Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and fifteen twists and turns (on)

"Sometimes it's hard to imagine that our Star-Eyed Clan can be on our own." Paobai looked at the scenery passing by outside and the sound of various energy attacks, and said with emotion to Ye Zhongming beside him.

The landing plan of the Sioux clan is actually nothing. After the Sioux warships escorted everyone into the atmosphere until they fell above the Jedi of Water, they immediately carried out the landing operation.

The battle plan is nothing more than that the Sioux Clan is in charge of two directions, the Star-Eyed Clan is in charge of one direction, and the other small race alliances in Dark Stripe City are in charge of the last direction.

In terms of numbers, this distribution is reasonable. The number of Sioux and small race alliance fighters is about the same, and it is understandable that each is responsible for two directions.

But in terms of strength, the small race alliance is obviously not enough. They are actually more suitable for defense in one direction.

If you switch to other races, there is a high probability that you will do the same. After all, this is not the time to consider casualties and preserve your strength. If you can't log in smoothly, you may attract the siege of native life from the surrounding planets, resulting in a login failure. .

If that happens, you can only hover in the air and seek a second landing, but you can imagine how difficult it will be at that time.

If you can't log in continuously, you can only apply for a new choice of residence, but the ones you chose at that time are basically barren lands, and even if you gain something, it will never be too much.

It is estimated that none of them can make up for the loss of the previous failure of the landing battle.

It is a pity that the target of the cooperation between the Star Eye Clan and the small race alliance is the Sioux Clan. Although most of their 100,000 fighters are those with fighting talents in the clan, after all, they are capable in frontal combat. Insufficient, so if you want to successfully land without too much loss, only responsible for two directions is the maximum limit.

Of course, when it comes to combat ability, the fighters of the Star-Eye Clan and other small race alliances are not very good, but the current situation can only be like this.

Fortunately, the two parts that the Sioux were in charge of were the most difficult and dangerous. They were the eastern intersection near the Blue Devil Desert, and the intersection in the silent rain forest to the south. On the Folding Water Jedi, there were a lot of prey near these two intersections.

And the small race alliance of Dark Stripe City is in charge of the west side of the Long River Impact Plain. There are also many monsters on this side, and many of them are very powerful, but they are slightly inferior to the southeast sides in terms of numbers.

The easiest one should be the Star-Eyed Clan. They are in charge of the Demon Cave in the northern half of the abyss. For some reason, there are not many lives here, but there are not only about 20,000 fighters of the Star-Eyed Clan, so there must be a battle. fierce battle.

This is also what Paobai said, the reason why the Star-Eyed Clan can stand alone. You must know that the location of the landing operation does not only represent a battle, but also represents the location of each camp. In other words, this is a defense zone. Although the final income must be distributed uniformly, each defense zone can still get 20% of the income.

"It would be very unreasonable to separate the fighters of different races, and no one would agree, so we can only divide them in this way. Fortunately, we don't seem to have too many conversations."

Master Xing looked at the data track that kept flashing on the terminal.

"When the airborne arrives, the Gold Battalion will be the first to attack, followed by the Silver Battalion, and finally the Bronze Battalion. The patriarch's guard and other clan masters are ready to attack those powerful beings at any time. For the time being, don't transform."

Master Yan said this, not because he saw the Bronze Camp so clearly, but because the strength of the Bronze Camp has improved by leaps and bounds under Ye Zhongming's training, but after all, the time is too short to form a large-scale qualitative change. It's the Bronze Battalion, and even the Silver Battalion can only serve as a starter in a battle of this level. The real main force is the Gold Battalion and the Patriarch's Guard.

"Toot, toot!"

The terminals of all the Star-Eye Clan beeped at the same time. This was the message to prepare for departure. A red light in the cabin also lit up. Everyone stood up and held the metal bar next to them.

The moment the green light came on, the hatch opened, and the Star-Eye warriors jumped down one after another.

"Look around,

Attack carefully! "

Master Yan's words sounded in everyone's communication earphones, reminding everyone to be careful, after all, this place is still tens of meters away from the ground, during the process of falling, they may be attacked by some flying life or even ground life.

The gold-masked warrior who jumped down first watched his surroundings vigilantly, and if he found anything that might threaten them, he shot and destroyed them all.

"Silver Battalion, now!"

Lord Eye's orders continued to come, and the soldiers of the Silver Battalion, who were ready to go, began to jump off the troop carrier at this time. There were so many of them, so from the ground, it seemed quite overwhelming.

About ten seconds later, Master Yan ordered again, and the Bronze Battalion jumped with him and Ye Zhongming.

The reason why he was with the Bronze Camp was undoubtedly to take care of him.

The soldiers of the Bronze Battalion immediately jumped off the large troop carrier, and Ye Zhongming was also in this group.

Although the troop carrier is very large, when jumping off it, it still gives people a feeling of enlightenment.

The air has a freshness that is not found in the Survivor Fortress, and it may have some complicated smells. When it is inhaled, it still feels very refreshing and comfortable.

Ye Zhongming quickly scanned his surroundings in the air, and found that the range of his eyes was almost covered by fighters of all ethnic groups. Nearly 200,000 fighters descended together, which was extremely spectacular and shocking.

"Look, Banyuan Demon Nest!"

Lord Yan is by Ye Zhongming's side, and the air is still safe now, so he also leisurely pointed Ye Zhongming in the direction of their defense.

Although I have seen it on the hologram, it is still a bit shocking to see it with my own eyes.

It seems that the wall of the abyss has been leaned against countless openings, and there are large and small caves on it, and the inside is dark, giving people a feeling of eerie.

What is even more disturbing is that there is an extremely wide road leading to the bottom of this half of the abyss. The feeling of constantly going down, entering the abyss, and approaching the cave is very, very scary.

Ye Zhongming just glanced at it and stopped looking at it. That's for the future. Now, he should try his best to help the clan to gain a firm foothold here.

The firearm in his hand started to fire. Although the universe has basically bid farewell to this weapon, it is still useful to take it out now. The soldiers who have not landed on the ground use various types of firearms to attack some targets condescendingly. Comrades who have fallen on the ground fight.

After firing a few shots, Ye Zhongming's body felt a sudden stop, and the speed of his fall immediately slowed down. He moved and stepped on the ground of the planet hunting ground.


At this moment, in various places on this planet, countless races are engaged in landing battles. The originally peaceful and peaceful planet has suddenly become a bloody battlefield. In order to build a camp smoothly, all races in the universe are in the air Fighting under the cover of strength, in an instant, it seemed that the entire planet was stained red with blood.

Most of the races went well, only a small part encountered tenacious resistance, and even many races have already sent help signals to other races they are familiar with...

Among these less successful races was the alliance of the Sioux and the Star-Eyed Clan.

Originally, the previous landing was very smooth. Although the Sioux tribe had a lot of native life on the planet, they were quickly killed or driven off the road under the attack of the Sioux tribe. The Star-eyed tribe also had fewer monsters. The landing battle went smoothly, and they even took the lead in clearing a large area of ​​open space for transport ships than the Sioux.

However, there was a problem with the small race alliance.

At the beginning, their side was also very smooth, but accidents always happened.

Just when the small race alliance paid a small price and cleaned up most of the prey, and the rest were driven to the side of the path, suddenly a group of flying life flew up from the place near the silent rainforest and rushed directly to the small race alliance In the sky above, the number is nearly ten thousand.

The sudden situation was enough to catch people off guard. Misfortunes never come singly. Many mutated beings were alarmed and rushed up and down the road from the plain. One of the monsters was quite powerful, and it arrived in a few seconds without any defense. Small road intersection.

This not only caught the small race alliance by surprise, but also frightened the Sioux, and immediately sent a team of 5,000 to help.

The Star Eye Clan also noticed an abnormality, and the patriarch's guards, led by Lord Eye, also rushed over to support them.

Because the battle was going on, and there were still a large number of flying beings, the second batch of transport ships and support personnel who were supposed to land on the Jedi had to stay in the air.

Perhaps these aerial targets are a bit big. Before the battle on the side of the small race alliance was over, a large number of flying lives flew up in the silent rainforest again!

This time, even Ye Zhongming's face changed a bit.

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