Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and eleven see you at last (below)

Jie Su didn't have any special expression, but Paobai was surprised, and he looked at Ye Zhongming.

He was sure that although the monster's voice was very unpleasant, it was the same language that Ye Zhongming occasionally spoke when he first arrived.

In other words, Ye Zhongming and these two strange beings come from the same mother planet, and even, they are from the same force.

Ye Zhongming looked at the two caves, imagining the people who might come up from the national area in his mind.

Resistance zone? No, Ji Ruiguang has always been in contact with him, and they are now in the same camp.

Mu Hanyi? It's not right, he and Ji Ruiguang are in the same situation. Those people in the country are all allies in the sky. If they are there, I will definitely get the news.

What Treasure Island is that?

This is possible, but they speak English more, not Chinese. From this point of view, they can also be ruled out.

So... who are these two guys?

The huge black shadow that appeared at the beginning didn't speak, but stepped forward, and the rumbling sound followed.

After two steps, the black shadow stopped. He had already reached the edge of the cave, half of his feet were even stepped outside.

The next moment, the black figure jumped directly from the cave.

With a bang, the entire mountainside vibrated, and his two feet sank into the metal ground of the mountainside.

The corners of the eyes of the three of them were twitching.

They have seen it before. The metal ground here is extremely strong. Although they haven't tried it, they probably don't have the ability to cause such a large amount of damage.

Maybe Jie Su can do it after he reaches the level of a master.

As they got closer, Ye Zhongming looked through the sparks and looked at the face of this huge shadow.

At first glance, he was startled.

This face is too scary.

The most eye-catching thing is that on the cheekbones, there are two things that look like rusty metal protruding, then go straight down, buckle back at the chin, directly penetrate into the neck, and then pass through the collarbone. out, then down again.

But the bottom is invisible, covered by a crimson armor that seems to be stained and dried by blood.

There is also a circle of metal things on the top of his head, which is messy, as if they were all pierced from the skull. One of the eyes was completely replaced by a metal block. With his gaze, every time he moved, liquid flowed out from the gap between the metal block and the eye socket.

His body was completely wrapped in metal, which looked mottled and bloody. The overall feeling was like an assembly of... metal and flesh and blood.

Several thick iron chains were tied to his body, rattling.

The shock in Ye Zhongming's heart was like a nuclear explosion.

He probably recognized who this person was.

"Hehe, I can tell from your eyes that you recognize me."

This huge figure opened its mouth to speak, and at first it seemed a little uncomfortable, but later it became smoother, but the harsh noise in the voice seemed to be rubbed against metal,

Let the three of them frown.

"You know him?" Paobai finally couldn't help the doubt in his heart, and asked Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Although this face has been combined with the metal, it has become neither human nor ghost, but the original appearance can still be vaguely discerned.

At this time, in another cave, the life that spoke before also came down from above, but unlike the first black shadow, he 'stretched' down directly from above.

Only then did everyone see clearly that this life was even weirder than the one just now.

The previous strange life seemed to be combined with metal, but now this one basically has nothing to do with people except for a face.

There is no hair on the head, and there are big blue bumps on the top of the head. There are small holes at the top of these big bumps. At the moment, some light black thick liquid is flowing out of these small holes, and some will flow down his face. Flowing into his mouth that seemed to be closed tightly, the disgusting.

And under his head, there is a round and long body like a python, extending into the cave without the tail, covered with colorful toad skin, and covered with a layer of sticky things, It exudes a pungent stench, which can be smelled even in the place where three people and one dragon are.

"Remember me, don't you?"

This 'monster' looked at Ye Zhongming and said with a smile: "Since you recognize her, it's impossible, you can't recognize me, at least I recognize this face better than her."

When he was talking, more liquid flowed into his mouth, which made Jie Su and others unable to bear to look directly at him.

"For so many years, we have dreamed that we could kill you, but unfortunately we were trapped here and couldn't get out. We passed the test of God, but we couldn't leave, and we couldn't use all the strength we had. Do you know how desperate we are? Do you know how desperate we are?"

In the end, it was already roaring.

"Ye Zhongming! Ye Zhongming!"

The later monster suddenly lost control of his emotions.

"Do you still know me? I'm Yao Shijun's little brother Jiu! It's you, you're the one who forced me here! It's you who made me what I am now! It's you who made me like this! You're going to die , No, you will not die, I will turn you into my slave, for my driving, to be enslaved by me forever!"

An extreme resentment burst out from Brother Xiaojiu's words, and everyone could clearly feel the monstrous hatred in his heart.

"Wen Hong?"

Ye Zhongming didn't answer Brother Xiaojiu, but looked at the huge shadow.

"Hehe, it's me." Wen Hong didn't lose control that much, but her expression and the way she looked at Ye Zhongming made it easy to see that her hatred was no less than Brother Xiaojiu.

"This is actually a secret place..."

At this time, Ye Zhongming was most concerned about what he had confirmed after seeing two 'acquaintances'.

At the same time, Ye Zhongming thought that the evolution level of these two people was not high when they were forced to activate the key of the secret realm to enter the secret realm. After arriving here, they were also selected by the mountain belly according to their wishes, and they started a series of tests and passed.

With their strength, how did they pass?

If the difficulty of the test is the same for all participants, then with the strength of the two of them, it is estimated that they will not pass the first round.

But they are still alive and powerful, what's the secret?

Perhaps, this mysterious existence in the mountainside will arrange the test according to the strength of the people who participate in the test.

Or, these two people completed some evolution on the planet, and then came here at some point?

At this time, the previous voice sounded in the mysterious mountainside.

"Pass another test and complete the third stage, and you will get 30% of the right to know."

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