Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and ninety nine You are really crazy (Part 2)


There was another muffled sound in the entire camp, and everything paused.

The confusion in Chong Kensu's eyes flashed away.

The Soul Shaking Formation is such an intermediate formation that can affect everything in the formation at a certain time.

It's not that Ming Qi and the others don't want to deploy more powerful formations, but that those formations are very easy to detect. Even Mi Lun's soul-shocking magic circle took a lot of effort when setting it up.

Chong Kensu was affected for a very short time, perhaps only for a short moment. For a master like him, the intermediate magic circle really didn't have a strong binding force on him.

However, it was just this moment of his loss of concentration that the face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling had already arrived in front of him.

The five-pointed star logo formed by those defensive formations seems to have no effect in front of this face, and it will collapse at the touch of a touch.

Chongkensu didn't care about other things, he pressed his hands down suddenly, and the formation that had been spraying flames in a certain range under his feet seemed to come alive. With a bang, countless flames formed a flame in front of him like a fountain At the same time, he took out a delicate pocket watch from the space, and when he let go, it floated in front of his chest.

In a short period of time, that's all he can do.

The face was thrown into the wall of flames, and the scorching flames did not stop it, but only made it smaller in size. From the perspective of Zhong Kensu, the face was like a ghost, showing a terrifying smile to him from the flames .


Chong Kensu said softly, the pocket watch suspended on his chest immediately gave off a buzzing and rapid high-frequency vibration, and everything stopped suddenly in an area of ​​about ten centimeters or a few square meters in front of the pocket watch.

Including that face that seemed omnipotent before.

Kensu let out a sigh of relief.

From the beginning of the war to the present, to be honest, he has performed very well. In the case of a surprise attack, facing nearly ten enemies around him, he was able to injure six of them, and the remaining three were the most powerful. Being beaten like this is enough to be proud of as a Sioux.

You must know that no matter it is Ming Qi or Xingyan, the two patriarchs are powerful existences under the great masters, and although Chong Kensu has passed that line, he is only a formation mage after all, and fighting is not his specialty. Let the situation be balanced It's not easy.

He couldn't help looking at Luo Zhisu.

Now, the elder's decision can almost influence the battle situation.

Yes, just a while ago, Elder Luo Zhisu had already made his choice, but that was only just now, as long as the price is right, everything can be changed.

Chongkensu was also taken aback by the generous amount of 50 million years of gold just now, but now that he thinks about it, it doesn't seem to be a problem. As long as he catches these people, no, he can kill them, then he can return home After arriving at the clan and convicting them, it would be more than 50 million just to search for a star-eyed clan, and the harvest should be more than 400 million.

He didn't believe that Ye Zhongming had already spent all the 200 million he took from the Sioux clan, plus the value of the Star-eyed clan himself, as well as all the materials that Ye Zhongming would definitely have in his hand, 400 million was just one Very conservative numbers.

He can also give Luo Zhisu a price that makes his heart beat.

But before he opened his mouth to speak, he saw Luo Zhisu's changed expression.

Chong Kensu turned his head again, but what greeted him was a silent scream that pierced his soul.

The facial makeup exploded at this moment, but it did not cause any physical damage, but directly turned into a mental shock!

The spiritual strength of the Su people is not bad among all the families in the universe, but this facial makeup seems to be able to find a weakness, causing Chong Kensu's consciousness to fall into a short-term blank.

He recovered quickly, he felt that it should only be two seconds at most, because out of the corner of his eye, Luo Zhisu's expression had not disappeared.

However, when Chongkensu wanted to respond, he found that his body was stiff and unable to move.

He lost control of his body!

This is impossible!

Chongkensu panicked, and couldn't believe it.

He is a great master, he may be quickly defeated by combat professionals, but if you want him to lose control of his body, it needs to be at least higher than his level!

But are there beings above his level around him? There is only one Luozhisu at the same level! People haven't done it yet, so it's obviously impossible.

So who is it? At this moment, Chongkensu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he thought of something.

This state of my own is caused by that weird facial makeup, and the facial makeup is caused by those two masks.

The... mask of the star-eyed tribe!

That's right, it was something handed down from their ancestors. Every person with status had his own mask, and the two he faced just now were their patriarch's masks!

They must have some hidden ability, which is why the two patriarchs who are not masters can release this kind of skill that first stimulates the mental power, and then blocks the control of the body!

The wall of flames fell, and the immobile Chongkensu saw clearly the situation ahead.

Although the six star-eyed raiders were injured by his follow-up attack and lost their combat effectiveness, the other three attacked those five-pointed stars frantically from three directions during the short time when he lost their vision. logo.

Among them, the patriarch who should be the eye, has already followed the passage left by the Facebook attack and is about to reach him.

At this speed, perhaps five seconds later, the weapon could touch Chong Kensu's body.

Chongkensu was thinking about ways to move himself quickly, and was constantly trying to make Suizhen attack, but to his disappointment, everything else had nothing to do with him except his consciousness, even It is consciousness, and it only allows him to think, and he cannot develop any spiritual abilities, such as control or communication.

He could only watch helplessly as the three of them smashed the five-pointed star logos in the same way.

At a critical moment, Chong Kensu's potential exploded, and his mental strength skyrocketed at this moment, directly breaking through the restrictions imposed on him by that mysterious ability, but the breakthrough was only a little bit, and he was able to control the functions of his head.

Chongkensu immediately turned his head and said to the other side: "Luozhisu, save..."

The following words were not uttered, because a dagger had been inserted into Chongkensu's neck from the side, and the insertion was not too deep, so that he did not die immediately.

Chongkensu's body also recovered at this moment, he twitched, swayed, and stared at Luozhisu who was still sitting there without moving, still unable to accept that he was about to die.

Many things flashed through his mind, and in the end it was all about this incident.

"You...really, crazy..."

The body fell down, leaving only a few intermittent words, which slowly disappeared in the tent.

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