Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and eighty-six Rongfa

During the fourth test, Ye Zhongming refreshed the black soil armor on his body, looked at Paobai and Bailongma who had no fighting power, and Jiesu who was struggling to support the opening with the formation in front, and shook his head helplessly.

Sure enough, the rewards are not so easy to get.

Even though they were prepared, when the test happened, the intensity was so great that it was almost numb.

Jie Su's follow-up formation has already made a breakthrough. Now the two follow-up formations on the ground above his head are evolved from intermediate formations. Under his blessing, they are very powerful, and because he has a lot of formations, it is completely possible to use them according to the number of formations. The type of test determines which formation to use.

The effect of the targeted follow-up theory is naturally huge. Although Jiesu's effect in this field is not as great as Ye Zhongming's previous transformation, it definitely withstood more than half of the parasite attacks.

But now, Paobai and Bailongma have lost their combat effectiveness and are seriously injured. Ye Zhongming is not in good condition. All the equipment is broken, and he can only rely on the armor of the earth. To attack, you can only use your bare hands or use some of the sharp parts left by these parasites after they die.

But even so, Ye Zhongming and Jie Su couldn't see hope now, and the surrounding parasites still came like a tide.

By this time, there was nothing they could do but continue to fight. They had already consumed the slow-release potion of full recovery, the brand of elements, and even a lot of other potions that everyone carried.

But the injuries of the two who were still able to fight continued to worsen.

They have experimented, and the equipment and potions exchanged from the reward pool are all compatible with each other, but knowing this, they seem to be useless, because they don't know whether they can persist until the next time.

Ye Zhongming had already opened up all his firepower, using the support of the elemental spirits and the ability to dominate equipment. In the end, both Ye Zhongming and Jie Su had forgotten everything and were just fighting instinctively.

It wasn't until a moment when Ye Zhongming and Jie Su realized that the surroundings seemed to be quiet, only then did they realize that they had killed all the parasites.

They narrowly survived the first round of the second stage of the test.

When they returned to the belly of the mountain, the three of them and one dragon all had the feeling of being human again.

Needless to mention the tragic situation, the white dragon horse's dragon saddle was damaged, and a small half of its body was missing. Just die.

Paobai was even worse, his hands were gone, and when he came back, he only had one breath. Jie Su and Ye Zhongming were good, but the former was blind in one eye, and the latter's left crotch was shattered, and he could even walk with a limp.

This time the treatment took a bit long, even though several people had woken up, they lay on the ground unwilling to move, only the white dragon horse flew up a little, as if to make sure that a certain part was still working.

The reward points were announced soon. Bai Longma was still the lowest, but he also got 56 points, followed by Pao Bai, who got 70 points, and then Ye Zhongming and Jie Su got 278 points and 329 points.

As for Fu Leila, Bai Longma increased by 10 points, Pao Bai increased by 15 points, and Ye Zhongming, like Jie Su, increased by 13 points.

Although I got more rewards than any of the previous rounds, the three throws were still a bit uninteresting.

Now, Ye Zhongming has the most points with 519 points, followed by Jie Su with 417 points, Pao Bai with 156 points, and Bai Longma with 86 points.

For this Fu Leila is much higher than Ye Zhongming and Pao Bai, but every time he gets the least reward points, everyone is very helpless.

There is no way, even though the white dragon horse has a strong body, it is too big. Given the number of parasites, it is impossible to count. Such a big body means that the area under attack is large, and it is no wonder that it can persist for a long time if it is swarmed.

If it wasn't for Ye Zhongming and Jie Su to protect it later, there would be no bones left of the white dragon horse that had been eaten long ago.

"Should we change our strategy?"

Paobai lay on the ground and said to several other people.

Perhaps because of passing the first test of the second stage, now the graphics of three people and one dragon can be displayed together, and the rewards can also be selected together.

Pao Bai pointed to a certain place in the reward pool and said, "Fusion method!"

Ye Zhongming and Jie Su were not surprised at all, because they had already seen this ability.

It's just that, before this, no one had thought of learning this ability.

The fusion method is essentially a transformation of life, and the way of transformation is to obtain certain abilities through fusion with other substances to enhance strength.

It seems to be nothing, but if you look into it in detail, it is actually a very scary and disgusting thing.

The fusion method is very simple, so simple that only intelligent life can learn it, and it does not require the level of an evolutionary, as long as it is an evolutionary.

After learning, it is necessary to choose the object of integration. This object can be any life, any substance.

The result is that no matter what you choose, you can make your life into an extremely strong state, gain powerful abilities, and the improvement rate is so large that it is almost unbelievable.

For example, when using the fusion method, even if you randomly find a fly around you to fuse, the most common fly will make you so powerful that it can't be added all of a sudden. You may have some abilities of flies, such as flying, such as vision, such as infectivity or even toxicity, what kind of abilities you have, and how many kinds there are, are completely random.

The three of them don't know how powerful they will be after fusion, but according to the introduction, it should be many times higher than before. The lower the strength of the fusion person, the greater the effect, and the stronger the fusion object, the better the attribute. The better the effect.

The above benefits and the like seem good, but the side effects are a bit scary.

After the fusion, basically it can't be regarded as a pure life. It was a human before, but it will be half a human in the future. On the body, there will be obvious characteristics of the fusion object, and even on the life and habits, it will also be strongly affected, and some organs of the body will also change, degenerate or enhance the mutation.

Moreover, this ability is irreversible. Impossible to go back to the way it was.

In short, people will not be people.

No matter who it is, if there is a way, they will not choose this, not only because the nature has changed, but because everything is too uncontrollable.

The current situation is that even if a few people spend all the points, they may not be able to pass the next test, even if Ye Zhongming transforms.

So, in order to survive, should we choose this seemingly only way?

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