Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and thirty: Huo Chao (below)

The moment the first shadow stepped into Huo Cao, both Ye Zhongming and the other members of the team were very nervous and ready to make a move, but nothing happened.

The people in the team were very puzzled. Generally speaking, no matter whether it was mutated animals, mutated plants, or even parasites, they all had a strong sense of territory. They would attack life that dared to violate their territory endlessly.

Mutated plants are lower in intelligence than other mutated beings, and mostly rely on instinct to do things, so it is very surprising that Sombra was not attacked in the first place.

The black shadow who was exactly the same as Ye Zhongming took a few steps forward, stopped when he found that nothing happened, paused, and suddenly pressed down with both hands, a force spurted out from his hands, hitting the ground directly. On Huocao, some soil turned up all of a sudden.

However, there was still no movement in Huo Chao.

He's face was a little ugly, she didn't think that these Huo Cao were afraid, or that they were in a dormant state.

Since it can't be these reasons, it can only be said that they don't know enough about Huo Cao, and something went wrong somewhere, which caused them not to attack now.

"Shiyong, take advantage of your speed to surprise a Huocao plant and take a look. Remember to back out immediately after launching the attack."

After thinking about it together, I decided to try another method.

Although it is very risky for Shi Yong to go up, but he is a member of the Star Eye tribe, he has an advantage in speed, and he has a good water chain to take care of him, which can guarantee his safety to the greatest extent.

Shi Yong came out from behind, stood on the edge of Huo Chao, took out a long dagger in his hand, made a gesture of closing and then rushed forward, his body turned into an afterimage and rushed into Huo Chao, the dagger in his hand The dagger also drew a cold light, stabbing downwards obliquely towards a Huocao.

Shi Yong's current battle is basically equivalent to about 12,000 Fu Leila's fighters. The power of this blow is not small. Even if these Huocao are mutant plants of super nine levels, they are not so easy to resist.

The moment the knife light stabbed the Huocao, it was suddenly blocked by a thick root system drilled from the ground.

The combined water chain fell on Shi Yong's body. Before that, she had already shouted for him to evacuate.

Shi Yong was already fully prepared. After he felt something coming out of the ground, he had already stepped back, but under his feet and behind him, several roots also rushed out directly.

Shi Yong was sent flying in the first instant, which was only an instant away from the moment when the dagger was knocked crookedly.

Everyone's expressions changed.

The speed is too fast!

We don't know the attack power for the time being, but the attack speed of these roots is really too fast, and it is so fast that everyone is a little desperate.

At the same time they felt the root system, these guys hit Shi Yong, who was the fastest among them.

Shi Yong was unlucky. Although his defense was not breached under the blessing of the Heshui chain, the huge impact force sent him flying towards Huo Chao. It is conceivable that once he fell into the depths, Then there will be no place to die.

However, the water chain cannot pull back the use, and it will even fail if it exceeds a certain distance.

Shi Yong is still calm at the moment, one of his hands has no intuition now, it was hit just now, and the other hand took out a weapon, and immediately cut at the roots stabbing under him go.

This is the only thing he can do now, it's better than waiting to die, even when he swung his weapon, he used a little skill, hoping to use this force to bring him to the direction of the team while colliding.

But the collision was faster than he had imagined. His weapon only swung a little before hitting the root system that was stabbing straight up and down. The weapon flew out again, and his body didn't dodge, being hit by the root system again.

Shi Yong, who was attacked for the second time in the air, felt extremely aggrieved. He had many methods in his mind to try, and even a few pieces of Hongning-level equipment on his body should have the ability to be useful.

It's a pity that these roots are really too fast, and the power is too great. Although under the protection of the water chain, the high-level protective gear on his body protected him from being killed, but the huge power was still transmitted to the body, making him He was so angry that his bones were about to shatter.

In this case, most of the strength was naturally lost, and the speed advantage that the Star-Eyed Clan was good at was even more out of the question.

In the process of rolling, Shi Yong saw that his body was a little far away from the team, and the third root system was stabbing like lightning.

Unstoppable, despair arose in his heart.

At this time, many shadows around Ye Zhongming moved, and they rushed into the Huo Nest to attack the roots that had pierced from the ground.

At the same time, the members of the team also released their prepared abilities at this time, and a large amount of light was produced here.

It cannot be denied that Huo Cao's attacks are indeed very strong. As long as they fall into their range, the continuous lightning-fast attacks make people unable to deal with them, but they are not invincible after all. Under the attack of dozens of members , the root systems that protruded near the edge were still broken by a wave.

Perhaps it was because Shi Yong was the only one, so not many roots came out, only four or five roots, all of which were interrupted like this, and Shi Yong also had a short respite after being attacked for the third time.

A member of the group immediately threw out the shield in his hand, while another threw out a long whip.

The shield is for Shi Yong to borrow strength from it to let him change direction, and the long whip is for him to grab it and fly back to the team.

When Huo Cao was injured, he definitely wouldn't let it go so easily. More than 20 roots immediately pierced out of the ground. Forever.

Apparently, this group of mutated beings wanted to kill this star-eyed race as soon as possible.

When the situation was constantly changing, and when everyone was focusing on Shi Yong, the remaining shadows around Ye Zhongming had all rushed into Huo Chao, attacking the roots that came out.

The attack power of the black shadows is not as good as those of the team, but there are so many of them. Ye Zhongming has no strength to save the backbone of his commando battalion. Not only the roots that have drilled out, but also a small area around them All over the place, the roots and leaves were blown by these black shadows.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shi Yong tapped on the shield, then stretched out his still moving hand to grab the whip, and was dragged back by the team members.

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