Roulette World

Two Thousand One Hundred and Fifty IX Grab the Battle (5)

Whether it is the elemental spirit or the master equipment, Ye Zhongming thinks that it is very difficult to upgrade, and it is indeed the case.

So after he successfully unsealed an ability in the mountain crown, he actually didn't have much expectations for the two elemental spirits who had eaten the pure energy.

Thinking back, the progress of the two little guys must have slept first.

But now, they are all very sober.

It was the appearance of this elemental brand that made Ye Zhongming discover the difference between the two elemental spirits.

He looked at the Spirit of the Earth first.

After coming to the universe, this little chubby guy has already evolved once, and now it has nine abilities, namely jumping gravity, unobstructed space, big stomach king, shaking the earth, loving protection, black soil armor, Mother Earth's feeding, life's grip and my life's snatching.

When dealing with the Gu Ruixing clan, the earth elves played a big role.

And now, the little guy has once again unblocked its tenth ability - Thick Soil Punishment.

At the beginning, Ye Zhongming didn't know what it was, and he was a little disappointed when he saw the name, but after he knew what it was, he suddenly realized that the last few abilities must not be weak.

Thick Soil Punishment: When needed, the owner of the elemental spirit can extract the essence from the earth to form a punishment stick to teach the violators a lesson.

Form 1, normal form. The power of the rod of punishment is equivalent to twice the user's strength. When using it, once it touches the target, it will automatically exert twice the normal gravity on the target at that time. The skill lasts for three hours, and the cooldown time is one hundred hours.

Form 2, special form. The rod of punishment has ten times the power of the user, but it can only attack three times. The first attack will release a three-times gravity field within ten meters around the user, which is only immune to the user. The second attack will increase the target's movement speed. Thirty percent slower. The third attack will generate two stick shadows with the same attack power, attacking the target together from the other two angles. The special form lasts for one minute and has a cooldown of five hundred hours.

Complete attack skills!

Although this ability cannot completely replace the role of weapons, after all it has a duration and has a single ability, but its appearance is definitely a good supplement to the weapon system, and it can even be released as a skill.

The normal form has an attack with double power, and the special form has ten times more power, and they all have their own special attack effects...

Thinking about using the special form with the grip of the upper life, it is simply not too cool.

After reading the changes of the earth elves, Ye Zhongming went to see the abilities of the star elves.

Compared with the former, the evolution of Star Spirit is slightly slower, and the abilities that have been unlocked now include Land of Glory, Unobstructed Space, Bright Star, Big Eater, Vision of the Starry Sky, and Sand at Night.

This time, two brand new abilities have been unlocked - the Ring Star Array and the Inner Star Circle.

Ring star array, the owner of the elemental spirit can set a star on the target. When the star is triggered, it can generate a burst of star power and cause damage to the triggerer that cannot be dodged. The damage value is the elemental spirit when the star is released Twice the energy input.

The inner star circle, the owner of the elemental spirit can activate the ability when needed, and a five-star mark composed of star power will be generated around its body. When the star mark is within one meter of the body,

The star has a defense attribute, and the defense value is three times the energy of the star produced. When the star is one meter away from the body, it has an explosive property, and the explosive force generated is five times the energy of the star.

The range where the star is located can be controlled by the owner. The maximum number of stars is thirty. The upper limit of the duration is one hour, and it can be canceled at any time. After the cancellation, the energy consumed when making the star will be returned in proportion to the duration.

One semi-assist ability, one full attack ability, although I haven't practiced it yet, it looks good.

Sometimes Ye Zhongming can't help but feel that when he reaches the sky, the two elemental spirits and master equipment are actually the ones who help him the most.

Looking at the two little guys who were obviously not in their infancy, Ye Zhongming let them return to his body.

It really gave him a big surprise, the two elemental spirits have three more abilities, no, if you count the elemental brand, that is four abilities.

However, Ye Zhongming had doubts again.

It has not been a day or two since he came to the universe. He naturally knows that the equipment of the elemental elves and masters is special, and may even be unique, so why did he get it by himself? Or got it on Earth? Is there anything special about my home planet? Or, for other reasons?

Just using luck to explain it, he himself didn't believe it.


In the Hol star camp, Zimu slowly woke up from his training. He clenched his fists, and the feeling of fullness made him very happy.

Improved again!

Although he hasn't reached the level of slashing against a master, he has made significant progress after listening to the teachings of a peak master, which is of great significance to him.

He admitted that no matter how hard he tried, he might not be able to catch up with his fiancée, but it would be good if he could narrow the gap as much as possible.

Maybe in the future, my right to speak on Musk Star will be linked to my strength.

Thinking that once he enters Musk Star, he will get better resources than Hall Star, Zimu's heart is boiling.

He stood up, straightened his clothes, and said to the door: "Come in."

A waiter immediately came in from the outside and brought a sumptuous food and a basin of water.

"Is there any news worth paying attention to in the past two days of my cultivation?"

After washing his hands, Zimu said to the human who came in while eating.

Unlike his chief guard, this is his playmate since childhood, an absolute confidant.

He has practiced for two days, so he doesn't need to worry about hunting, and that's not what he asked.

The confidant immediately said some things that he thought were very important. The content was mostly about some interpersonal relationships among the 500,000 army of Hall Stars. Obviously Zimu usually pays more attention to this.

After talking about this, Zimu had enough to eat. He thought for a while and said, "I'm going to go out and try my hand, to see how much I've improved, and to get used to my improved body. Is there any good goal?"

Because of the particularity of the camp, Hall Stars don't actively hunt too much. Just sitting here and waiting for all kinds of flying life to attack is enough for them to enjoy the fun of harvesting.

The confidant knew that his master was talking about going out to hunt. He recalled the news he had received at this stage, and suddenly something happened.

"Your Highness, these days, there is a piece of news worthy of attention. In the southwest of the camp, we once observed rebel dragons appearing and appearing..."

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