Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and twenty-two 3 hours

Fu Leila before Paobai was 71732, that is to say, Fu Leila needs 28268 points to become a great master, while Fu Leila of Bailongma is 127900. According to the intimacy of 100, Bailongma still needs to get 368 points Click to pay Leila.

According to the intimacy between Ye Zhongming and Bai Longma, he needs to give Fu Leila 614 points.

Passing on the eternal gift to each other, Fu Leila, who was dressed in white, suddenly broke through 100,000, making him the third great master after Jie Su and Bai Longma.

With previous experience, Ye Zhongming and the others were a little farther away from Paobai. This Lord Baiyin stood there with his eyes closed. Elephant, seemingly peaceful.

But at the next moment, Jie Su, Ye Zhongming and Bai Longma turned their heads together, but they didn't turn in the same direction. Ye Zhongming turned to the side and rear, Jie Su turned to the right, and Bai Longma turned to the top of the energy gate.

A few illusory black shadows appeared where they were looking. The appearance was exactly the same as the white robe, but the whole body was pitch black, like ghosts. In the dim environment in the middle of the mountain, it gave people a sense of horror.

Afterwards, these shadows began to move continuously, and at the same time made movements of waving their limbs. If you look carefully, you will find that there will be a piece protruding from their fists and feet, like a dagger made up of shadows.

They are constantly teleporting in the space with the robe white as the center, changing directions, as if they are fighting with an invisible opponent.

"What kind of trick is this?" Jie Su and Ye Zhongming next to him said.

The King of Cloud Top hesitated for a moment, and said not quite sure: "It's a bit like a quick attack, but it's not like it."

Jie Su shook his head after hearing this. He was not denying Ye Zhongming, but he knew it by attacking and killing him quickly. It was a well-known trick of the Star-Eyed Clan. Similar videos, but there is absolutely no such thing as Paobai. Ye Zhongming said so, it is probably a kind of sublimation of this ability after becoming a master.

After a while, several black shadows gradually disappeared, Paobai opened his eyes, and smiled at his good friend.

Jie Su sighed slightly: "I feel the danger from your ability just now. It seems that the decline of the Star-Eyed Clan is only because there have been no great masters for too many years."

Hearing Jie Su's emotion, Pao Bai said: "In fact, every race has its own characteristics, including those races that exterminated the race. The difference is that we have Xiaoyezi, and they don't."

The three said a few more words, and Ye Zhongming also replaced the reward points with Fu Leila.

Before the third test in the third round, Ye Zhongming had already exchanged the points for Fu Leila, 4865 points for 19460 Fu Leila. Up to now, Ye Zhongming’s total Fu Leila has reached 50561, and then he gave Bai Longma has 1614 points, leaving 48,947 points. Adding the 17,552 reward points replaced by 4,388 points this time, Ye Zhongming's Fu Leila also reached 66,499.

"If there is another round of trials, you can actually become a great master." Pao Bai felt a little sorry for his brother.

With Jie Su Paobai and Bai Longma both becoming great masters and Ye Zhongming bound to reach the realm of great masters after his transformation, they had some regrets and felt that they could pass the test if they continued.

But in fact == think carefully,

The risk is still very high. Their strength may be able to survive the first round of the fourth round, or even the second round, but with the increasing difficulty of this test, the third round is very, very dangerous. If there is any accident, even It was passed, but some people sacrificed in the end, which is not what everyone wants to see.

To be able to have the current harvest, three people and one dragon are already very satisfied.

A few people ran out of points, and the energy gate immediately changed, and all the graphics on it disappeared. It returned to what a gate should look like, and then a hologram of the planet appeared on it.

"The challenge is about to start, and the winner will be free to choose the teleportation location."

Before a few people had a lot of reaction time, they found that the scenery in front of them had changed, and at the same time the following reminder sounded in their ears.

"Please find and kill the guardian within the specified time. If timeout or being killed, it will be judged as a failure."

Afterwards, when the three and one dragon regained awareness of their surroundings, they found that the surroundings were pitch black, and attacks followed one after another.

Such an attack was not that dangerous for a team that already had three master-level teams. Two rays of light lit up in Paobai's hands, and there were a few screams from around immediately, followed by a bloody aura.

"Parasite." With the help of the light of his ability just now, Paobai has already seen what is attacking them.

"Are we back in those caves?"

The three of them and one dragon were on their own guard, Jie Su guessed.

"It should be. The taste and darkness are the same as before." The dragon clan is still very sensitive to this. After Bailong Maman finished speaking, he moved his body awkwardly. It is too big and the cave is a bit short, so it can't use it at all. Body.

"The combat time is 3 hours, and the countdown begins."

The notification sound appeared again, making Ye Zhongming and others have the urge to scold their mothers.

This is the Half-Abyss Devil's Nest. This is a certainty, so they also know how big this place is. There are countless caves here. Now the three people don't know where they were randomly teleported. How do they find it?

Even if Wen Hong and Brother Xiaojiu hid in a random place and didn't come out for them to find, they could survive these three hours.

"You said, are they still in the mountainside?"

Ye Zhongming thought for a while and said.

"It's possible, but I don't think this mysterious existence will make this test so easy, right?" Pao Bai took a few steps forward to make sure that there were only a few parasites in the cave.

"Go and have a look. If they're not there, we'll start looking there." Jie Su said.

Three people and one dragon immediately began to look for a way out here, but because they couldn't recognize the direction in the dark environment, they could only rely on their senses to keep groping forward. In the process, not only parasites appeared to attack them, which was a huge The progress of three people was hindered.

Half an hour later, they realized they were heading in the wrong direction.

The place on the mountainside should be in the center of the entire Banyuan Devil's Nest, but because they really had no reference and were confused by the direction of the cave, they actually walked to the side of the Devil's Nest that is close to the Jedi of Folding Water, because a few people found a The wreckage, bones and flesh were gone, but there was a formation card of the Sioux clan falling on the ground, and Jie Su recognized it at a glance.

But the three of them and one dragon didn't feel upset, instead their eyes lit up.

This voice only reminds me how much time I have and what the purpose is, and there is no rule that I cannot ask for help.

Folding Water Jedi, but there are hundreds of thousands of his own people! Hundreds of thousands of people looking for two people, more than two hours should be enough!

The three of them and one dragon immediately rushed out.

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