Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and thirty-three buy life (below)

A rumbling sound came from the side, followed by a violent shaking of the ground.

If it wasn't for Ye Zhongming's hand gestures, everyone thought there was going to be an earthquake here.

Kun Zuo sucked Huozhi with his hand, and then retreated with the elders of the Su clan who had been unconscious.

He felt a force that made his heart palpitate take shape. He didn't know what it was, so he could only prepare to deal with it first.

Countless flying beings soared into the sky, covering the sun all day long, and hovering in a vast area around them. And in some forests, there are also mutated beings running around, and they are the most sensitive to danger.

But none of the mutated beings of any species launched an attack on all races in the universe. First, because of the special terrain here, flying life can reach here quickly. Second, there are too many races in the universe here, unless it is an organized all-round Beast tide attack, otherwise it will be difficult to shake.

The rumbling and shaking lasted for half a minute. During this time, the entire mountain range collapsed, and the dust splashed up into the sky, continuously spreading around.

After that, a gigantic figure appeared in the dust.

After Bailongma became a great master, his body size has grown by leaps and bounds. In the eyes of many people in the universe, it is already very big.

However, compared with this long black shadow, it is a bit insignificant. It is a huge difference between an ordinary snake and a boa constrictor.

The whole scene was completely silent, quieter than when listening to Kun Zuo just now.

The huge shadow began to move in the dust, the speed was not very fast, but the oppressive feeling was overwhelming.

A huge dragon-shaped life slowly floated out of the dust, revealing its true body in front of hundreds of thousands of universes and races.

The white dragon horse instinctively lowered its flying height until it landed on the ground with its head slightly lowered. If its strength had not reached a certain level, it might have crawled to the ground.

This is a kind of fear from the bottom of the heart for high-level compatriots.

"what is this?"

Countless people looked up at the giant dragon that flew into the sky.

Huge stone dragon!

Except for its size, there is actually nothing outstanding about this dragon, but it is because it is too big, so it has a natural power. No one dares to look at the direction that the pair of black crystal-like dragon eyes are looking at.

All the races in the universe exclaimed "what is this" in their hearts.

"We made a mistake, we admit it, and even gave a price that everyone knows the weight in their hearts, just for your forgiveness and the life of Elder Huzhi, but didn't it give you the illusion that we are afraid of you? Did you Do you think that top experts can do whatever they want? Then why are you so embarrassed in Elder Huozhi's formation? If you are the only one in the formation, you are a fucking piece of shit now!"

There was a stone dragon floating above Ye Zhongming's head, full of confidence, spouting trash talk at the peak master Kun Zuo.

"Five and a half billion are you still not satisfied? Do you really think you are the boss? Are you Hall star people the boss? After so many years relying on the sense of crisis? Relying on blood? Relying on your sister, how do you say such words? We all know that you are relying on exploitation! You are relying on using your existing strength to exploit other races and ensuring the continuation of your strength!"

"Since you're tearing your face apart,

Then everyone, let's do our best, there is another way to let no one know about this matter, and that is to let you all die, isn't it! "

Listening to Ye Zhongming's words, the Hall Stars clearly realized their current situation for the first time.

Indeed, there are still many of them now, but basically everyone takes them with them, and some of them are still seriously injured and basically unable to fight.

At the same time, these injuries are not ordinary injuries, but are caused by the mist in the large formation made by Huozhi. The strange corrosive nature caused many people to directly lose some parts of their bodies. This is not something that can be treated by simple medicine , even if you can recover, you need to go back and enter a professional treatment cabin.

And Kunzuo's state is also not good. As the pillar and core, he is under the greatest pressure. He looks fine on the outside, but in fact his state is extremely poor.

The previous weakness of the Su family and Ye Zhongming made Kun Zuo and many people ignore one point, that is, they can indeed kill them all, so maybe Elder Huozhi will not survive, but at least this matter will not be exposed.

"Is it up to you?" The Kunzuo people couldn't fall down, looking at Ye Zhongming with a sneer.

It is true that his condition is not very good, but it does not mean that he is afraid of these people. An injured peak expert is still a peak expert, not to mention that he still has a fierce god-level weapon in his hand.

"One, two, three, four...only four masters?"

Kunzuo's sneer became stronger, "Oh, yes, I still want to hurt this big guy. He looks like a bluff, but he's just a stronger master. Let's count you five."

Sure enough, the stone dragon summoned by Ye Zhongming was astonishing, but its real strength did not surpass Ye Zhongming by much.

Jie Su, Pao Bai, Bai Longma, and the elder of the Su tribe, indeed, there are four great masters here, counting Shi Long's five, in terms of numbers, they really can't put any pressure on Kun Zuo who is not in good condition .

Ye Zhongming sneered and raised his hand again.

The people on Huoer Xing's side saw this action and their hearts sank.

Ye Zhongming waved his hand just now, and a stone dragon came. Now, there won't be another one, right?

This time, Shilong didn't come, but a tired bird.

Kun Zuo subconsciously rolled his eyes.

Seeing Lili Bird landed beside Ye Zhongming, it was obvious that this mutant life over level nine was summoned by this guy.

Of course, while Kun Zuo was secretly shocked that Ye Zhongming was able to summon two master-level existences, he was more of a headache for this tired bird.

This guy's warning is not big, that is, it rises more than three meters. After opening three pairs of wings, it is about five meters.

In the world of mutated beings, where there are casually more than ten meters big guys, this size is really nothing.

But the Liilei Bird has a characteristic, that is, the gaudy feathers have great defensive power. When the attack falls on it, random elemental damage will be reflected back to the attacker. It is very flexible, and its mouth and claws are extremely sharp. It is difficult to withstand a life of the same level just by physical attack.

What's more, Liilei Bird is born with dual attributes of spirit attribute and wind attribute. It can use many high-level wind attribute skills, and the spirit attribute is mainly manifested in its willingness to sing during battle. Every sound contains a mental attack. Make it more powerful.

Such a full-grown bird, which should be at its most powerful, with a combat power of at least 150,000 Fu Leila, is enough to cause some troubles for Kunzuo in this state.

"Six." Ye Zhongming smiled, "Let me count for you, is it enough?"

"Not enough?" Ye Zhongming asked himself and answered, "Then I still have more."

He raised his arm a third time.

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