Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and forty-five little black shield

"Boss, what is this?"

Olija looked at the black thing in Ye Zhongming's hand and asked.

Now the people in the No. 1 General Manager are basically the same as Shi Yong, calling Ye Zhongming the boss.

There is no way, people are strong.

This kind of strength is not only reflected in the combat power. This group of people saw Ye Zhongming's individual combat power and skill combat power after his transformation, and they have no intention of comparing themselves. They know that after the transformation, they can beat you with one punch. Death is worse than a fart.

Therefore, whether it is a powerful warrior like Oliga who paid more than 50,000 Leila just because he is too brave to take up a higher position, or a magic warrior like Amy with super attack power, Ye Zhongming is very concerned about it in this respect. Convinced.

Another aspect is that Ye Zhongming can really make the battle easier.

Either they have good tactics, or they have good equipment, or they have good auxiliary tools. In this regard, they admire Ye Zhongming even more.

At least until now, they have never seen anyone who can lead his subordinates to fight like Ye Zhongming.

Not to mention the first team near the water tower, the other nine teams of the first team also got a lot of good things. This has significantly improved their combat effectiveness, and because of the grouping, each team is now very proficient in cooperating with each other. This way of cooperating with each other's occupations has greatly improved their combat effectiveness.

The result was that in the battle against the Leviathan scorpion just now, none of the 3,000 people died, only a few people were injured and poisoned, but they recovered immediately under the medicine of the Changxu Shui Clan.

This feeling of being able to fight and gain without any worries is really great, so that the members of the ten teams now respect Ye Zhongming as a god, but they definitely trust and worship him very much.


A shield warrior next to him twitched his face twice, a little dizzy looking at the black thing not much bigger than his fist, what can such a small thing defend against?

Ye Zhongming saw it, laughed, and threw the irregularly shaped shield with a diameter of only about 50 centimeters to the defensive warrior, saying, "Try it, inject energy into the handle you are holding."

The defensive fighter was also polite. After taking it, he found that there was an adjustable handle on the back. After adjusting it to fit his right hand, he slightly injected energy into it.

The entire shield, which seemed inconspicuous at first, lit up immediately, and the top of the shield seemed to be covered with a layer of oil.

"This is the first stage. After a small amount of energy is injected, the defense of the shield will be greatly enhanced. The effect is better than what you are using now. It is estimated that it can reach... a little worse than the Hongning level. For the defense area not exceeding The shield's single-target attack works well."

Hearing what Ye Zhongming said, the shield warrior's eyes lit up, and the way he looked at the shield changed from dislike to liking it immediately.

"In normal battles, you can maintain this state. After inputting energy, you don't need to worry about it. The shield will automatically absorb energy to maintain the current state until you are seriously injured and can no longer provide energy or become unconscious. Don't worry, the consumption is not much .”

Ye Zhongming said again that he made this shield out of the carapace of the Leviathan scorpion, a pure roulette technology product.

In front of these people, he will not reveal the fact that he has mastered the Talos red dwarf technology.

"The other form is when you want to fully stimulate and fill up the energy required by the shield, you can try it."

Ye Zhongming signaled him to continue adding energy into it.

The shield fighter immediately began to input, and as the energy increased, some energy phantoms began to appear around the shield, which made other fighters feel very curious and gathered around to watch.

When the energy input by the shield warrior reaches the limit required by the shield, the surrounding energy voids are almost as large as more than ten square meters.


"This kind of shield...let's call it the Little Black Shield. This is its second form, and it's also the ultimate form. The defense area is increased and the defense power is increased. It's probably equivalent to the Hongning level.

If the edges of the energy phantoms between the small black shield and the small black shield touch, they will automatically merge into one, forming an added defense area. "

Everyone is a mature fighter. When they heard this, they immediately knew what kind of equipment this small black shield is, although it has a single function, but it is extremely powerful.

The defensive power of the red condensate level, the edges can overlap and superimpose, which means that these black shields can be connected together without any dead ends.

This can form a powerful three-dimensional defense system at will.

The shield fighters in the ten teams were almost drooling.

"However, there are also disadvantages, that is, the defensive power is not fixed, it will gradually weaken over time until the energy inside is completely dissipated, and this time is about ten hours, that is to say, when there is no battle, every The defense power of the shield will decrease by about 10% in an hour, and if a battle occurs, the defense power will also decrease with the strength of the attack on it. The stronger the attack power, the faster the defense power will drop. As the time decreases or as the attack power decreases, it can be replenished at any time. As long as the energy is sufficient and it is not scattered by a single blow, it can always be in a defensive state."

Hearing this, everyone was not only not disappointed, but even more envious. It would be abnormal if the equipment had no shortcomings, but this kind of shortcoming is not a big problem in their view, isn't it just an injection of energy?

"Boss, when the energy is not enough, is it just a decrease in defense power? What about the defense area?"

While being happy, the shield warrior remembered one thing.

"Oh, yes, the defensive area will also decrease, and the degree of reduction is directly proportional to the degree of decline."

Ye Zhongming smiled and said.

Seeing everyone's admiration, he waved his hand, and a total of five hundred little Heiduns appeared in front of them.

The ten teams were in an uproar.

They knew that the boss was basically making equipment along the way, but they didn't expect to make so much! How long has it been since hunting the Leviathan scorpion? Less than half a day!

Even when he was walking, he was sitting among the mechanical beasts, so he didn't waste any time, but it was too fast, right?

"Each defensive fighter will take one, and the rest will be shared equally by each team and handed over to the attacking fighters." Ye Zhongming decided on the distribution plan for this kind of shield, then looked at the terrain and said: "This should be a bristle shield. Is it the edge of the four-hoofed territory?"

After getting an affirmative answer, he said: "This time our target is them. When we fight in the base, try to ensure that their bristles are intact. I want them to be useful. Well, everyone starts to prepare. Ten minutes later we will start!"

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