Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and nineteenth improved array (below)

Ye Zhongming opened the first box, took out a piece of material from it, looked around, then put his hand on it lightly, closed his eyes slightly, and then an inconspicuous halo came out from his palm, slowly Slowly injected into this material.

Seeing this scene, Huozhi raised his eyebrows directly.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the way. As an elder of the Sioux clan, Huozhi is a true master of formations, and he has studied the formations to an extremely deep level, especially since he is already extremely talented and has dabbled in various aspects, so he naturally thought of countless ways to strengthen the formations. method.

It's just that the top ten formations are precious wealth accumulated by the predecessors for countless years, so how can it be so easy to improve.

For Huozhi, when he saw Ye Zhongming's movements, he knew what he was doing.

He is...improving the material!

This thing is easy to say, but difficult to do.

Ordinary materials are naturally not too laborious to modify, and anything made after improvement is better than the original.

This is the most basic and easiest way to improve.

However, the materials of the various magic circles can be different, because the layout of the magic circle originally pays attention to energy balance, circulation, stability, and restriction.

For such a formation, the required materials also need suitable properties. Therefore, very few people have been able to improve the materials used to arrange the formations, because even if they are not careful, modifying even the slightest part of the materials will cause the formations to fail.

Therefore, although everyone knows that this is the most straightforward way to increase the power of the formation, there is nothing they can do about it.

Because, it really needs too clever array mage or material processor or craftsman to make perfect improved materials.

Such people, usually among the myriad races in the universe, especially among the Su people, would live extremely well.

Huozhi knew that Ye Zhongming was a good craftsman, but he never expected that he would dare to try to improve materials.

This requirement is too high, not only the mastery of energy must be meticulous, but also has extremely high requirements for physical strength, mental strength and perception...

But Huozhi didn't stop Ye Zhongming, and he wasn't afraid that he would damage these almost unique materials. He wanted to see what this little guy who had repeatedly surprised people could bring him this time.

Ye Zhongming was extremely cautious at this time, knowing that the matter was of great importance, he did not dare to take it lightly.

The material was constantly spinning in his hands. If you look carefully, it actually has no contact with Ye Zhongming's hand. It is only controlled by strength. This hand made Huozhi's expectations a little higher.

However, Huozhi also began to worry about whether this kid's physical and mental strength is enough...

After a few minutes, the strength in Ye Zhongming's hand gradually disappeared, and the materials fell into his hands again.

"Fortunately, it's a shame." Ye Zhongming put this material aside and picked up the second one.

Huozhi is not polite, he directly picked up the improved material, observed carefully, and found that the quality has been substantially improved, and all the internal structures are very in line with the requirements of Jin Bingshazhen.

Satisfied, he put down the material and continued to watch Ye Zhongming improve the second material.

In this way, within a few minutes, Ye Zhongming improved a piece of material, and the average speed is surprising. Moreover, Huozhi is a great master. He is keenly aware that although it feels like Ye Zhongming improved the material, They are all the same, but in fact, the speed is a little faster. If it is only compared with the improvement time of the first piece of material and the improvement time of the current piece, the difference is at least ten seconds.

These materials are all the same.

This can only show that Ye Zhongming has already started to become proficient, without the jerkyness just now.

This kid's talent is really enviable.

Waiting for all the materials to be processed, Huozhi looked at the time, but less than an hour had passed. You must know that this is the most abundant material, accounting for about a quarter of all materials.

After Ye Zhongming finished these, he closed his eyes and said nothing. Huozhi knew that he was recovering his physical and mental strength. After thinking about it, he took out these two medicines and handed them to the King of Cloud Top.

The medicine that can be carried by Huozhi is naturally the best, Ye Zhongming did not refuse, looked at it and put it aside after thanking him.

This made Huozhi a little confused, why, don't use it now?

Ye Zhongming really doesn't need these now, his physical strength and mental strength, even among all races in the universe, few people can match.

He picked up the second material.

Like the first one, he was cautious at the beginning, and it took a lot of time to improve one piece of material, but later it became faster and faster, and soon the second material was also improved by him.

Huozhi was a little surprised. This kid's mental and physical strength, as well as his concentration, are impressive.

After Ye Zhongming closed his eyes and rested for a few minutes, he picked up the third material, and the potion for restoring physical and mental strength was still there.

Huozhi hesitated to speak, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.

Ye Zhongming completed the improvement of the third material, including the previous one, it took a total of two and a half hours.

He picked up the fourth.

Huozhi finally couldn't help it and said, "Don't you need to take a break?"

Ye Zhongming thought about it very seriously: "It depends on the situation. If the energy consumption of this material is similar to that of the previous ones, then there is no need to rest for the time being."

The corner of Huozhi's mouth twitched, and he said okay, then he gestured with his hand, you continue.

Ye Zhongming continued, improving the fourth material in more than 40 minutes.

At this time, Huozhi no longer doubted that this kid could really increase the power of the golden soldier's killing array. The increase he said was at least 20%, probably meant that he could successfully improve these materials.

This kid really has two skills.

However, Huozhi's joy didn't last long, because the more he watched, the more frightened he became. Ye Zhongming's speed of improving materials did not slow down at all. It may not be fast, but overall, it still maintains a high efficiency.

Huozhi was afraid that if he was not careful, he would damage the materials. Some materials were still good, and there were spare parts if they were broken, but some were really irreplaceable.

When Ye Zhongming started to improve the last few key materials, Huozhi himself was so nervous that he couldn't make a sound. He forgot that Ye Zhongming didn't take too much rest all the time, and he just kept working like that. When he remembered At that time, the King of Genting was already improving the last piece of material.

Huozhi looked at the time, nine hours and twenty-five minutes, and finally estimated that all the work would be completed within nine and a half hours. During this period, this guy also rested for more than half an hour.

The last piece of material was successfully improved, and Ye Zhongming was completely relieved. This kind of dedicated improvement was too exhausting, and now his condition is only one-tenth left.

"Elder Huozhi, let's arrange the formation first, and then I will tell you another way to improve."

Ye Zhongming said.

"Okay." Huozhi nodded, waved his hand to put away all the materials, saw the two bottles of potions sent out before, and said, "Since you are useless, then..."

Before he finished, Ye Zhongming had already put away the two bottles of medicine, and then said with a suspicious look: "Elder, you don't want to ask for something from the gift, do you?"

Huozhi: "..."

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