Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred sixty-seven close relatives of the war (13)

Zimu and the other four stopped because the rebel dragon clan they had been following stopped.

It wasn't until this moment that they saw clearly the true appearance of this rebel dragon.

The huge body presents a beautiful silvery white color, and the scales are spread smoothly on the body, shining a faint halo in the sunlight.

A pair of wings fluttered gently, causing some dead leaves on the ground under its body to swirl in the air. The graceful figure and almost clean and spotless body all proved the generous life of this rebel dragon.

This made the four of them tensely on guard, for fear that an adult traitor would suddenly appear beside them, and they were not opponents now.

Zimu looked at the rebel dragon in front of him with a little fascination, and the desire to possess in his heart became stronger and stronger. This is a rare body type, and it is considered the best existence among the dragon mounts.

If there is such a cool beast, even if it goes to the Musk star, people will look at it with high regard.

Zim decided to catch this guy no matter what.

"You guys wait here, keep an eye on your surroundings, and I'll deal with it." Zimu said to his confidant and two guards.

The rest stayed where they were, working as guards for Zim.

Zimu knows that the Rebel Dragon Clan is a life with high intelligence, even the wild ones can basically understand the meaning expressed by the myriad races in the universe, and those who have been in contact with the myriad races of the universe, or have a relatively complete inheritance from their ancestors , and even use language to communicate with all races in the universe.

But Zimu didn't want to communicate with the rebellious dragon clan in front of him, he just wanted to conquer it, and use the simplest, direct and rude way to turn the opponent into his own war beast.

Zimu has always felt that fear is the prerequisite for loyalty.

Walking a few steps forward, facing the rebellious dragon clan head-on, he raised his head slightly and looked into the eyes of the rebellious dragon clan, even if he wanted to use force to make the opponent submit, but before that, Zimu didn't mind showing himself tough.

But what he got in exchange was the two words that the Rebellious Dragon Clan suddenly opened their mouths, idiot.

It is clear and crisp, and the speed of speech is neither too fast nor too slow, using a very standard code of code.

At this moment, many things appeared in Zimu's mind.

He didn't get angry or even angry because of the two words themselves. On the contrary, he reflected the meaning of the two words first, and after he roughly understood, Zimu felt a kind of fear of being designed by someone.

A minor dragon rebel stayed there quietly, waiting for him to approach, and took the time to sarcastically insult him, what does this mean? It shows that the fear of dragons is nothing to fear, at least from Zimu's point of view, if a life is in a desperate situation, it should not have such an attitude.

He should fear, beg for mercy, or keep running.

Zimu subconsciously felt that the elder of the rebellious dragon clan was nearby. Of course, there was another possibility that this was a trap, a trap set against him by other races.

Because this rebellious dragon clan spoke dark words, it may have been raised by other races since childhood.

He took a step back, subconsciously wanting to stay away from the danger, but this seemed to be a signal, and a cold light flew out from the half-height grass beside him, heading straight for Zimu's heart.

Paobai made a move!

The two men who both want to be Iserway's husband,

They finally met under such circumstances. The difference is that one is in love with the other, and the other has a lot of goals.

The other three people discovered the situation at the first time and were about to go over to help, but a person stood in front of them.

Jie Su looked at the three people with a smile and said, "Your opponent is me, so don't disturb the duel between rivals."

As he said that, a formation disk had already landed on the ground, and following Jie Su's light touch, the four of them immediately fell into a formation formation.

"Scramble for the front?"

The confidant looked around and recognized what kind of formation it was, and he was very surprised.

It's not that the formation is so powerful, but that the function of this formation is single, and it is not an offensive formation.

This is a confinement formation that traps the target in a small area.

In other words, the current Jie Su locked himself and the three of them in a small area with an area of ​​only twenty or thirty square meters.

When the confidant asked this sentence, there was only one thought in his mind, is Jie Su crazy?

Seeing the appearance of Jie Su and Paobai, his confidants still don't understand that this is an assassination against Zimu. Now that the chief guard has not arrived, and most of the guards have been transferred here, their plan has succeeded.

However, when he got here, his confidant found a huge loophole in the other party in an instant.

There are two main ones, one is Pao Bai, is he really the opponent of His Highness Zimu? The second is, it is true that Jie Su is a genius of the Su tribe, but can he really deal with himself and the other two guards? A Sioux?

What kind of self-confidence gave these two people the courage to do so?

The confidant didn't talk nonsense at all, and moved his hands in a circle in front of his body, and immediately a black hole appeared, and he didn't know what was going on inside, but it made the surrounding temperature drop a lot.

The two guards also didn't say anything, and attacked Jiesu from two directions close to the edge of the formation.

The formation of fighting for the front is very difficult to break, and the three of them will not waste energy and physical strength to do this kind of thing. After all, the Sioux people are just not good at melee combat, not that they cannot melee combat.

An unknown number of black lightning bolts began to shoot out from the black hole created by the confidant, shooting wildly at Jie Su like a Gatling machine gun.

The two guards also started attacking one from the left and the other from the right. A phantom of a wild beast appeared around the body of the guard on the left. In that hand was a pair of weird weapons, a bit like three quarters of an iron ring, but inside the iron ring, there were many sharp daggers hanging inside.

Following his charge, the two iron ring-like weapons gradually turned into two light clusters, and the dagger inside was spinning rapidly, crushing towards Jie Su.

At this moment, Jie Su pointed at the sky and the ground with both hands. Where he was pointing, two huge energy reaction circles had already appeared, and then they turned into energy filaments in an instant, forming two formations that were exactly the same except for the color. pattern.

Under Jie Su's feet, a ray of light suddenly shot out from the first half of the rapidly forming formation, colliding with those black lightning bolts.

It was only after the collision that they could see clearly that in the light was a beautiful flying bird of ice element, spreading its wings and blocking Jie Su's body.

At the same time, on the left and right sides, two ice-type energy birds flew out from the formation on the ground, which turned into the most solid shields to block the attack.

Seeing the horrified expressions of the three Huoer stars, Jie Su murmured: "Follow the formation, Ice and fire double illusion!"

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