Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and ninety-seven please die

Suddenly, Elder Chongken Su stood up, pointed at Ming Qi and shouted: "What are you guys doing?!"

Ming Qi shook his head in his heart, if the future of the Su Clan were entrusted to such an elder, there would indeed be no hope. What are you asking for? Can't you guess it?

Elder Luozhisu on the side was a little calmer, but although he didn't stand up, he leaned forward and stared at Mingqi with a frown.

"I... didn't say it clearly?" Ming Qi also stood up, looked at the two elders and said, "Then let me say it again."

"Elder Huozhi, he went to Heishujue Peak, and he wants to kill all the Huoer people there."

Chongkensu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed. After a while, he said to Ming Qi who had been looking at him coldly: "Kill all the people from Hall Star? Do you know how many people from Hall Star have come? You Do you think they are array mages like the Sioux who don't have strong combat capabilities? Do you know how many great masters they have? Do you know that there are peak masters among them!"

At the end, Elder Chongkensu was already roaring.

He didn't feel that Ming Qi was lying, because he had already thought of the reason.

Everything is because of the relationship between Yiserwei, Paobai and Zimu.

He is very clear about the relationship between Jie Su and Paobai, Jie Su can do it for his brother to kill Zi Mu. He was also aware of Jie Su's position in the hearts of the patriarch's family, and in order to rescue Jie Su, they did indeed do something about the Huoer Stars.

After all, the Hall Stars here are just a small part of that super rich family, so they don't seem so hopeless.

However, Kensu's understanding is nothing but understanding, and he still feels that Huozhi can't succeed and will definitely fail.

Even if they have prepared formations in advance, all of them are ten formations, they will definitely not be the opponent of that peak master!

People can't even sweat, they can break the formation and kill Huozhi and others.

It's not that the top ten formations can't do it, but the real level of suppression.

As for what failure meant, Chongkensu didn't even dare to imagine.

This is to drag the Sioux into the abyss!

"You are responsible for this matter! You will pay a heavy price for this! After we go back, we will impeach Yao Hansu. In your department, the position of patriarch has reached its end!"

Chongkensu felt fear and fear, he felt that Huozhi and others' insistence had seriously threatened his life safety.

He has to do something!

"What you said is correct. Elder Huozhi alone can't do it, so I hope you can help." Ming Qi said calmly, "It has happened, whether you want it or not, the Su clan and the Huo family Conflicts between the Stars of Hall are inevitable. If you are really for the good of the Sioux, then you should do your best to help Elder Huozhi and kill all the Stars of Hall here, so that the matter will be over and will not be involved outside. If some of the Hall Stars escape alive, then the Sioux are in real trouble."

"Fart!" Zhong Kensu continued to growl: "This is all a good thing done by your clan leader, why should our other two clans and the entire Sioux pay the bill for you?! If you do something wrong, you have to take responsibility! "

"It seems that it doesn't make sense to you." Ming Qi shifted his gaze to Elder Luozhisu.


What do you mean? "

Faced with Ming Qi's question, before Elder Luo Zhisu could answer, Chong Kensu had already spoken again.

"Don't pay attention to him, their lineage has gone crazy after the appearance of Jiesu. They no longer know the principles upheld by the Su tribe, and have forgotten the ancestral precepts. They are now pushing the entire Su tribe into the abyss." , what we have to do now is to personally go to the Hall star to clarify our position, and then hand over the relevant responsible persons to the Hall star!"

Ming Qi sneered and said: "What an elder of the Sioux clan, he doesn't think about how to help the patriarch, but instead wants to hand over the Sioux clan to the enemy. He is really a good example."

"That's because you made a stupid move! You are forcing us! Why didn't you think about discussing with us before doing this?! What do you mean by telling us now? No, I still think that only in this way can we Will it follow you? Let me tell you, you are dreaming!"

Elder Luozhisu nodded, and what Elder Kensu said made sense. This kind of behavior by the patriarch's line is not only disrespecting them, but also coercing them.

"Let's talk first, will you agree?" Ming Qi said with a sneer, and then said: "It seems dangerous, but the opportunity is in front of us. The planet hunting ground is a relatively closed space. It is dangerous to kill the Hall star people here." It is the smallest. In the case of a conflict with the Hall Stars, this is the best solution once and for all."

Before the two elders could speak, Ming Qi said again: "As long as we succeed, we will not only get all the wealth of these Hall Star people here, but also get gifts from the Star-Eyed Race. As for what the gifts are, I think you also know , I can reveal that Luo Zixin and Huo Ge needless to say, in Ye Zhongming's hands, there are things that are better than them and that can greatly improve us."

"You should know that I'm not lying. Not long ago, he improved the Golden Army Killing Formation. Even if there is no other benefit, it's just the improved method. Aren't you tempted?"

The two elders stopped talking.

Money touches people's hearts, this is the same everywhere, Ming Qi knows that the two elders must be angry when they hear this, but the best way to eliminate their anger is to give them benefits.

The wealth of the Hall star people here is the first, their equipment, their gold, their hunting income...these things are priceless. The second is the materials and methods that Ye Zhongming has mastered that are useful to the Sioux.

The combination of the two aspects should make them tempted.

Since the conflict with the Hall Stars is inevitable, it is better to have benefits than to have no benefits!

Seeing the faces of the two elders, Ming Qi continued: "If the Su people want to develop, the conflict with the Huoer Star people is inevitable, it's just one day sooner or later."

It was fine if he didn't say this, but when he said this, Chongkensu turned his face again and loudly scolded Yixie, the patriarch to whom Ming Qi belonged, for going his own way.

Ming Qi listened, and after a while, he didn't care about Kensu, and asked Luo Zhisu directly: "Elder, on the basis of what I said before, I will give you an additional 50 million monthly pension, can you Will you stand with us?"

Luozhisu opened his mouth, wanting to refuse, but the amount of 50 million made him deeply feel that being rich can really be willful.

"When you go back to the clan, you have reached your position. You will be punished most severely for this kind of behavior." Chong Kensu threatened Ming Qi with his eyes narrowed.

Ming Qi smiled: "Elder Luozhisu, I'll take it as your agreement, then please don't move from now on."

Speaking of him, he looked at Zhong Kensu.

"For you, we have long expected that you will not cooperate, so I'm sorry, please die."

After finishing speaking, the entire tent suddenly fell into darkness, and bits and pieces of light suddenly appeared in the surrounding air, like countless fireflies.

"Milu Shaking Soul Formation?!" Chongken Su Gang said, suddenly several strange shadows flew out from several corners of the tent, stabbing at him with a cold light.

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