Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and forty-seven hunting super level 9 (on)

Ye Zhongming didn't care about the surprise of his subordinates, and began to arrange what everyone would do later.

Wanpeng Sand Bat is a rare big monster. It is full of treasures, but its value is not inferior to the two-tailed Japanese pirates obtained from the last hunting, and it is even much more expensive.

The body of this kind of big monster is not very tall, it is estimated to be only about 1.5 meters, but it is very wide, and it is the size of four standard football fields when it is an adult.

So it looks like a black carpet.

The reason why this kind of life is called a super life is not that its combat power has reached the level of destroying the world. If so, Ye Zhongming would not dare to provoke it, but that it is very difficult to be killed, and the way of evolution Also special enough.

There are three main ways for this thing to fight. One is to rely on their huge and excellent defensive body to directly cover the target, and use the almost ubiquitous huge suction cups under its body to absorb the life force of the target. Its such a large body, I don't know how heavy it is, and it is almost impossible to open it when it is pressed down.

The second is the tentacles on the back. These tentacles are usually useless, not as good as the remaining suckers, which can also absorb the original energy of the planet, but the tentacles are basically only used when fighting.

The part where the tentacles connect to the body is very soft all the way to the top, only the tip is very sharp and hard.

The last method is the twelve heads of the huge body of Wanpeng Sand Bat. A transparent liquid can be ejected from the mouth of each head. As long as any life touches it, it will lose its power in a short time. , It became a puddle of soft mud. At that time, it would be very easy for Wanpeng Sand Bat to solve it with tentacles or suction cups.

However, this transparent liquid is very precious, and this big guy is rarely used unless it is absolutely necessary.

And it is really difficult to kill it, because this guy has no obvious weakness, because the body is huge, with twelve heads and twelve hearts, if you want to kill it completely, you have to kill them all. And don't look at the size of the body, but the skin is rough and the flesh is thick, even if a large piece of meat is cut off, it is not a big deal to it at all.

This kind of life is extremely difficult to kill, and the attacks are all in the group range. Only 3,000 people are used to deal with it. Many people feel that it is a bit exaggerated.

However, Ye Zhongming led everyone to perform very well before, so no one raised any objections, but all listened attentively to his explanation.

Sometimes, turning the impossible into reality is also a kind of motivation that can make people fight for it.

"Okay, that's all, everyone understands, right?"

After Ye Zhongming finished speaking, he said to the surrounding soldiers.

Everyone answered together and made it clear. After listening to it, they have changed from lack of confidence before to full of confidence.

"We want not only victory, but victory without death!"

Ye Zhongming looked around and said, "Let's start."

Following his words, four star-eyed warriors rushed down from the sand dunes. Each of them held a machine in their hands. While moving quickly on the sand, they kept looking at the machine and ran out. After less than one kilometer, one person stopped, stood there and signaled this direction, and the other three continued to run, gradually opening up the distance from the first person, and gradually the four of them formed a huge square.

Ye Zhongming knew,

That should be where Wanpeng Sandbat is under the sand.

Ye Zhongming returned a gesture to let them start. At the same time, someone ran into the open space between the sand dunes and the four people, and they didn't know what they sprinkled on it.

Those star-eyed warriors took out some things from the space equipment Ye Zhongming gave and assembled them on the spot. After a while, four strange machines with a height of more than two meters stood on the blue sand.

The four of them contacted each other, pressed a button on the top together and then evacuated immediately. They went around in a big circle to the side. The auxiliary fighters and security fighters in the team on the dunes also left the team and went to the surrounding sand dunes, large or small. superior.

The four machines began to roar. They were shaped like huge inverted guns. Driven by the energy inside, they continuously hit a long and thick steel thorn downward.

As the depth of the steel thorns continued to enter, the frequency of this air pile driver became faster and faster, until at some point, white smoke began to emerge from it, and the frequency slowed down.

After waiting for a while, two of them exploded directly. It should be because of the strong resistance below. The steel thorn could no longer be driven in. Instead, the pile head above was subjected to strong anti-seismic force and was directly damaged. Lost.

A second later, the entire surrounding desert began to vibrate.

Anyone who unscrupulously drives piles on his back can't pretend that nothing happened. Wanpeng Sand Bat is really good at defending with rough skin and thick flesh, but it can't just stand up like that and let people attack, it will be able to break through the defense sooner or later.

Its huge body began to appear in the sand. The tentacles on its back appeared first, dancing wildly in the air, and then its black back began to appear. Looking from the sand dunes, it was limited by the terrain, as if it was like this to the horizon. like something.


Ye Zhongming said something, and the soldiers beside him immediately began to beat the prepared leather drums. The sound of thump, thud, thud was extremely low, and the sand on the ground was vibrating against the drums.

The movement here immediately attracted Wanpeng Sand Bat who was in a state of anger. Its head on this side looked over and found that there were so many intruders yelling at it, so it rushed over .

Ye Zhongming smiled, then called everyone to pay attention, and opened the little black shield.

The Wanpeng sand bat has a huge body, but it moves very fast, thanks to the flexible suction cups under its body. This organ is not only a place for it to absorb nutrients, but also a fulcrum and power for it to move.

The distance between the two sides was not far at all, and Wanpeng Sand Bat arrived nearby in a few seconds. It didn't rampage like the steel-maned four-hoofed beast, but when it got nearby, the tentacles on its back stabbed at it one after another.

Bang bang bang bang!

I don't know how many times there were collision sounds, soldiers holding small black shields were knocked and flew out, and even many small black shields were directly broken after being attacked by the tentacles closest to here, and several soldiers spurted blood and fell down .

Ye Zhongming looked quickly, and it was okay, there was nothing serious, but the blood was churning from the shock, and the serious one was only a broken hand.

These people were dragged back into the formation by others, who took their place.

This kind of super nine-level monster's attack power is so strong that even a shield with Hong Ning level can't protect it.

However, Ye Zhongming also knew that the first wave of attacks must be the strongest, and this wave of attacks seems to be blocked now.

"Do it."

Ye Zhongming yelled on the communicator, whether it was the fighters behind him, the fighters who had detoured to the nearby hill just now, or even the four star-eye clan fighters on the opposite side, they all started to attack.

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