Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and seventy-seven people

For the first time, Ye Zhongming was in the mood to taste the delicacies and meals specially prepared for top members.

He knew that the recognition of his identity here was only temporary.

Secretly, the advantage of this organization compared to other races is that it doesn't care who you are, only what you can do.

But precisely, Ye Zhongming can do a lot.

The quality of the meals and drinks that are converted into the part of the operating expenses is quite good, and the satisfaction of appetite can easily bring people a happy mood.

In this mood, Ye Zhongming welcomed the second visitor today.

The A21 who became a top member under his recommendation.

Ye Zhongming was a little surprised by this person's arrival, but he was relieved after thinking about it.

To be on the safe side, he decided not to contact this person for the time being, nor to accept any missions. Because he is not in a hurry to do it.

But this A21 is different. He is a newly promoted top member, and he wants to show his value as soon as possible, so Ye Zhongming, who asked him a few words, became his primary target to win business.

Ye Zhongming didn't reject this, after all, he just got the initial confirmation from this organization.

A21 walked in, and first saluted Ye Zhongming who was sitting there.

This was not only because he already knew from other people that Ye Zhongming had spoken for him before, but also because A11 was the head of the top members, with huge influence and decision-making power.

This often means that he can make many things easy or difficult.

A21 is very concerned about this, and this is why he came to this organization.

Who doesn't love Yue Sui Jin, if he can get it by saluting, then he doesn't care if he keeps doing it.


Ye Zhongming made a gesture, a little arrogant.

A21 sat down as promised, and then subconsciously glanced at the teleportation array over there, first slightly surprised, then suddenly a little surprised.

Ye Zhongming was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood something.

When A01 came, it was because of this that he was not the one who 'really' obtained the status of A11. That's because... the other party was probably, no, basically a top player, so they said with certainty that Ye Zhongming didn't kill him. Kun seat people.

But this A21 is different, he should not be a peak expert, otherwise he would not have just entered the ranks of top members, and he is not ranked in the top of the list of candidates.

However, although he is very likely not a peak expert, he can still detect the energy fluctuations of the teleporter, after all, this thing is very special.

At first, he was surprised why this A11 didn't cover up such fluctuations, isn't he afraid that others will know where his reserved safety point is? Was it negligent?

But soon he realized that he probably wasn't afraid of you knowing at all. Someone who can have such confidence should be a peak master without a doubt!

So his attitude towards Ye Zhongming became more respectful.

"I just came here to ask you if you really have something to ship. I am really good at this. From what you said, it seems that there is a need for this.

So I have the cheek to ask. "

The posture of A21 is very low. It is the most normal attitude for anyone who is not a top player to face a top player.

When the two sides are not hostile, this is not fear, but an instinct.

"What can you transport? Where can you transport it? How about the confidentiality measures? How much is the transport volume at a time? Is it just simple transport, or can there be additional actions?"

Ye Zhongming asked a few questions lightly.

A21's eyes lit up, and he felt that the business was coming.

"If it's just shipping, then I can really ship anything and charge a fee based on the distance and the difficulty of receiving the goods."

"It's hard to say about the volume, but in most cases, I can transport it all at once."

"As for the confidentiality measures, don't worry. This is what I do. If I don't keep it secret, how can I continue? I can't even survive myself."

After a series of explanations, A21 paused, looked at Ye Zhongming and said, "Additional behavior... My transport team has certain armed equipment, but I'm not sure if that's what you mean."

Ye Zhongming nodded. He knew that the guy in front of him probably had an armed fleet that was by no means small in size. It was just a kind of completely secret and shady one. He still had a legal status and only did things when needed. The kind, this is not sure.

"Is it possible to transport things to the planet controlled by the slaves?" Ye Zhongming asked deeply.

A21 was not surprised at all, and nodded simply, "Yes, there are two ways, the first one is the same as the official one, using special equipment to consume months and years of gold to teleport there, the second is short-distance teleportation, which consumes It’s a bit big and dangerous, but it can do many things that long-distance transportation can’t do.”

"For the first type, my fee is only 10% off the official fee. For the second type, this is subject to negotiation."

Ye Zhongming moved his body slightly, and said again: "Then... can you transfer items or lives from the slave planet to this side, can it be done?"

This time, A21 saw that Ye Zhongming did not answer right away, and said after a few seconds: "Are you planning to transfer a large amount of resources and population?"

"Can you do it?" Ye Zhongming asked again.

He hadn't planned to transport people from Genting out on a large scale. After all, it wouldn't make much sense to come here if they didn't evolve to level nine.

And this kind of 'smuggling' is breaking the rules, it doesn't matter to a few individuals, but if it is in large quantities, it will directly affect the introduction day, directly affect the control of the newcomers by all races in the universe, and it will cause public anger.

However, if this person can really do this, then Ye Zhongming will really consider sending out more people, as long as there are not too many.

A21 lowered his eyes, and a look of hesitation appeared on his face under the mask.

"Why don't you do this first." Ye Zhongming suddenly said: "You first send a person to a planet controlled by slaves, and then I will decide how many people to send out."

"I know that transporting people to this kind of planet is a serious violation and a very difficult thing, but I know that someone can do it. If you can't do it, or dare not do it, then I can only express my regret."

At that time, Li Qiang should have been transported from the earth and then sent back, so Ye Zhongming believed this.

A21 gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, let's make a deal, but I have the final say on the price! And this task has to be a private process, and cannot be disclosed to the organization. Also, I have the final say on all arrangements! If you agree , then do it, and if it doesn’t work, I won’t take the risk.”

"You know, once this matter is revealed, I don't know if you can survive, I definitely can't survive!"

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