Roulette World

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"Why do you change me!" Chen Ning stood up abruptly, glaring at Ye Zhongming.

He is the head of the clan, with high prestige, otherwise he would not have been selected as the commander of the second army. Because Cheng Liujin is a member of the star-eyed tribe, he became the commander of the first army, and Chen Ning was next. , you can know what status he was originally in the small race alliance.

Now I suddenly heard a Bronze Commander of the Star-Eyed Clan make such a suggestion, I was really shocked and angry, even if it was Ye Zhongming!

Ye Zhongming, who is a member of the Taros red dwarves of the Hall Star, Lena Star, and Gu Rui Star Clan, is still a little bit afraid, but he doesn't take it seriously for a race in the dark strip city, which is still a small race.

"Why? Because you are so rejoicing, you don't cherish the lives of your soldiers! For your own reputation and benefit, you don't pay attention to tactics and tactics, and you blindly attack, regardless of casualties! Because you have made such a big mistake but don't know how to repent. Looks like it doesn't matter!"

Ye Zhongming turned back without hesitation, speaking so fast that Chen Ning had no time to react.

"Your fault is far more than that. Your fault is rooted in your thinking. In your consciousness, you did not take the lives of ordinary soldiers. You thought that as long as it is for the benefit, for the benefit, for the development and everything about you, the ordinary Soldiers or ordinary people can be sacrificed, you think they should have paid for you, and they have no regrets, and if they die, you may put on a high-ranking look if you give some compensation."

"You know, it's because of people like you that each small clan becomes weaker and weaker. For the sake of the so-called overall situation, the so-called future, and the so-called righteousness, you people will let ordinary fighters do it. Unnecessary sacrifices, even bearing things that shouldn’t be borne, sometimes I especially want to ask, why don’t you let your blood relatives sacrifice? Why don’t you sacrifice yourself? If You are such a person, I still admire you, but you are not, at least you Chen Ning is not, because when the military meritorious officer tells the number of casualties, I can't see a trace of pity and heartache in your eyes, let alone remorse and self-esteem. Responsibility, yes, just don't take it seriously!"

"A person like you must not be able to sit in the position of commander. Otherwise, after fifty days, how many people will be left in the second army? Eight thousand? Or five thousand? These mainstay fighters of all races made you so Was it a waste?!"

"These people are the hope for the revival of Antiao City in the future, and the talismans for all of our lives in the future. They can sacrifice, but they must be sacrificed with value, not like now, just for your little thought, let people who don't know you Those who should have died died in a foreign land!"

"I suggest that Chen Ning's Second Army be removed from the post of commander!"

Ye Zhongming said this sentence for the second time, but compared with the first sentence, the effect is completely different.


"You kid, you went out for a trip, and you not only gained a lot when you came back, but you also lost one of the four army commanders. You are almost becoming a legend."

Pao Bai patted Ye Zhongming's shoulder and said haha.

"If you say I'm a broom star, just say so."

"What is a broom star?"

"You are like this."


Paobai was a little speechless, paused and said: "You didn't arrange me to march, but let me leave some people to step up training in formation. What do you mean?"

Ye Zhongming raised his chin towards the Banyuan Devil's Nest.

"You want to go down and investigate?"

Ye Zhongming nodded: "If you don't check it, how can you rest assured? It will take a lot of time for us to kill Zimu. If something happens here while we are away, then we will have fun."

Pao Bai also frowned.

The Banyuan Devil's Nest is indeed too disturbing. In the previous observations of this planet, there were still parasites there, but after they landed and built a base, it seemed like a bunch of lifeless caves. Yes, it's eerily quiet.

Inside, what happened? Or are those parasites waiting for something?

"When are you going?"

Pao Bai asked calmly.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while and said, "Let's wait a few more days and see the situation."

Paobai nodded, and then said: "Is it... Can you send some people down to investigate first?"

This proposal moved Ye Zhongming very much, but he also knew that there might be serious dangers in it. Those who go in are risking their lives, and there is a 70% to 80% chance that they will not be able to get out. If people go down, such an order is really a bit cruel.

"I know you can't bear to let the soldiers go in and die, but some things have to be done after all. Their sacrifices may result in the survival of more comrades, so it's different from when you reprimanded Chen Ning." Pao Bai persuaded road.

I have been with Ye Zhongming for a long time, everyone knows that Ye Zhongming is a person who cherishes the lives of his subordinates very much at all times, this is naturally a good habit, and it is also a place that moves everyone, but sometimes sacrifices are unavoidable .

Ye Zhongming still hesitated for a moment and said, "It's fine to send someone down to have a look, but don't dive too deep, first explore the nearby places, and prepare all the equipment and equipment. If you encounter danger, you must return it."


Chen Ning's resignation caused an uproar in the entire small race alliance. Anyway, his prestige in the alliance is not low, and he was appointed as the commander by the Star-Eyed Clan in the grouping just now. Now, he has been withdrawn again in a few days. What is this for?

However, after gradually spreading the reason for Chen Ning's removal and Ye Zhongming's words in the command room, many people understood that the more ordinary soldiers were, the more grateful they were to Ye Zhongming.

They knew very well that perhaps because of this incident, the commanders would care more about their lives in the future.

At the same time, the first chief of the First Army where Ye Zhongming was located also told them about the various benefits Ye Zhongming had given them, as well as the ability of being transformed into a great master, which began to spread among the garrison, even The Liansu tribe heard a lot of news.

Although these rumors are exaggerated, they also improved Ye Zhongming's image a lot. Even after the addition of Star-Eyed Clan fighters, he became even more powerful.

Everyone is a sensible person, and after a little thought, they know that Ye Zhongming is the key figure in ZTE of the Star-Eyed Clan.

In the past, the patriarchs of various ethnic groups had such a clear understanding, but now almost everyone knows it.

For a while, Ye Zhongming's reputation almost reached a higher level than the two adults of Xingyan.

In this kind of excellent reputation, a news spread to these fighters who are still at home.

Ye Zhongming...recruited dead soldiers.

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