Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and sixty-fourth battle to snatch relatives (10)

From the nervousness of entering the formation at the beginning, to the reassurance of recognizing the formation later, to the embarrassment of the formation change, to the smoothness after using the unique move now.

The chief guard's mood changed continuously in a short period of time.

At this moment, it can be said that the victory is completely in hand.

Ye Zhongming himself is not a threat to him, the threat mainly comes from the golden soldier killing formation, and now, the formation is nothing to him.

"I have to say that you have prepared well to kill me. Not only did you make a shortened version of the Golden Soldiers Killing Formation, but you even made some changes. There should be some kind of soul power attached to it, which makes me think Think about it, there are only two or three people from the Su clan who can achieve such accomplishments in the golden soldier killing formation, and there is only one who can come here, Huozhi."

The chief guard said, but his hands didn't stop, and he kept smashing the golden armored halberds one after another. Although these golden armored halberds will reappear, it needs to consume the energy of the formation, and recreate the golden armored soldiers The more times of attacking, the power will naturally decrease, and it will be easier for him to resist.

This is a kind of wear-off, the wear-off of the golden soldiers' killing array, and also the wear-off of Ye Zhongming's will to fight.

If Ye Zhongming couldn't resist and turned around and ran away, then the power of the golden soldiers' killing array would suddenly decrease, and it would be even less of a threat to the chief guard.

Although the chief guard knows that he will win today, his situation is not easy now. The blood on his forehead looks like he is not afraid of the attack of the golden armored halberd warrior. It is consuming the energy of the head of the bodyguard himself. Fortunately, this is a shortened version of the golden soldier killing array. He is not far from Ye Zhongming, and he is enough to walk to Ye Zhongming's side in this way to kill him. Otherwise, if he meets the real If the golden soldiers killed the formation, the chief guard really had nothing to do.

It can also be seen from this that the top ten formations of the Su clan are powerful. As long as they are arranged properly, an ordinary formation master may be able to kill a great master.

Of course, there are many conditions that need to be met, and the advantages and disadvantages of the formation are too obvious.

"The prince who assassinated the Hall star, an elder of the Sioux tribe, will be able to atone for his crime!"

The head of the guard is a typical Hall star character, cruel, and he must take revenge.

Ye Zhongming, whose expression was getting nervous over there, suddenly smiled, "You just saw your destruction and the reduction of the durability of the formation under your attack, and you never thought that the energy level of the formation has changed. Keep it?"

The head guard's face suddenly changed.

He didn't really ignore the energy level of the formation as Ye Zhongming said, but he instinctively believed that a guy who had just gotten rid of a novice for less than a year, when dealing with a master like himself, You must use the full energy of the formation, and strive for a one-hit kill. At worst, you have to consume him and look for opportunities to kill.

"Do you think I will believe it?" The chief guard said, but he himself felt that he was not so confident, and at the same time, the movements in his hands accelerated, and he was already going all out at this time.

He knew from Ye Zhongming's expression and tone that he was not lying.

At this time, the golden soldiers' killing formation was already enough for him to resist. If it was more powerful, even if he could break through, he might still be injured.

You must know that now only the Bronze Commander of the Star-Eyed Clan has appeared, and his other helpers have not yet appeared. If the Sioux Clan really sends out an elder or something, it will be dangerous if he is injured.

"One hundred percent." Ye Zhongming said softly, and the entire abbreviated version of the golden soldier killing array immediately started to run at full strength. Those golden armored halberds who were originally dirty became particularly dirty. With a pungent smell and a faint dark green mist.

The speed increased, the strength increased, and when it hit the four blood-blooded avatars again, the avatars could no longer return to their original shape smoothly, and body parts began to appear incomplete.

The chief guard's eyes turned red, and he didn't care about fighting with Ye Zhongming any more. He threw two long daggers into the air, and then under his control, they began to attack the golden armored halberds on the way forward.

Only he himself knows the pressure he is under when the energy of the golden soldier's killing array is fully activated.

The current chief guard is really shrouded in a sense of crisis.

He was getting closer and closer to Ye Zhongming, his red eyes and ashen complexion were gradually replaced by a ferocious expression.

As long as he advances one meter further, he can attack Ye Zhongming.

But at this moment, his body suddenly felt stagnant, and he looked at his feet in disbelief, where an earth elemental palm wrapped his legs!

The huge power made the Hongning grade armor he was wearing creak and creak!

The ability of the spirit of the earth, the grasp of life!

The head guard was a little panicked at this moment.

He found that with his strength, he couldn't break free.

Perhaps knowing that Ye Zhongming was using all his strength, the attacks of the golden armored halberds also became crazy, and the entire formation was operating at full strength, even overloaded.

It is conceivable that if this continues, either Ye Zhongming will successfully kill the great master, or the energy of the formation will be exhausted, and the great master will escape and kill Ye Zhongming.

With a puff, the forehead blood clone on the left side of the chief guard exploded, bursting into blood beads all over the sky, and it could no longer withstand the attack.

This was like a signal, and then the clones on the front, back and right also exploded, and there was no other obstacle between the two of them except those golden soldiers.

Both of them can see the eyes that put each other to death.

The chief guard put his hands in front of his body, and some energy was released from his body, forming a series of energy rays to protect his body. This is his unique ability as a master. He lowered his head slightly, opened his mouth, and let out There was a loud roar.

The wound on the forehead that had already healed opened suddenly, and the gap even exceeded the eyebrows, and the color turned out to be on the nose.

A large amount of blood flew out from the wound, and the blood beads from the exploded avatar on the ground also rose up and merged with the wound, forming a huge blood man in front of the head guard.

The blood man held two daggers that were in the air, and stabbed at Ye Zhongming.

Because the blood man is taller, the dagger did not touch the golden armored halberd at the beginning, and when it was about to approach Ye Zhongming, it came into contact with the power of the formation. Pierced and broken, the two daggers were getting closer and closer to Ye Zhongming.

Because of the energy extracted to upgrade the mountain crown before, Ye Zhongming originally had little energy left, and now he has to allocate a part to maintain the operation of the formation. Facing the blood giant that appeared, he can actually hide, but it is so durable The formation with a low speed will be broken in an instant, and the chief guard will no longer have any threats.

Ye Zhongming's expression gradually became firm. He did not hide, but sent the energy of his body into the formation even more crazily. He has the body to sign up, so it is more in his interest to take a gamble.

If you win, you win, and if you lose, it is no different from the result of defeating and escaping now.

The two daggers arrived in front of Ye Zhongming between breaths...

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