtain, densely packed with ten circles, and they were all the races participating in this operation. Zhong Ming tried to find the Star-Eye Race from inside, but after looking for a long time, he realized that there were too many small boxes and too small.

In the center of the light curtain is a huge and extremely luxurious control room. There are some people busy inside, but there is no 'protagonist' standing in front of the light curtain.

"It's the flagship of the Hall Stars, the Homecoming, the most advanced aircraft among all races in the universe, and it's one level higher than the Golden Light."

Master Xing explained to Ye Zhongming.

The Golden Light is the kind of golden battleship that appeared in the sky on the day of the end of the earth. There are all kinds of names in the universe, such as the Golden Light, the Venus, the Time Stealer, and so on.

Ye Zhongming is not surprised by this. After all, the myriad races in the universe have been dealing with roulette for many, many years. Their current technological level, I dare not say that they have surpassed roulette, but many aspects have been based on the original roulette technology. With great development and progress.

This space battleship called Guitu is now the result of the science and technology of all races in the universe.

Without making everyone wait for too long, footsteps came from the light curtain soon, and a few seconds later, a figure appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zimu."

Seeing this person, the others didn't react, but Ye Zhongming and Paobai immediately looked at each other.

This is none other than the prince whom the Hall star intends to marry the Musk star, that is, the future husband of Estherway who has basically been decided, although it has not been clearly announced.

The two of them were puzzled for a while, and then they thought something was wrong in their hearts.

According to common sense, Yizimu's pick is definitely not his turn to preside over the camp selection this time. After all, this is an opportunity to show his face in front of the entire universe, which can greatly increase his prestige. It was presided over by the heirs of the previous ranks, or a top expert such as an elder, deputy patriarch, or army commander, and several super rich clans took turns.

Now, the person who shouldn't be the host appeared in this position, which can only show that the Hall star did it on purpose, for... It is likely to let Zimu come to show his face, increase the exposure, and then take advantage of the situation to announce the agreement. Estherway's marriage.

Ye Zhongming, Pao Bai, and Jie Su on the Sioux aircraft made the same guess at the same time.

For them, this is not good news.

Ye Zhongming lowered his head slightly and moved his fingers.

"I won't talk about the rules. Everyone is very clear. Let's go directly to the selection part. But before that, I will say a few words. , the slave tribe left halfway, thus creating a status quo where mutated life forms, parasites, and aborigines co-exist, and they are all powerful. From two perspectives, the good side, we can get more resources on it, and the bad side On the other hand, the risks we have to bear will also become very large. So I hope that when you choose your residence, you will try your best to base it on the actual situation, and don't take risks, let alone take risks, especially for small races that have just improved. You must do what you can, don't aim too high, and know your identity and strength, so that you can live better and for a long time."

After finishing speaking, Zimu clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Then let's start."

After Zimu said these words, the other races did not immediately enter the state of choosing a resident, but instead turned their attention to a certain position on the light curtain, where the Star-Eyed Race is.

What was the meaning of the last words of the Hall star prince? Why do you say such nondescript words? Is he free?

Even fools understand,

That's for the Star Eye Clan, and for Pao Bai!

The love story between Yiserwei and Paobai is unknown to all the tribes in the universe. The daughter of the super rich clan chased after a warrior of a small clan. This has almost become the standard for all love scripts on the seven survivor fortresses model.

Everyone knew it, and Prince Zimu knew it too, so it would be strange if he could feel comfortable.

If it is said that Yiselwei is even if he is empathetic, he will not do so, but until now, the woman who is about to become his wife is still firmly and resolutely resisting this marriage, even at the expense of marrying her. Her father and the patriarch of the super-rich clan quarreled and turned against each other. In addition, she was a daughter of the emperor since she was a child. The clan's prestige is very high, and her attitude has directly influenced many people to resist this marriage.

Although in the end it was still relying on the constant pressure and concessions from the Hall Stars, the internal affairs of Musk Star were finally confirmed, but Isserway was even more determined and directly announced the retreat practice, so until now, Zimu and Yi Servi's matter has not even been settled publicly, so it's impossible for him not to be angry.

So in such a public occasion, by insinuatingly warning the star-eyed tribe and Paobai, Zimu felt that he could breathe a little bit, and let other races know that he was not so good-tempered, although he certainly could not inherit the Hall star tribe. The throne, but... Maybe he can become the regent of the Musk Stars! Your robe is white, you better be sensible!

The members of the Star-Eye Clan were filled with righteous indignation, but facing the scary name of the Hall Star, they could only suppress their anger in their hearts.

"Star-eyed tribe, please choose your residence this time."

Zimu clicked on the light curtain, and the light curtain with his images in the center was immediately divided into three parts, and the upper quarter part was divided into two side-by-side medium-sized square frames, one of which was Zimu and the other , is the first screen for the star-eyed clan to choose a residence.

The lower three-quarters are a holographic map of the hunting grounds of the planet.

Master Yan stood up and saluted the light curtain first. This was not for Zimu, but for all races in the universe.

Everyone looked at the masked Star-Eyed Clan patriarch with interest through the light curtain, guessing where the Clan would choose after being warned to 'do what they can'.

"This time, our small clans in Antiao City unite to send troops, and we choose... Flooding Jedi!"

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