Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and forty-six attacks and killings (middle)

The shadow passed through these people's bodies when it went, but it was not like this when it came back.

Originally, there were not too many people who attacked Ye Zhongming in the first wave, only a dozen or so, and these shadows passed through their bodies before. Ye Zhongming can just kill him, and any influence in the future should be avoided.

It's a pity that just as they were adding weapons to their bodies, those black shadows returned and no longer penetrated their bodies, but launched a fierce attack on them.

The attack was very simple, that is, these black shadows turned into black knives, cutting towards the target's body.

The sound of puff puff kept ringing, and the bodies of the few people in the outermost circle were directly cut open, and blood spurted out immediately.

The voice from behind naturally had an impact on the person in front, and his hands were slightly slower.

This is a very normal thing. As an ordinary person, at this time, I can't help but look back or jump away. It is their years of combat experience and psychological quality that prevent them from running away immediately after discovering danger. , but chose to continue the attack.

Ye Zhongming resisted with the dagger in his hands left and right, but four or five hits still landed on his body, and he managed to avoid the vital point.

They were all opponents at the same level, so it was so easy to dodge the attack. He immediately lost control of his body and flew out in one direction.

This direction was carefully chosen by Ye Zhongming. Not only can the distance from the opponent be temporarily opened here, but it is also closer to Jiesu, and the white dragon horse is also here.

Those who attacked Ye Zhongming in the first wave followed immediately, not wanting to give Ye Zhongming a chance to breathe.

They were afraid before, because Ye Zhongming's strength was far higher than Fu Leila's level, so they used a team of hundreds of people to deal with him.

But they are even more afraid now, because those black shadows killed four of their companions in just a moment, leaving only thirteen of them.

At the same time, they were also very unfamiliar with the ability Ye Zhongming used, and they only vaguely guessed that it should be the assassination technique of the Star-Eyed Clan.

But, is the skill of a small race so terrifying? They can be regarded as masters among Hall Stars. After all, great masters and peak masters are only a small number of people, and most of them can't pay more than 100,000 in their lifetime. There are not too many people like them who are more than 50,000 and already 80,000 to 90,000.

But such a person was killed four times without being able to stop a move? This makes them not afraid.

Ye Zhongming quickly jumped away, the skills on the back of his body exploded, and the energy impact made his already injured body even more uncomfortable. In front of him, the enemy who arrived first had a hideous face and almost occupied the entire field of vision.

The King of Cloud Top suddenly strengthened his gravity control, refreshed the broken black soil armor on his body, then turned sideways in one direction, and took the initiative to meet him.

It was the weapon that met the opponent.

Obviously, this kind of "death" behavior stunned the other party, but the attacks that had already been launched did not stop.

What this person thinks is, whether it is a trap or the opponent's mistake, he will throw down the weapon. He doesn't believe it, how can this person not die? Even if his own attack was weakened due to abnormal gravity, it would still be terrifying.

In fact,

His weapon was indeed smashed down, and it did hit Ye Zhongming, but the moment the other party was hit by the impact and walked away, the weapon in one hand slashed across his neck, and at the same time, a cold light shot from the other. The hand shot out.

Facing the counterattack, a piece of metal suddenly appeared on the neck of the master of the Hall star, which popped out from the armor he was wearing. He felt pain, and even felt that the larynx was split, but his face smile on the face. He knew that he was only injured, but the other party would die. Even if he withstood his own attack, the companions behind him would take advantage of the time when he lost control of his body to easily kill him.

But he didn't see another cold light coming from his blind spot.

The cold light shot into his head from his ears, after which the Hall star fell to the ground, the smile on his face still not disappearing.

After Ye Zhongming flew out, the daggers in his hands disappeared, and a stick-like mimetic weapon that he used in the novice period appeared. After he tapped on the ground, he threw it out to block an enemy who followed him. The elf's moonlight field is fully open, benefiting oneself and causing trouble to the enemy at the same time.

The giant sword he used before reappeared, and he didn't care what the people around him were doing. He got up and drew a circle in front of him.

Ling Lie's sword energy and the level of Ye Zhongming's improved weapon are not low, and its power is guaranteed. At least it can break through Hongning-level armor, and even among the Huoer Stars, there is Lenny People at the first level are also great masters, and none of the people who attacked Ye Zhongming had reached that level.

The few people who were chasing closer were involved in Ye Zhongming's attack while launching the attack, and the two sides exchanged injuries in an instant, which was still very serious.

Ye Zhongming's body was replaced with several pieces of black earth armor in a short time, and the armor on the enemy's body was also cut open.

The difference is that Ye Zhongming can continue to attack, but the enemy cannot.

Not everyone has a beautiful celestial body, and not everyone has the power to feed back.

The remaining 12 enemies from the first wave surrounded Ye Zhongming again. Among them, the three injured just now were retreating, and only nine people actually surrounded him.

And more people are already very close to here, perhaps within five seconds.

Even after killing five people and injuring three, Ye Zhongming was still in a desperate situation.

At least half of the 100-man attacking team is on the outside to block the rescuers who want to come. With their strength, at least the patriarch level of the small race can deal with it, but the small race alliance still needs the patriarch as the backbone force Supporting the entire battlefield, it is impossible to come here for rescue.

Seeing such a scene, many Hall Stars had smiles on their faces.

In order to kill one person, the price paid is a bit high, but the current situation is like this. If Ye Zhongming is allowed to continue to kill their combat power, the situation is really unpredictable. Even if the price of five people is killed now, if Being able to kill this person is all worth it.

In the eyes of many people, Ye Zhongming must die, it is impossible for him to survive facing dozens of masters of the same level.

Ye Zhongming also knew that, looking at the enemies swarming around him, he took out a formation disk, and then threw him around his body.

With a ding sound, the disk array was activated, and Ye Zhongming and the three people closest to him disappeared together.

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