Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and two eternal gift

"Half Abyss Devil's Nest?" Ye Zhongming and Paobai asked in surprise almost at the same time.

They have already confirmed that this place is on this planet, but what they didn't expect was that this place is actually next to the station.

"Why are you so sure?" Ye Zhongming asked.

Jie Su clenched his fists, and said in a deep voice: "When I was promoted to a master, my mental power was in an extremely full state, and they spread out automatically, and nothing here can stop it."

"That's why I saw the parasites in the cave, I saw those two weird beings, and I saw the outside... Kaiduskongai."

This explanation is indeed enough to explain the geographical location here.

Several people were a little silent.

Although they knew where this place was, it didn't seem to be particularly helpful to them. After all, the test was not over yet, and they couldn't get out at all.

However, this news is good news after all. If the return is outside the Banyuan Devil's Nest, then it can be regarded as going home directly.

"Get used to your body first." After Ye Zhongming finished speaking to Jie Su, he looked at the energy gate, where his image was displayed now.

Previously, Ye Zhongming's remaining points were 1856, because he spent some equipment and potions, but now, his points have become 3888. This time, Ye Zhongming got 2032 points!

In one battle, more than 2,000 points were obtained, and everyone turned their surprised and envious eyes on... the white dragon horse.

Yes, the white dragon horse must have gained the most in this match. Since Ye Zhongming, who is second in the list of 'contributions', can get more than 2,000 points, how much does it have to get!

Ye Zhongming didn't care about the two friends, he was thinking about what he could choose this time.

Now that Jie Su has become a great master, and the cooling time of his own transformation is over, then the next test should be passable.

But what happens next?

Just rely on Jie Su? According to the law of increasing difficulty, it is obviously impossible.

After the white dragon horse has taken the medicine, it can only concentrate on being an auxiliary force for everyone's defense, and can no longer provide strong fire support.

The third game at this stage is not easy.

So now it's time to look at what to exchange to improve your strength. The best thing is to let your transformation ability not be used and wait until the third match.

There are so many kinds of things in the reward pool, so many that it is dazzling. Each of them can almost improve his strength, but under Ye Zhongming's existing reward points, there is no one that can make his strength improve a lot at once. items.

At least he didn't find one after looking for a long time.

"Actually, you can end the selection in the next round. I have become a great master, and I will try my best to withstand the next round, so that you will have more points to use when the end is over, and the types of items you can choose will be more and more powerful. "

Ye Zhongming nodded, knowing that what Jie Su said was a way.

But... Can Jie Su be able to stand up to a great master? If you look at the match that just passed, you will know that even if the white dragon horse has jumped to the adult state, it is only a narrow victory. Jie Su probably can't do it alone.

If not prepared,

Once there is danger, there is no remedy.

"This one."

After thinking for a while, Ye Zhongming chose an item.

It was a balance-shaped object, very delicate, but not too big, it looked more like a toy.

"Eternal gift?"

It was the first time Jie Su and Pao Bai saw this kind of thing, and they were a little surprised why they didn't pay attention to it before, but after looking at its function, they realized it.

This is a kind of equipment used between the master and the beast. Since there is no beast here, they didn't look at it at all.

It's just that when they saw the explanation of the eternal gift, they all looked at Ye Zhongming with a sigh and said, "Are you sure?"

Ye Zhongming nodded.

The white dragon horse stared at him as well, as if meeting his master for the first time.

The Eternal Gift is a piece of... unilateral bestowed equipment, between the master and the beast.

To be precise, it is a kind of equipment that the master unilaterally bestows on the beast.

In many respects, in fact, the abilities of beings are interlinked, the master can know it, and the beast can also know it.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand. Among all the races in the universe, and even among all the beings in the entire universe, the two titles of master and pet are very vague. For example, a dog, on the earth, must be The former is the owner, and the latter is the pet. But among the myriad races in the universe, perhaps the identities of each other are reversed.

Of course, although it is called a gift, it cannot be used casually, but a certain price must be paid. If the master wants to bestow one of his own abilities on the beast, he must first meet many prerequisites.

For example, the beast must not have reached the upper limit of the number of skills, the skills to be given must match the beast itself, and the energy and physique of the beast must meet the minimum conditions for using this ability.

Secondly, this kind of gift is quite unfriendly to the master, that is to say, it cannot be given at will, but requires the master to pay a price.

For example, if one chooses an ability that meets the above conditions and wants to bestow it, the master must fully master it, and after bestowing it, this ability will be permanently stripped from his body, and cannot be relearned and mastered.

For example, every time after granting an ability, the master will fall into a state of weakness, as if taking a maddening potion. For example, the process of granting abilities will be very, very painful. Once the owner fails to hold on and the transfer fails, he will still lose his abilities and fall into physical weakness, and may suffer injuries that will never recover.

In short, this thing is not easy to use.

"Ability or something, I don't think Bailongma needs it. The piece of equipment I fancy can not only grant abilities, it can also bestow... Fu Leila!"

Ye Zhongming pointed to the last paragraph and explained.

Everyone has seen it a long time ago, so they gave Ye Zhongming complicated eyes.

This eternal gift can also be passed unilaterally between the master and the war beast. Compared with the transmission ability, the side effects of passing Fu Leila are not so many. However, it is the master who passes Fu Leila to the war pet. Pets cannot be passed on to Fu Leila to the master, such a thing... How many people will the master do? It's a lot of hard work for Fu Leila to rise a little, and all fools understand!

This kind of transmission is also irreversible. After passing on the war beast, it will be gone.

Also, this kind of transmission is not an equal transmission, but will cause some Fu Leila to be lost during the transmission process. The specific loss is related to the intimacy of the war beast with its master. The higher the intimacy, the smaller the loss. On the contrary, the bigger it is.

"Think about the total reward points we will get this time, you should understand my thoughts?"

"I want to see if I can push Fu Leila of Bailongma to more than 100,000."

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