Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and fifteen Additional interpretation rights (below)

The first time the video was replayed, it was a battle that surpassed everyone's perception.

In the outer sky of the planet, the aborigines of that planet launched a fierce attack on the slaves. The method seems simple and straightforward, but in fact, every movement of his contains the power to destroy the world.

It is truly devastating, even if the three of them and one dragon are watching a video, they can still feel the aura that makes them tremble.

Leaving aside Ye Zhongming and Paobai, even Jie Su, who has seen real peak masters many times, couldn't help trembling.

Too strong, so strong that it makes people despair. Even just looking at it will give them a sense of certainty and irresistibility.

Even, there is an urge to worship.

The few lives present, Bai Longma aside, the others, whether it is Paobai, Jie Su or Ye Zhongming, are all outstanding figures of the younger generation, and it is completely fine to be called the proud son of heaven. Their strength may not reach the true super class, but their inner strength is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people.

But even they have a heart of surrender, which shows the strength of that life.

The strong man doesn't have any weapons, but his body has swelled a lot, but compared with the slaves that can engulf the entire planet, he still looks small.

However, every punch and every kick of his has a strong light and energy fluctuations visible to the naked eye. Where he exerts force, it seems that the space has been collapsed.

At the beginning, the slaves on the planet wanted to interfere, and four or five very powerful parasites also flew out of the planet, trying to intercept and kill the aborigine. Unfortunately, they were almost invincible inside the planet, but they did not even This strong aborigine who gathered almost all the energy of the survivors couldn't stop him at once, and was directly blown away.

Two of them, several people know, are the types that still make the universe have no way to do it.

Without the disturbance of these parasites, the aborigine began to use his first ability. He waved his palm towards the planet, and then a majestic mountain peak rumbled out from the planet, stabbing at the planet. The body of the slave.

The three of them and one dragon watched intently, forgetting to speak.

Such a scene is too shocking and too exaggerated.

The huge mountain peak collided with the slave's body, and the adult slave twitched for a while.

"It was being beaten all the time, but it didn't fight back?"

Pao Bai couldn't help expressing such doubts.

Neither Jie Su nor Ye Zhongming answered, nor could they answer. After all, none of them knew how the slaves really attacked.

The mountain stopped after piercing into the body of the slaves, standing there like a fulcrum, and the aborigine started his second skill attack.

This time, he 'extracted' a huge tree from the planet again, crossed the air from the ground, pierced out of the atmosphere, and then stabbed on the body of the slaves.

The slaves trembled violently again, and the body wrapped around the planet was slightly deformed.

The aborigine still didn't stop, he changed his position, this time with his hands down, sucked countless magma from the planet, flew directly into space, and hit the slaves like a pillar of lava .

The slave uttered a very special scream,

Finally, it no longer envelops the planet, and turns into what it looked like when it was wandering in the starry sky.

This aborigine, using his body to attack, made the slaves... give up eating!

It's just that before the idea of ​​three people and one dragon lasted for too long, the slaves fought back.

Because it gave up control over the planet, no matter whether it was the pierced mountain peak, the giant tree that was knocked out, or the magma rain that had ended, they all left its body.

The tens of hundreds of tentacles constantly floating in the sky moved slowly, as if swimming in the water.

At a certain moment, a tentacle was pulled out very quickly, and before the three of them could react at all, it hit the aborigine.

Everyone is familiar with the attack method of the slaves. In the early days of the universe's ten thousand races against the slaves, it used this ordinary move to destroy an unknown number of powerful space battleships.

It is this trick that no one in the universe can block.

But... the aborigine got in the way.

He raised his hands, a huge energy shield that could cover almost one-tenth of a planet was held in front of him, and the slave's tentacle was blocked from the outside.

If this kind of battle shrinks the two sides many times and becomes a contest between a big octopus and a puppy, then there will not be much shocking feeling, but when they are enlarged to the planetary level, the visual effect produced is truly amazing. It's too scary.

The slaves seemed to be really offended, and the other two tentacles also launched an attack and were drawn on the energy shield.

The strong aborigines were drawn back towards the planet, and it took some kilometers before they stopped, and the range of the energy shield was also smaller.

The continuous attacks failed to achieve the goal, the slaves changed their method, and those tentacles no longer drew, but stabbed.

At this moment, the seemingly soft tentacles showed a light golden color.

There were six or seven attacks by the tentacles, and in the end the strong man was stabbed and fell back into the planet.

The tentacles of the slave tribe in space moved again, smashing the pierced mountain peaks and giant trees, turning into a meteor shower and falling to the surface of the planet.

Those boulders and giant trees hit the ground with extremely fast speed and powerful impact, causing great damage and also triggering some violent geological changes.

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, etc. occurred in most areas of this hemisphere, and the creatures on it were severely challenged to survive, and they died in large numbers, falling into the natural doomsday.

After a while, the strong man reappeared. With the energy shield on his head, he went up against the boulders and trees, and returned to the sky.

However, the slaves had locked on him long ago, and attacks followed one after another.

This time, it was no longer a single whipping or stabbing, but... from under those tentacles, balls of pale light shot out, hitting the strong man's energy shield.

From the perspective of bystanders, the three and one dragon are by the side of the strong, and they are truly immersive in this battle.

They saw that those somewhat weird light clusters hit the energy shield, which did not cause the reduction and dimming of the energy shield range like the previous attack, and did not let the strong fall, as if nothing had changed.

But the three soon discovered something unusual.

The strong man 'beside' them was aging at a rapid rate. After a while, his hair was already gray, his raised hands were full of wrinkles, and his body became rickety.

This kind of ability... three people and one dragon are full of horror.

The strong man also noticed the passing of life, he roared loudly, the energy shield in his hand turned into a ball of dazzling light, wrapped his body, and rushed towards the slaves.

With a bang, the two sides collided, and a huge explosion occurred. When everything was quiet, the three of them and one dragon saw half of the slave's body... was blown away.

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