Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and eighteenth endurance competition

Under the double protection of fog and height, very few attacks can approach Huozhi. The final and greatest effect of these attacks is to control the height of the suppressed fog within a reasonable range.

Kunzuo didn't know what to do at this time.

Continue to attack? It seems to have no effect. But not attack? No way, who knows that these energy giant walls are only temporarily trapping them, or it is an undetectable preparation that can counterattack them later.

Several masters also stopped after attacking for a while, and their energy is not endless.

"Whoever has the means to get out of trouble, might as well try it at this time."

Kun Zuo said to the following masters.

These people didn't seem to have much say in front of him, but outside, they were all big figures who spoke their minds and were in charge of all aspects of the Hall Stars.

One of them is even recognized as the next most promising person to advance to the peak master. If such a person says that he has no hole cards and back moves, no one will believe it.

But none of these masters would move for a while, which made Kunzuo's face flash with anger.

"Don't worry, after you go out, the clan will compensate you, if the clan doesn't compensate you, I will make it up."

Seeing what Kun Zuo had said, these masters looked at each other and started to take things out.

The first one took out a small but very exquisite clock. He took out a small metal hammer from the side of the clock, and then pointed the equipment at the fat in the air, and tapped it lightly with the small hammer.

Immediately, there was an invisible sound wave heading towards the target, and it was only discovered by others when it encountered the mist and dispersed them.

"The Prayer Clock?" Kunzuo wondered in his heart. He didn't expect that this piece of equipment that directly attacked the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness was in the hands of this person. He remembered that it seemed to be the tool of the patriarch of the Sloanskambu clan. He bought it up? Or, grab?

The invisible sound wave quickly passed through the mist and arrived at Huozhi's feet. This was the closest to the elder of the Sioux clan.

At this moment, the huge wall of energy around them swayed twice, causing the soldiers of the Hall Stars to feel anticipation and joy in their hearts.

However, the sound wave stopped at Elder Huozhi's feet without touching his body. After that, the mist slowly occupied the place where he lost just now, which meant that the attack this time was ineffective.

"I come!"

The other big master was a little angry. He didn't have any equipment in his hand, but he chanted some spells there, and then his hands were smeared with red powder. After the spell was over, he was pushed in the direction of the fat.

The great master who was holding the heart-prayer clock looked at Kunzuo, briefly said that the next attack would take seven hours, then he said nothing, and focused on watching his companion's attack.

The red powder mixed with energy flew towards Huozhi, and the mist receded as if it had met a natural enemy, at an unprecedented speed.

However, after this situation continued for a while, it stopped again at Huozhi's feet. However, compared to the previous attack, when the red powder touched the sole of Huozhi's shoe, the high-level equipment immediately made a sizzling sound and melted away in everyone's eyes.

But it doesn't seem to have caused any harm to Huozhi.

Everyone sighed.

"Nice, at least we got him."

Kun Zuo encouraged everyone, his eyes were constantly patrolling between the hands of this great master. He didn't even know what this ability was, but it was surprisingly powerful, and it was also highly toxic. Is it because of those red powders?

The attack encountered Huozhi for the first time, which gave great confidence to the masters of the Hall Stars. They took out their good things one after another and attacked Huozhi, but the reality dealt them a heavy blow. None of the attacks encountered Huozhi again, and all of them were 'halfway'.

This made the masters of Hall star people angry and helpless.

They wanted very much to think of something, but the falling mist didn't give them a chance.

Kun Zuo looked at it, and then made a casual move. The corpse of a clansman who was killed by the rebound attack just now slowly floated up and went towards the mist. When the two sides met, the corpse was corroded at an extremely fast speed Some liquid fell to the ground.


Although the dead person didn't have much strength, the red condensate-level equipment on the body was useless in the gray fog!

According to this inference, the Lenny class is probably not good either, and perhaps only the Raging God class can hope to withstand it.

But Kunzuo would never try it with the Fallen Bow.

Seeing the fog falling continuously and getting closer and closer to the Hall star on the ground, Kun Zuo and the other great masters thought for a long time, but there was no good solution.

During this period, many Hall Stars tried, but none of them worked.

Gradually, everyone focused their attention on Kun Zuo.

Kunzuo was stared at by hundreds of thousands of people, and he was under a lot of pressure. He thought quickly, but couldn't find the answer.

In the end, he looked at Huozhi floating high above, and made a decision.

"The whole group is divided into ten batches, and they attack the fog in turn. If they can be kept at a certain height, they will take turns in order. If not, they will automatically become five batches and launch a double attack. If not, they will directly become three batches. !"

When Kunzuo arrived, he spoke almost viciously.

He can't think of a way, but there is one thing he thinks is impossible to change, that is, energy conservation.

Since the Sioux created such a weird and powerful formation, and Huozhi is the commander or controller, it must also consume energy. Although he cannot be directly solved now, it should still be possible to consume his energy, that is Attack the mist.

Kunzuo didn't believe it anymore, Huozhi is a great master, even if he arranged this formation with the help of various precious materials, wouldn't it require energy to maintain it? Could it be that my previous attack had no effect? Other people's attacks have no effect?

Must have! Kunzuo firmly believes in this.

He wanted to see if Huozhi and his formation lasted longer, or if these hundreds of thousands of Hall Stars persisted longer!

With his order, the Hor star attack resumed.

Above the sky, blood began to flow from Huozhi's nostrils where only his eyes were bleeding before, and his skin was becoming dry as if he had lost moisture, with some tiny cracks appearing on it, although no blood had yet leaked out. But it can be seen that if this state continues to deteriorate, the skin will also crack.

At the bottom of the huge energy wall, since the first wave of six formation masters exploded into blood mist from above, at this stage, another forty-nine have exploded one after another!

Now in the energy giant wall, there are still the last sixty-five formation masters.

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