Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and eighty-four, they are not the only ones who are crazy (Part 2)

The two adults of Xingyan didn't know why Huozhi asked such a question, but they knew that their answer might be related to the other party's decision...or the fate of the Xingyan clan.

"Of course, they are the hope of the Star-Eyed Clan. Without them, the Star-Eyed Clan has no future."

The elder eye said in a low voice but firmly.

Huozhi nodded, and said slowly: "Jie Su is the same, he is the successor identified by everyone in our patriarchal line, and he is the hope of the rejuvenation of the Su clan."

"Since this is the case, we have to do something." Huozhi's voice suddenly became a little low when he said this, and then recovered his volume: "If, I mean if..."

"If they have failed, the matter is exposed, and they die, then the Sioux and you must be prepared to be punished by the Hall Stars. The Sioux will not give up on you, and will form a union with you to deal with it together. It is compensation Or someone needs to stand up and take responsibility, and if we all admit it, then, I, and the two of you, must be prepared to sacrifice our lives for this.”

"But this is the worst outcome, but at least our race will be fine."

When the two adults in Star Eye heard this, they were a little panicked and frightened at first, but then they calmed down again.

If things were revealed, it would be worthwhile if the lives of the two of them could be exchanged for the survival of the Star-Eyed Clan.

That's the price!

There is no such thing as profit without risk.

"And if the matter fails and is exposed, but the three of them are not dead..." When Huozhi said this, the two adults in Xingyan felt that his whole aura had changed.

"Then we must not let them die, absolutely not!"

The two adults in Xingyan nodded along with Huozhi, their eyes gradually firmed up.

Yes, if the three children are still alive, then there is no need to consider whether to expose or not, and punish or not. Rescuing them is the first priority.

"No matter what method is used, the Hall star people will not let a few children come back alive, so any peaceful means are useless. In this case, there is actually a way that can even be done once and for all."

Huozhi didn't look at the two patriarchs anymore, but turned around and looked beyond the Jedi.

"Let's...together...kill all the Hall Stars here!"

Many members of the small race who were paying attention here from afar found the three of them standing there looking into the distance, envious in their hearts. They should be discussing many things that they can't reach. It is a conversation that determines the fate of many people.

What they didn't know was what a crazy plan the three of them were discussing.

They want to kill the hundreds of thousands of Huoer people here. Among these hundreds of thousands, there are double-digit masters, and... a peak master.

After a full hour, the three of them ended their conversation. Huozhi walked out and said to the two patriarchs who sent him away: "I will confirm the situation as soon as possible, you should prepare first."

When it was time to separate, Huozhi suddenly sighed: "There's no reason those kids can be crazy, but we can't."


The transformed Ye Zhongming is an existence almost like a master. His roar has a strong spiritual impact,

After transforming, his strength doubled, and his attack range also increased a lot. With every punch, several parasites were killed by him, and with every kick, a piece of parasites could be kicked away.

Under Ye Zhongming's protection, Pao Bai, Jie Su and Bai Longma's pressure has been relieved a lot. Compared with the previous test, I don't know how much easier it is.

Because of Fu Leila's progress and the perfect physical condition, Ye Zhongming persisted in his transformation for a long time. After he exited the transformation state, there were not many parasites left, and the three of them quickly killed them all. Get rid of.

Before leaving, Ye Zhongming glanced at the surrounding environment, and was then teleported back to the mountainside.

"It was easy this time, but next time it will be difficult."

Pao Bai patted his body, enjoying the healing effect of the healing sparks on him.

This round depends on Ye Zhongming, but the next round won't work. The cooldown for the transformation will take about two rounds, and everyone will have to work hard for the next round.

Ye Zhongming consumed the most and recovered the slowest. After the sparks disappeared from his body, the other two, Yilong, had already been healed. Looking at everyone's hopeful eyes, he shook his head.

Disappointed expressions appeared on the faces of Jie Su and Pao Bai. Obviously, there was no miracle, and Ye Zhongming's transformation was still cooling down.

Afterwards, everyone focused their attention on the energy gate, waiting for the scoring to begin.

However, after waiting for ten seconds, there was no response from the energy gate.

Just when everyone didn't know why, that voice appeared again in the mountainside.

"It's a test that comes from the planet and the life on it."

Several people looked at each other, their hearts beating faster.

"It's a test, dangerous but full of opportunity."

"You once chose to obey, so now, you can make a second choice."

"Before that, what you need to know is that this is getting, obtaining, and also a contract."

"When you pass the test and get what you dreamed of, then you have to pay the corresponding price. I have given you a ladder to cross, and you have to realize my eternal wish."

"As much as you get, help me achieve as much."

"If you agree, then everything will continue, if you refuse, then you will be removed from here."

"please choose……"

Several people listened quietly, and they all felt that this should be a residual consciousness, but they don't know which real superpower can have such an ability. Also, this obviously involves very high technology. Or the technology of roulette, but no trace of life can be seen.

The whole thing is weird.

Although they still don't understand what is here, they understand one thing... they can choose to leave.

It's just... Facing Fu Leila who can increase at any time, facing so many good things, even weapons and equipment at the level of Lieutenant, no one is indifferent. Let them leave at this time, will they be willing?

"How about we take a gamble?" Pao Bai was eager to try.

The road they walked was very difficult, full of thorns and obstacles, and they didn't even have a big master. In the past, they relied on Jie Su and Yiserwei to support them. Now, Ye Zhongming has become the backbone.

Paobai is not reconciled, he is not jealous, he just wants to help, not wanting to be so useless.

This is an opportunity that can make him strong, and he doesn't want to give up.

Jie Su looked at Ye Zhongming and said with a smile, "I don't see the second option at all in your eyes."

The King of Cloud Top laughed, "I walked like this every step of the way from my home planet. The slave clan is immortal. I think I will keep walking like this. I have been crazy for so long, so I don't care about this time, right? "

Three people and one dragon made the same choice.

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