Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and fifty-nine, really resistant to beating (below)

After the three sticks were hit, the huge stick in Ye Zhongming's hand disappeared after the transformation. He didn't continue to attack, but retreated back. Because he was too tall, he retreated far away in two steps.

On the other side, Shilong's dragon language skills were ready, and a slender dragon shadow suddenly rose from the stone ball fragments, entangled Kunzuo trapped in the stone pile like a python, and his twisted body In the middle is a pinnacle master covered in blood.

Before Kunzuo, one arm was crippled and one eye was blind. Now, the shackles of the air circle have disappeared, but his head is a little sunken, one ear is gone, and the other hand is strangely upward when the arm is drooping. Folded at least one hundred and twenty degrees. At the same time, the wound on the left abdomen was enlarged, and the pelvis could even be seen.

On his back, there are countless incomplete circular depressions, which were made by the stone ball, and the original appearance can no longer be seen.

However, no one would think that Kunzuo was dead.

Because at this moment, those runes are still in the sky against the inverted stone cone mountain, while other runes have been distributed on both sides of the body, obviously resisting the entanglement force exerted by the dragon shadow on it.

It can be seen that these runes are much less than when Kunzuo first summoned them, and those runes should have been consumed by other attacks.

After sending out a claw, Shilong used three abilities in a row. The energy was a bit weak. His body, which was like a real body, began to blur, but seeing that the target was miserable, it still persisted. Under Ye Zhongming's control, it continued to exert its remaining strength. Re-chant a Draconic ability.

The staff in the hands of the blue-skinned man who did not continue to control the air circle had already been raised. In front of him, there were already two water elemental warriors who were about the same height as him but held blue weapons. , the third water elemental warrior appeared.

The blue-skinned man still didn't stop moving, obviously he would continue to summon this kind of warrior.

Kun Zuo no longer has any motivation to speak at this moment, his physical condition is so bad that he may collapse at any time, he really didn't expect that a group of masters could push him to the present level.

It's just that maybe this is fate, and I can't blame others. Kunzuo knew very well that the attacks of these masters were not the main cause of his serious injuries. If his state is represented by a percentage, then Huozhi's mysterious formation reduced him by at least 70% at once, and after he rested and recovered, he probably only had 60% of his combat power when he was in good condition. With his help, he defeated Kierselting at the same level. At that time, he had at most 20% of his fighting power left.

But now, his combat power is being consumed continuously, basically it would be good to have five percent left.

The huge survival crisis let Kun Zuo know that it's time to desperately, it's time to make a chance for himself, and then return to Hall's star formation.

He regretted his previous care a little bit.

The distorted hand moved strangely, and a beautiful bell floated out of the space. It inhaled an energy rune with a bang, and after shaking for a while, suddenly shot toward Shilong. Going out, the rune passed through the phantom of the giant dragon in an instant, and hit Shi Long's body.

The incomparably huge body exploded for a while, and after the energy was scattered, a huge hole appeared.

But Shilong's skills did not stop there.

At this time, there were two pops, and one of the runes against the upside-down stone cone mountain was broken.

One of the runes that resisted the phantom of the dragon around Kunzuo was also shattered.

Obviously, Kunzuo's strength is no longer enough for him to defend well and launch an attack.

The shattering of the rune caused the inverted stone awl to sink a bit, and the phantom of the dragon was also entangled a bit tighter.

Ye Zhongming started to move, and took a big step to hide in the blind spot of Kunzuo's vision.

Kunzuo's visual blind spot at this moment is indeed too big.

The peak master secretly hated Ye Zhongming's cunning, and at the same time was annoyed at his own inadequacy.

Originally, he could have attacked Ye Zhongming from the very beginning, but in his panic, he chose the stone dragon who had the biggest target and caused the most damage to him.

This has to be said to be a big mistake.

But now there is no other way but this is the only way.

The bell that Kun Zuo took out swallowed a rune again and shot it out, leaving another big hole in Shilong's body. Naturally, the other two runes were also shattered.

At this time, Kun Zuo didn't care about anything else, even if the rune was not broken, he couldn't get out of the predicament by himself, so he could only try to kill Shilong, or let it run out of energy and disappear on its own. new ability.

So Kunzuo and Shilong started the mode of hurting each other. The peak master "exchanged two for one" kept leaving wounds on Shilong's body, and the runes protecting him also decreased rapidly. Shadow was getting closer and closer to his body.

Finally, at a certain moment, the runes were not enough, Kun Zuo directly removed the ones on top of his head, and hit him on the head with an upside-down stone cone. At the same time, the body of the dragon also collapsed. Under the attack, he still didn't persist until he released a new ability.

With the collapse of the stone dragon, the phantom of the giant dragon also disappeared.

Stone Cone Mountain exploded instantly after it fell, and Kun Zuo appeared in a state of embarrassment among the smoke and gravel. His head almost touched his collarbone, and he had no neck at all, but he was alive and was watching with a fierce light. Looking at Ye Zhongming who was in the transformed state.

The water elemental warriors summoned by the blue-skinned man began to charge, and quickly surrounded Kun Zuo. Now, there were more than ten elemental warriors.

The blue-skinned man turned around and bowed in Ye Zhongming's direction. Then, with a wave of his staff, his whole body turned into many blue light spots, which flew over and evenly landed on the elemental warrior.

Those warriors immediately glowed brightly, and it was almost impossible to tell that they were energy bodies.

Kun Zuo leaned back slightly, then protected his body with the few remaining runes, and started charging directly, and immediately ran into the elemental warrior who was very close to him, the rune exploded, and the elemental warrior was also blown up broken.

During this process, two cold lights flashed, and the two masters of Star Eye left deep wounds on Kunzuo's body again, but when they retreated, they were injured by runes and were protected by the people of Star Eye Tribe. to the back.

The ten elemental warriors were blown up in an instant, and there were still three runes beside Kunzuo.

At this time, the peak master stood in front of Ye Zhongming.

Neither side said any words, because that would be superfluous, and only the outcome and life and death were the things they cared about.

The first rune was shattered, half of the fog on Ye Zhongming's body was blown away after his transformation, and his giant foot stepped on Kun Zuo's head.

The second rune was shattered, and the fog was almost blown up. The black fog giant was shrinking rapidly, and the transformation state could no longer continue.

Before that, Ye Zhongming's fist hammer hit Kunzuo's head.

Kun Zuo looked at Ye Zhongming who had recovered his body and fell from the master realm with his half-blind eyes, and the last rune was sent out under his control.

He knew that he had won again.

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