Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and nine wrong time

"Gone? Where did they go?"

The mechanical ghost managed to get the permission of the people left behind on the Die Shui Jedi to enter the base, but the news he got was that Ye Zhongming asked all the people he was looking for to leave.

From Huozhi to Xingyan to Cheng Liujin, they all left the station, none of them were there!

He reacted, weighed it for a moment, and then asked where they left. He wanted to chase them by himself.

The one who stayed behind was a deputy commander of the Golden Battalion. After he learned that this person and Ye Zhongming came from the same parent planet, he believed him a little bit, but this person who was always in the mechanical beast had a strict mouth. Not to mention what the message Ye Zhongming wanted to convey.

The deputy commander didn't continue to ask, he thought it was the same whether he asked or not, because he already guessed what the general information was.

Ye Zhongming and Bai Jiesu are together, let this person pass the news, what else can it be, 90% of them are fine, let the people in the camp not act rashly!

But now, the army has already set off!

He let the mechanical ghost and the little girl with him rest, and immediately sent people to chase after him!

He gave a death order to these one hundred people. No matter what, they must catch up with the large army, because this is related to the lives of more than 160,000 soldiers!

In addition to the tens of thousands of people from the Sioux and minor races who stayed in the camp, a total of more than 160,000 people set off. Others don't know what their real purpose is, but the deputy commander knows.

If the situation requires the Star-Eyed Clan to go all out, then it doesn't matter, just do it, it's been like this all these years in the Clan.

But if it is possible not to work hard, it is better not to fight hard when the special target is still a Huoer star who has a peak master and a bunch of great masters.

Because of his duties, he couldn't leave, and the Sioux tribe didn't know anyone, so he could only send the best 100 Star-Eye tribe fighters to catch up with the large army with the news.

The mechanical ghost didn't rest after knowing it, and set off with the hundred people.

The deputy commander stood under the cover of Kaidasi Kong, sighed silently as he watched the shadow disappearing in front of him.

Hope, in time.


Paobai dodged the two energy impacts flying from behind, rolled away, hid in the shadow of a pile of supplies, and disappeared, leaving thousands of pursuers behind.

When it reappeared, several more kills had been completed, and two tents had been set on fire.

Hei Ye gave Paobai a great deal of freedom, allowing him to give full play to the characteristics of the Star-Eyed Clan.

When Jie Su was like a beacon attracting the eight-headed experts to stop him, there were very few people in the camp that could pose a threat to Pao Bai.

The Silver Commander of the Star-Eyed Clan was a little bit excited to kill him.

He drank a bottle of potion and recovered for a while in a dark place that no one could have imagined. After that, he took out a spare weapon and was about to continue his hunting trip.

It’s just that Pao Bai stopped suddenly, took two steps back, and looked at a corner of this place. There was a light curtain photo album that was knocked off at some point. Pictures and photos, but just above the time.

"So many days have passed??" Pao Bai looked at the display above,

I was very surprised.

In his, Ye Zhongming's and Jie Su's feelings, the successive tests are continuous. After these games, it will probably only take two or three days? This is because Ye Zhongming was delayed for a long time when he was researching equipment disassembly.

But in fact it doesn't seem to be the case. It took them significantly longer than they felt to pass these tests.

After all, their terminals are no longer usable.

How is this going?

Paobai has a little scalp numbness,

At their level, they are actually very sensitive to time. Usually, even if they cannot be accurate to the minute, the time they feel will never differ by half an hour. So, what caused their sensory error?

That mountainside, is a mysterious separate space? Or, did they enter a weird time flow?

However, their test is obviously on the same planet, and the opponents are all beings here, and they even met acquaintances!

Paobai couldn't figure it out, so he decided to tell Ye Zhongming and Jie Su the news after seeing them later.

No matter how much he didn't want to admit it, not only Jie Su, but even Ye Zhongming had definitely surpassed him, and he had to work hard.

When Pao Bai looked at the figure outside, he felt intense enthusiasm!


Jie Su threw aside a man who was supposed to be the patriarch of one of the eight heads, and this man soon died.

In such a short while, he had already killed four patriarchs.

After that, he withdrew with the formation.

The people around who had been retreating stopped.

That terrifying lightning formation disappeared?

For them, the almost ubiquitous thunder and lightning is simply a nightmare, no one can sustain it for more than five minutes, not even the patriarchs.

This may be the strength of the great master after using the secret technique.

But now, those terrifying thunderclouds have disappeared, isn't that... it's time for the skills? Or, the energy of this Sioux is not enough to support this attack?

Does this mean there is an opportunity?

The patriarchs who were already terrified but still alive looked at each other and decided to take a risk.

After all, they have no way out. If they lose this camp, they will be homeless in the next few dozen days. On such a planet full of mutated life and parasites, they have no companions, no Supplies, without defensive positions, are almost courting death.

If possible, no one would want to be chased and killed like this.

Now there is an opportunity, if it works, I have to give it a try.

Under their orders and encouragement, more than ten thousand people gradually gathered around, and they all launched an attack towards Jie Su who was inside.

"I'm from the Sioux tribe, haven't you forgotten?" Jie Su said softly, raising his hands, the surrounding ground emitted hundreds of rays of light, and anyone who was touched would be melted away.

In the attack just now, this rising star of the Sioux clan quietly completed the arrangement of a formation, which was activated at this moment.

At the same time, around Batou's camp, there was a vibration, and it became louder and louder, and there was a stench in the air.

At the same time, some chirps appeared, and after a while, they became denser, and finally formed a terrifying sound wave. Like the vibration, the tide would hit the garrison.

A white shadow quickly rushed into the air of the camp from a distance. It was Ye Zhongming riding a white dragon horse. He and Jie Su met in the air and smiled at each other. Both of them knew that this test had passed.

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